Microblocks cover for any cables please ...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, can't you just add the wires to the config and call it a day? I was able to do this in the past when TE conduits and liquiducts didn't have Immibis Microblock support out of the box.

# included by default: blockClass: buildcraft.transport.BlockGenericPipe
# included by default: blockClass: ic2.core.block.wiring.BlockCable
# included by default: blockClass: appeng.common.base.AppEngMultiBlock
# included by default: blockClass: powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.block.BlockRedNetCable
# included by default: blockClass: micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.blocks.GCCoreBlockOxygenPipe
# included by default: blockClass: thermalexpansion.block.conduit.BlockConduit
blockClass: +powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.block.BlockRedstoneCable
blockClass: +mekanism.common.BlockTransmitter

# included by default: tileEntityClass: buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe
# included by default: tileEntityClass: ic2.core.block.wiring.TileEntityCable
# included by default: tileEntityClass: appeng.me.tile.TileCable
# included by default: tileEntityClass: appeng.me.tile.TileDarkCable
# included by default: tileEntityClass: appeng.me.tile.TileInputCable
# included by default: tileEntityClass: appeng.me.tile.TileOutputCable
# included by default: tileEntityClass: appeng.me.tile.TileLevelEmitter
# included by default: tileEntityClass: appeng.me.tile.TileStorageBus
# included by default: tileEntityClass: appeng.me.tile.TileColorlessCable
# included by default: tileEntityClass: powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.tile.rednet.TileEntityRedNetCable
# included by default: tileEntityClass: micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.GCCoreTileEntityOxygenPipe
# included by default: tileEntityClass: thermalexpansion.block.conduit.TileConduitEnergy
# included by default: tileEntityClass: thermalexpansion.block.conduit.TileConduitLiquid
tileEntityClass: +powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.tile.TileRedstoneCable
tileEntityClass: +mekanism.common.TileEntityPressurizedTube
tileEntityClass: +mekanism.common.TileEntityUniversalCable
tileEntityClass: +mekanism.common.TileEntityMechanicalPipe
That is what my current immibis mb config looks like and I've yet to have any problems with them working on mod cables.

Or I suppose we could all just assume its because of lazy mod devs or something and surrender any hope or agency. Either way.
View attachment 7070

So what versions of Immb's Microblocks will this work with?

Also... Why is this not default?

mushroom taco

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah facades are really cool, but hard to remove them you have to break the pipes behind, but that's another story here...
Why do you keep saying that? i can cover pretty much everything wire-related (including ic2 wires). Are you SURE you're using cover blocks and not something else?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why is everyone so quick to assume things and so reluctant to test it out?

I just made a clean 1.5.2 with the latest release of mfr/buildcraft/ic2/te/ae as well as immibis core and immibis microblocks. I generated a world and quit. Open the config for microblocks and guess what? All the cables and things had been registered and were included by default. Literally the only change you need to make is to remove the '-' from in front of whatever cable type you want them to attach to automatically.

All this takes is a few minutes and the presence of mind to open a config and check things out. Sure, that they are turned off as attachment points by default is odd, but they add themselves to the config with 0 work from you. Just go in and fix it once and never ever ever again have to work yourself into an impotent rage over a trivially solvable problem.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Somewhere over the rainbow.
Thanks for sharing, will report back, I think my microblocks config file is crap from the past, trying to generate a brand new one just in case...

Did some tests, retried to generate a new microblocks config, it didn't work at first and now I've understand that we have to remove the - in front of the ones we want to work with, now it works, thanks a lot for saving my life, will make it so much easier for me and my brother...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No worries, glad you got it sorted. Sorry for sounding so snippy. Been a long day is all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Somewhere over the rainbow.
Now if I could add support for other mod blocks to be able to do covers with lets say redwood bark, redwood and redwood planks, darkwood from BiomeOPlenty and such to that, it would be complete, I know its not that easy but perhaps someone managed to do that here, I'm aware of the auto find blocks option, last time I tried I had 178 pages in NEI and it was impossible to play for more than 5 minutes, any search in NEI was taking at least 3-4 minutes and several times just crashed the game...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ahh, this is another reason I prefer Immibis microblocks to facades, redpower microblocks etc etc. Flip on auto-detect, load it up and satisfy yourself that you can now cut redwood bark and mfr meat blocks or what have you. Now look through NEI and realize that none of the new thousands of block permutations are there. Yayyyyy.

