rhn's continued adventures: a build journal, guide collection etc.

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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Almost died earlier for the first time in this world :p
Was afk watching TV when I heard this weird repeating noise. Turned out an Enderman had teleported out of the rain and into the assumed safety of my base, wandered into my LoS and gotten mad at me and started bashing me lol.

Played a bit with materials

Never go wrong with black and white, but might be a bit boring. Might need to add something else to the mix. Or perhaps some vines/bushes/trees etc. will help. Will have to work on that further.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2014
For me, it's can never go wrong with green. That said I think that passage looks fairly nice, but currently to me it sticks out more than the actual hubs themselves. I remeber starting a world, and an enderman teleported into my little starter cave, he decided to stick around and be an annoyance by standing near my crafting station and furnace... I defintley did not have the gear to kill him nor could I wash him out for a little while...


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Havent been able to play much the last couple days, but been exploring a bit and found something I had been hoping for: A Ocean Abyss biome. And man was it a good one!


(taken with nightvision to better show).
The canyon is HUGE and spans more than I could capture in a single screenshot. Very nice spot for a future underwater base I think. Just need to fill in the stone/bedrock bottom layer with sand/dirt to make it look more natural.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Havent been able to play much the last couple days, but been exploring a bit and found something I had been hoping for: A Ocean Abyss biome. And man was it a good one!


(taken with nightvision to better show).
The canyon is HUGE and spans more than I could capture in a single screenshot. Very nice spot for a future underwater base I think. Just need to fill in the stone/bedrock bottom layer with sand/dirt to make it look more natural.

we need a fish mod for minecraft that adds all kinds of fish species that actually swim in the water.... damn, that would look so awesome


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
we need a fish mod for minecraft that adds all kinds of fish species that actually swim in the water.... damn, that would look so awesome
Yeah some alternative "squids" wouldn't be amiss.
I love what Mariculture is doing for the underwater environment. It is the main reason why I added it to TPPI. Have yet to actually make use of anything else in the mod :p Really need to force myself to try it at least once so I can know if I should just disable all the modules except the world gen in the future :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah some alternative "squids" wouldn't be amiss.
I love what Mariculture is doing for the underwater environment. It is the main reason why I added it to TPPI. Have yet to actually make use of anything else in the mod :p Really need to force myself to try it at least once so I can know if I should just disable all the modules except the world gen in the future :)

the jewelry enchantments are pretty nice to have, and since it was changed so only the jewelry could have the enchantments it's become pretty balanced in my opinion


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Haven't updated much recently, which is mainly because I have been spending a lot of time doing Thaumcraft(and addons) research and infrastructure setup. I was simply missing some of the tools etc.(Specially with Thaumic Reliquary gating all the the Xeno's stuff through TC) too much that I simply had to get them.

So got myself a basic TC infusion setup:

Room under the altar with loads of Fire Crystal clusters for stability.
Plan on redesigning the room later to having the altar suspended on a bridge with all the stability crystals as part of the structure. Perhaps relocate the Essentia jars and golem further away(to somewhere more symmetrical and with better pathing) and then bring it in through Essentia Mirrors.

Wand recharge station:


Would like to fill the walls/floor/ceiling with nodes, but takes such a long time to gather(even with a Silverwood/Thaumium staff+wand there is so much traveling about finding good nodes and recharging). Don't need that many, but I like the effect it give of standing on the bridge thingy suspended in black nothingness with all the nodes around me :p

Made one of my usual water supply cubes:

24 Aqueous accumulators around an Ender Tank. Main benefit is that I have access to water everywhere from now on in just a single block. Using it for automatically refilling of the TC cauldron for example(Just put Endertank next to Cauldron and click the dial to auto output).
I couldn't decide where it should be housed, so just dug it into the floor of my "random tech" area for now(as it will be chunkloaded here) and covered it up again. Will probably dig it up again later and give it a proper glass housing when I have built a nice place for it.

So now that I have gotten the access to the basic TC and TC addon tools I have gone back to building a bit:

Guessed I might as well start with the Thaumcraft place(Upper center).


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Was looking around the interwebs for information on the Essentia Mirror and specifically their range mechanics when interacting with Warded Jars and the Infusion Matrix, but couldn't find anything. So ended up having to do some research of my own. Thought I would share it for anyone else who might find it useful:

The Essentia Mirror seem to draw from jars from within a box of +8/-8 in x and z and +7/-7 in y (centred around the block occupied by the mirror).


