rhn's continued adventures: a build journal, guide collection etc.

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Not really. Except perhaps to plan it out that slopes etc. have to be divisible by roots of 15. There are 15 different height stages of the collapsible blocks, so I always make the slopes in steps of 3, 5 or 15. And then add one block to each end afterwards to smoothen the curve from the slope to the horizontal.
This is what have given me the best and most natural looking results.

I wish there was a better way of controlling the slopes to get easier and better looking results, right now for me it's mostly just whacking it and hopefully get the result I want.
A lot of it depends on the slope you're trying to achieve. If it's three blocks wide, I shape the outer two myself, and then plonk down the third block in the middle and let it snap to, then adjust it from there.
Update time!

Time to do something with that Biomass:

Took me a while to get it all packed in this compact :p 12 Stills, 4 Bioreactors and a Unifier.

Under the floor I got the ME/Logistic pipe mess to supply items for the bioreactors:

Used the same principle as with the "multisapling" treefarm of Level emitters turning off the Provider pipes(by using BC gates) for each crop once stock drops too low(to avoid emptying the ME network completely).

Dressed all up:

Tried to make it look like a real distillation tower. Same with the Oil-Fuel one off to the right.

I actually haven't been running my Quarry+ for quite a while. Really dont need the resources any more. So with all the systems idling I have had a lot of spare RF power going to waste. So decided it was finally time to build some of those additional Laser drills that I had planned for at my abyssal base:

Build 3 in total now and given them a total of 40k RF/t. Might build more just for show and let them share the same power.
Using that extra power have resulted in that my Ethanol dynamos also toggle on more often and I am actually using the Ethanol that I am producing(seems like I am using more than I produce atm which is great. I have Fuel fed dynamos set to toggle on after them as well as 2x passive big reactors, so it would be perfect if I can use up all the ethanol I produce).

On another front I was getting tired of manually farming flowers:

Specifically I now needed a supply of Roses for Oblivion frames for bee breeding. So I set up this automated contraption of an Autonomous Activator using bonemeal and then 48 Terrain Smashers picking the grass and flowers that grow in around it.

I really have no pressing need for any of the other flowers/seeds it produce, so I just set it to keep 1000 Roses in stock in the ME network at all time. That should also keep plenty of the other in stock for cosmetic needs. Also the close proximity to the bees should result in a very slow but steady stream of flowers. The grass where I built the contraption was earlier completely covered in flowers from the bees.
Excellent. Are you feeding excess flowers to the bioreactors?
Nope. It doesn't sit well with me that you can make biofuel from dyes where you through processes have separated out all the plant matter to only have the pure pigment left. So I deliberately choose not to do that. If the bioreactor could accept the default flowers as they are, then meh.. maybe. Though they are not exactly high in starch etc. which is what you go for in biofuel production.

I really don't want it to run all the time either. It is just for flowers and dyes that I use when crafting.
I thought it could take Yellow and Red ones straight. Huh. Fair enough. Just wondering if you were doing something to avoid having to just void the excess. Call me a hoarder, but I never like voiding anything if I can help it.
I thought it could take Yellow and Red ones straight. Huh. Fair enough. Just wondering if you were doing something to avoid having to just void the excess. Call me a hoarder, but I never like voiding anything if I can help it.

I'm the same, I never even void cobble, since you can compress it all the way upto an octuple and smelt it into a block of bedrockium
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I thought it could take Yellow and Red ones straight. Huh. Fair enough. Just wondering if you were doing something to avoid having to just void the excess. Call me a hoarder, but I never like voiding anything if I can help it.
So far there is no excess since I am stopping it when I have reached my goal of Roses. And I really don't use that many of them through crafting :P

And yeah I don't like voiding anything either. This is why I prefer using the IC2 recyclers where I at least get scrap back in return that I can use to make UU-matter which I can use to make other things. Or I could simply make scrap boxes and empty them out for a plethora of random loots :P
With all the talk about Sludge on the forum(the need to empty the harvesters in 1.7), I decided to start doing something with it. It kinda made sense to set it up since I have not been quarrying for a while(and not sure I am going to bother again) and the Sludge Boilers are a decent renewable source of Dirt, Sand and Clay.

So, boiling Sludge:


As usual it is not as simple as just setting up the machines :p
Built a vat kinda structure, suspended a layer of Sludge on some microblock strips.

Underneath I set up the Sludge Boilers:

Nothing special here. ME interfaces, ME Fluid export bus, Redstone Energy Conduits. However I decided to place a Railcraft Smoker on top to make it look like the vat was actually boiling. If placed with one blocks free space the particles will pass through the microblock strips and Sludge. This space was also necessary in order to get the Sludge Boilers down low enough to not get poisoned when walking up above.
(My Quantum helmet actually almost completely drained from curing and feeding me from working near these :P)


I have been converting all my Harvesters to now export the sludge into the ME network and so far it seems to be enough to keep one boiler running non stop and the other triggering now and then :p

Done a bit over time to the area outside:

The overhead walkway still leads nowhere :p Room for future projects I guess.

Turning around 180 I never really think I have shoved this before.

The GT ore processing produces so many Cells with different gasses(fluids). When I started having thousands of each kind I felt it was a waste of Tin. So started emptying the cells out into these tanks. But I set it up so there is constantly a set amount of cells in the ME network(through two Transposers, one emptying cells into tank and one filling cells, both triggered by Level emitters). Once the tanks started getting full I put a Emerald pipe and Void pipe on them and set it to void the fluids once the tank was near full.
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I'm curious. How many harvesters do you have running these days? What I actually want to know, I suppose, is how many harvesters a sludge boiler can handle.