The secret sauce? The very first config option: 'enableNEI: false'. Praise be to the savvy developer assuming that most people don't want to have a molten puddle where the computer used to be when they fire up the full 100+ mod mega packs.
cool mods.png


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Somewhere over the rainbow.
Ahh, this is another reason I prefer Immibis microblocks to facades, redpower microblocks etc etc. Flip on auto-detect, load it up and satisfy yourself that you can now cut redwood bark and mfr meat blocks or what have you. Now look through NEI and realize that none of the new thousands of block permutations are there. Yayyyyy.

The secret sauce? The very first config option: 'enableNEI: false'. Praise be to the savvy developer assuming that most people don't want to have a molten puddle where the computer used to be when they fire up the full 100+ mod mega packs.

Any ideas if this will increase the load on the server CPU... Just to be safe here, don't want a molten Intel Q6600 for diner tonight...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any ideas if this will increase the load on the server CPU... Just to be safe here, don't want a molten Intel Q6600 for diner tonight...

My CPU usage has been 100% for the past hour because of world painter (and it's still requiring another 30 minutes to process the world). I don't see steam coming out of my PC and I don't think my quad core is melting either.

It can only melt if it's overclocked, I'm pretty sure. And if it were possible to melt it Minecraft probably isn't capable of it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So immibis microblocks just works? If so, why are the mod packs using Multiparts instead? Just asking, I'm missing the ability to cover up ugly wires. And I'm not blaming anyone for anything, juat wondering the reason behind the choice made. And I'm playing on a server, so I can't just add or remove mods on my own.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So immibis microblocks just works? If so, why are the mod packs using Multiparts instead? Just asking, I'm missing the ability to cover up ugly wires. And I'm not blaming anyone for anything, juat wondering the reason behind the choice made. And I'm playing on a server, so I can't just add or remove mods on my own.

It'd be too easy to just add a mod that someone else made that already fits the situation required so ChickenBones spent some time to make something that was already made and added a few new features and added an API so that others modders have to use it in order to have microblocks compatible with their mod.

In other words, nobody knows or cares. We just know time was wasted for no apparent reason.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Somewhere over the rainbow.
It'd be too easy to just add a mod that someone else made that already fits the situation required so ChickenBones spent some time to make something that was already made and added a few new features and added an API so that others modders have to use it in order to have microblocks compatible with their mod.

In other words, nobody knows or cares. We just know time was wasted for no apparent reason.

If I had to make a guess, not sure if Immibis allow his mods in modpacks like in FTB, perhaps that's why ChickenBones made a new ForgeMultiPart thingy, I don't think any Immibis mods were parts of any FTB packs, maybe that explains it after all.

But Forge MultiPart is really awesome also, the simple fact that we can add multiple items in 1 block space is really awesome (3 torch in the same space isn't really helpful but its cool, I'm quite sure some tricks could be done with that somehow...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Somewhere over the rainbow.
So many mods in FTB that sometimes we forget which ones were in and weren't in, just checked out and Immibis was in 1.4.7 my bad here...

Edit : For me Immibis Microblocks aren't able to craft with material like redwood bark and others that aren't vanilla, it shows up quickly but disappear from the crafting table, I can't craft them, well, will have to be creative with the ones offered by vanilla Minecraft, or check were I've done an error somewhere...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If I had to make a guess, not sure if Immibis allow his mods in modpacks like in FTB, perhaps that's why ChickenBones made a new ForgeMultiPart thingy, I don't think any Immibis mods were parts of any FTB packs, maybe that explains it after all.

Bullshit. All of his mods are on very permissive licence with sourcecode included and his Tubestuff is in Ultimate.