The village was starting to look downright empty. Houses once bustling with activity were now completely deserted, and most of the deceased were innocent to begin with. The testificates hoped to turn their luck around by killing off
SpwnX, a local weirdo who spent all his time looking at (crystal) balls. Repeated cries of "No! Help! I'm just a
Witch!" didn't really change their minds.
The next morning, surviving residents were treated to a strange sight: A locomotive, freshly refueled, chugging around town with an empty passenger car. They could tell it belonged to
Eruantyen, the
Railcraft Villager, and the train's conductor was nowhere to be found. No one could tell what he filled the engine with before he left, either, but one thing was for sure- The exhaust smelled a hell of a lot like burnt barbecue.
Day Three Summary
- SpwnX was lynched! He was a Witchery Villager.
- Erunatien was killed by Zombies! He was a Railcraft Villager.
Begin Day Four!