As for the interaction with the Infusion Matrix the mirror seems to be counted like any other Essentia source and the normal Infusion ranges apply (-12/+12 radius in x and z, -12/+11 in y) (Have not tested the y-range).

So if your plan is to relocate your Essentia Jars further away from your Infusion Altar, then simply place the Essentia Mirror in a normally valid Jar location and then place the Warded Jars in a 17x15x17 box centred around the matching mirror.

EDIT: got the stabilization item range and Essentia range mixed up for the Infusion Altar.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2014
Love the look of that wand recharge station area. Personally I don't use aqueous accumulators, unless I don't have access to liquid transfer nodes. A liquid transfer node with about 16 mining upgrades can make 8 buckets of water an operation. I find that one of my habits with TC is that as soon as I can get researching, I tend to get carried away and do it all.... With Warp about though, I'm going to have to leave out at least some of the forbidden knowledge until I can handle the nastier events. (Why does my favourite golem have to be forbidden knowledge?)


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Love the look of that wand recharge station area. Personally I don't use aqueous accumulators, unless I don't have access to liquid transfer nodes. A liquid transfer node with about 16 mining upgrades can make 8 buckets of water an operation.
I generally try and avoid builds that require a lot of water creation. There is really no low resource(server/pc) way of doing it. But for everyday needs and the occasional large initial water boost(priming big reactor+turbine etc.) I just like the AAs. As most the other TE3 stuff they are deliberately designed around the lowest footprint possible. Compared to that I think the upgraded transfer nodes can get a bit iffy, with how it scans the entire length of pipes at increased speed despite all deposits being full.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2014
That's why I generally have them right next to their destination if possible, else keep the route as short as possible. I also avoid speed upgrades, unless absolutely needed. I'll generally use a stacks upgrade before upgrading speed. In an old server world, where i used Logistics pipes instead of AE, (except for storage), I had a mining upgraded water transfer node, filling a 2x2 Rotarycraft Reservior (about 256 buckets of water buffer). I never needed more water than that one node could provide, and I think I only had about 4 mining upgrades in it. (I no longer have access to that world since the map reset on that server.)


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Havent been updating a lot lately because I have been pulling my hairs out trying to do some CC Thaumcraft automation. What I wanted was like so many others an easy way of getting an overview of your Essentia and ordering more to be cooked up.
I have been looking for inspiration/stealing code from other successful attempts at this, but kept running into the same damn problem. They all rely on the TT Aspectalyzer, which for some reason simply will not work for me(doesnt seem to have any of the openperipheral methods that it is supposed to). So ended up giving up on that completely after days of trying to fix it, and instead purely use CC to monitor my Essentia storage(list what is in Warded Jars). I have another plan in mind on how to order Essentia from Mana beans using a ME subnetwork.

So here is some of the work that I have done so far:
Made the Infusion altar stand on its own little pillar(watch your step!):

I want to decorate the chasm below somehow, just not sure how yet. The Fire shards is just a trial, but if I can incorporate them somehow, then all the better.

Little crafting area with a view:

CC monitor displaying Essentia status:

I stole the code snippet partly from DW20's script, then modified it to actually make it work on the newer mod versions, updated it to allow for <64 of each essentia, incorporate the extra essentias from addons and made it count empty jars as well. It is not touch screen anymore, simply an information screen(really didnt need to be Advanced monitors now, but made them before I discovered the bugged Aspectalyzer).
The ME access terminal, which is connected to a subnetwork, I plan to use to order Essentia. I will do this by making Patterns for each type of Mana bean and use ME interfaces to export them as crafting jobs. I can then easily search for specific essentia, see how many beans I have and queue as many beans/essentia I want, all with the ME Access terminal GUI. It is not perfect but it will do.

View of the Essentia storage room:


I relocated the jars further away from the Infusion Alter and completely encased it. This will hopefully allow for better golem pathing with minimum clutter around. Just hope the golems will understand the Carpenter's blocks(still untested :p).
I will use Essentia Mirrors to bring the Essentia from the jars to the Infusion altar(and any other places that needs it).

