Heh thanks.
Actually made a small addition to it:
Not sure it is an issue but noticed that the smoke got rendered from very far away(I could see it during chunk loading before the blocks around it had loaded). And it is not just simple particles, but it actually actively seems to follow contours of blocks. So thought I might as well save myself some rendering resources and turn it off when I am not in the room where I can see it:
So simply hooked it up to a Random Things "Entity Detector".
Also completely forgot to mention this other little gadget:
I was getting SO tired of having to manually farm Grass blocks with a Silk Touch shovel and then repair the holes with dirt. I sometimes have need for Grass to seed it in new flowerbeds, inside natural features and whatnot. So wanted to have a small continual farm of it.
In order to get unbreakable Silk Touch I decided to go with the BreakerPlus from Quarry+(it can be enchanted with Fortune or Silk Touch). And since they work great with redstone pulses(so few of these breakers and placers do! The TE options for example have awful redstone behaviours!) I decided to go with the PlacerPlus as well(Hidden under the dirt block).
I tried to use a Block Update Detector to register the grass growth but it proved too messy due to all the false registering of the breaking and placing. After having a ton of redstone circuitry placed and still not working satisfactorily and reliably I decided to scrap it and use a turtle to compare the block instead.
The code is SUPER simple. It simply checks if the block in front of it is the same as that in the first inventory slot, and if it is it sends redstone signal down. It can really be used for any situation where you would want to detect a change or appearance of a specific type of block.
I set the Placer and Breaker up with a NOT-gate between them so a single signal is enough(signal ON triggers one, signal OFF triggers the other).
So far it has farmed me over 1500 Grass blocks

Not bad I suppose for a single block farm.