Also, looking amazing as always.
I'm curious. How many harvesters do you have running these days? What I actually want to know, I suppose, is how many harvesters a sludge boiler can handle.

Also, looking amazing as always.
As far as I can count I have 19 Harvesters that are set to export Sludge. BUT some of them are mostly inactive waiting for things to grow. I think 80% of the sludge comes from the 2 tree farms and maybe 10% from the wheat farm and 10% from the Sugarcane farm. So it is really impossible to give an estimate of number of harvesters per boiler. It all depends on size of farms, growth of crops, size of trees etc. Specially since I am using Fertilised Dirt and Lilypads of Fertility where applicably.
Did you know that you can burn that hydrogen? (I presume that's what the blue one is.) I used that for emergency power in Ultimate. I think I ended up with it plugged directly into the Blast Furnace power chain.
Did you know that you can burn that hydrogen? (I presume that's what the blue one is.) I used that for emergency power in Ultimate. I think I ended up with it plugged directly into the Blast Furnace power chain.
Yeah I looked at it. But not really producing it in any quantity for that to be worth it. And through GT it is (correctly) way to expensive to produce it to burn it.
But yeah I suppose I should pipe it from the overflow pipe and into a Gas turbine instead of voiding it :P

With Mekanism you can actually split Hydrogen from water and then burn it for power AND get a surplus. But that is just utter nonsense and I refuse to use that :p
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@rhn Your sludge boiler arrangement with the smokers is - in a word - genius! :D That's... just... awesome!!!
Heh thanks.
Actually made a small addition to it:

Not sure it is an issue but noticed that the smoke got rendered from very far away(I could see it during chunk loading before the blocks around it had loaded). And it is not just simple particles, but it actually actively seems to follow contours of blocks. So thought I might as well save myself some rendering resources and turn it off when I am not in the room where I can see it:

So simply hooked it up to a Random Things "Entity Detector".

Also completely forgot to mention this other little gadget:

I was getting SO tired of having to manually farm Grass blocks with a Silk Touch shovel and then repair the holes with dirt. I sometimes have need for Grass to seed it in new flowerbeds, inside natural features and whatnot. So wanted to have a small continual farm of it.
In order to get unbreakable Silk Touch I decided to go with the BreakerPlus from Quarry+(it can be enchanted with Fortune or Silk Touch). And since they work great with redstone pulses(so few of these breakers and placers do! The TE options for example have awful redstone behaviours!) I decided to go with the PlacerPlus as well(Hidden under the dirt block).
Oh need to point out that making a BreakerPlus is no small feat in TPPI :p The recipe have been seriously rebalanced(the fact that it requires a QuarryPlus is the worst part. QuarryPlus needs a 2xQuarry, which needs a Diamond Drill each, which takes Industrial diamonds, Titanium and Stainless steel for the default drill). But then again it is quite powerful as it can be enchanted with Fortune III. Oh yeah and then it takes 600+800k+500k+ MJ (plus various chipsets) (x10 to get in RF) to craft it all in the Assembly table :p Glad I invested in those enchanted LaserPlus :p

I tried to use a Block Update Detector to register the grass growth but it proved too messy due to all the false registering of the breaking and placing. After having a ton of redstone circuitry placed and still not working satisfactorily and reliably I decided to scrap it and use a turtle to compare the block instead.
The code is SUPER simple. It simply checks if the block in front of it is the same as that in the first inventory slot, and if it is it sends redstone signal down. It can really be used for any situation where you would want to detect a change or appearance of a specific type of block.
I set the Placer and Breaker up with a NOT-gate between them so a single signal is enough(signal ON triggers one, signal OFF triggers the other).

So far it has farmed me over 1500 Grass blocks :p Not bad I suppose for a single block farm.
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Heh thanks.
Actually made a small addition to it:

Not sure it is an issue but noticed that the smoke got rendered from very far away(I could see it during chunk loading before the blocks around it had loaded). And it is not just simple particles, but it actually actively seems to follow contours of blocks. So thought I might as well save myself some rendering resources and turn it off when I am not in the room where I can see it:

So simply hooked it up to a Random Things "Entity Detector".

Also completely forgot to mention this other little gadget:

I was getting SO tired of having to manually farm Grass blocks with a Silk Touch shovel and then repair the holes with dirt. I sometimes have need for Grass to seed it in new flowerbeds, inside natural features and whatnot. So wanted to have a small continual farm of it.
In order to get unbreakable Silk Touch I decided to go with the BreakerPlus from Quarry+(it can be enchanted with Fortune or Silk Touch). And since they work great with redstone pulses(so few of these breakers and placers do! The TE options for example have awful redstone behaviours!) I decided to go with the PlacerPlus as well(Hidden under the dirt block).

I tried to use a Block Update Detector to register the grass growth but it proved too messy due to all the false registering of the breaking and placing. After having a ton of redstone circuitry placed and still not working satisfactorily and reliably I decided to scrap it and use a turtle to compare the block instead.
The code is SUPER simple. It simply checks if the block in front of it is the same as that in the first inventory slot, and if it is it sends redstone signal down. It can really be used for any situation where you would want to detect a change or appearance of a specific type of block.
I set the Placer and Breaker up with a NOT-gate between them so a single signal is enough(signal ON triggers one, signal OFF triggers the other).

So far it has farmed me over 1500 Grass blocks :p Not bad I suppose for a single block farm.
Wow! What elegant solutions, both! :) Very very cool indeed!
LOL. Whenever I look at your base, I'm thinking of tearing down my own and starting anew. May I ask which modpack you're using? Or, if customized, which one you've used as a base and what mods you added?