Right now I am a bit at a standstill. All this is practically still untested due to the fact that I don't have a Mana Bean farm yet :p I simply cannot decide where to place it. And due to the fact that I don't have access to a magical biome, I am going to have to create it with Silverwood saplings, so I want to get the location right the first time!
So I think I am actually having to divert for a while to do some landscaping down below the foot of the mountain to see if I can create some nice looking farm plots:

Also probably demolish the starter home and make it into a proper bunker entrance(heavy doors etc.) to the complex in the hills.[DOUBLEPOST=1414784723][/DOUBLEPOST]Making some golems with the new setup:

Golems deployed:

If you are wondering about the small holes, they kept jumping and spinning when coming back to the furnace. Turned out all they wanted was a small hole to hide in.
Pathing over the Carpenter's blocks seems perfectly fine, if a bit rigid. Might want to increase the Carpenter's smoothness config factor a bit for smoother slopes(default is same as normal stairs).
Also set up the ME subnetwork to automatically distribute any items other than Mana Beans into the furnaces(beans need crafting queue). So I can burn up items into essentia from the outside just by dumping them into the ME subnetwork.
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Got a few very rough WIP shots of what I have been working on recently(just to give an idea of whats going on):
Bunker entrance and farm terraces:

Playing with the collapsible blocks for the ramps.

Inside the bunker:

Middle is going to be a little control/security station with an elevator and tramway station in the back. Far right is going to be a large vehicle elevator for bringing in supplies etc. Probably going to make some kind of container transport system/storage area just for show later. Thinking of adding RiM for a moving vehicle elevator.

At the top of the vehicle elevator:

This tunnel connects up to some of the other parts of the base. The grass to the right is actually the inside of the large round dome building. The two openings on the left is an elevator and stairwell leading up to the other parts of the base.
All the carpenter's blocks to the right is going to be a tramway providing quick transport from all parts of the base. I have been planning the layout of it into the builds so that it now spans the entire base. All the way from the farm terraces to the security station, atrium dome, bunker main hub and the TC/random tech dome/cylinder thingy.

Still struggling with deciding where to put the Mana Bean farm :p


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Not really feeling like I am getting much done. Mostly just pottering around with small things and thinking out layouts of new rooms etc. Really need to get some things done.

But here are a few things that came together(after some bother) recently:
Installed ChickenChunks purely for its map functionality (/chunkloaders):

Managed to cover the entire base area. It might look like it, but there is NO double coverage of the chunkloaders :p

Moved the treefarms and planned out the layout of several other types of farms:

Also played a bit with the walls, towers and gates. I plan for the dome thingy to be a sort of control station for all the different farms, supplying an overview of their on/off state and supplies of different crops etc. Still need to tweak the cliff it sits on(I built the cliff up from scratch).

Built a double greenhouse:

The bright green grass is not due to light but it is actually a Magical forest biome(changed by planting lots of Silverwood trees).
The furthest building is already occupied with a Mana bean farm(more on that next picture). The nearest one I plan to make an "Arid house" for stuff like Cactus and Netherwart etc. I am hoping that the brightness of the Magical biome will go well with the "arid" theme of it, which is why I transformed the biome in both houses(and not to have a weird transition in the middle of one house).

Mana Bean farm:

I had actually set all this up with MFR planters and fruit pickers first. The picking and planting worked great and it could cover the area much more efficient(4/5th of the area was covered with manabeans). Sadly it proved too difficult/complex to assure that the planters would constantly use random mana beans to replant, otherwise production would be very uneven/non-existent for certain kinds of beans that happened to be the ones being replanted. In the end I gave up and just used golems.

And lastly a small look behind the scenes:

Made a secondary Harvester for my treefarm configured to shear leaves(turned on/of with a ME level emitter to keep a constant supply of leaves in stock). Leaves are then used to create Herba Essentia to fuel the Lamps of Growth through the Essentia Mirrors.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not really feeling like I am getting much done. Mostly just pottering around with small things and thinking out layouts of new rooms etc. Really need to get some things done.

Not really getting things done? Makes me look like a panhandler.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Still love your builds :)

Would love to see an overview where you take everything, in building order and see it as a slideshow or something :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mana Bean farm:

I had actually set all this up with MFR planters and fruit pickers first. The picking and planting worked great and it could cover the area much more efficient(4/5th of the area was covered with manabeans). Sadly it proved too difficult/complex to assure that the planters would constantly use random mana beans to replant, otherwise production would be very uneven/non-existent for certain kinds of beans that happened to be the ones being replanted. In the end I gave up and just used golems.

What if you fill the planter using ME fuzzy export buses sending the mana beans?

Great to see you going again! I love the layout of the farm area.