Medieval fantasy roleplay anyone?


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"Well, for me' mecha, to the human kingdom is nae to far!" Explained Jurin.
They hopped aboard, and Jurin fired up the furnaces, checked everything, and they were ready to go.
Jurin pulled a few levers, and they set off. Rhsolyn rather disliked how noisy it was in the cabin, but it was better than trekking all the way with no sure way to survive.
They came up to a river.
"Excuse me, Jurin?"
"How can I be of service, me' lassie?"
"There's a river up ahead...?"
"Aye, so there is."
"But you are heading straight for it. Should we not find a bridge?"
"Ah, I see now what ye mean. Just watch, dunnae worry yer pretty wee head."
They kept going at full pace, and disregarding what Jurin told her, she was very worried.
They came within a few metres' distance of the water, when Jurin pulled a lever, tensioning the springs in the legs. They then released their tension, causing the mecha and its occupants to fly through the air.
Rhsolyn screamed at the top of her lungs, as she lost the feeling of gravity and began to float for a second, before harshly being brought down onto the river bank.
"That was fun eh Lass?"
Rhsolyn had luckily found a bag, the contents of which she had quickly emptied onto the floor. The new contents she had filled it with were, to say the least, unpleasant.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(OOC) dgdas9 please don't control my lovely Bella xD Try to only control your character. Plus you're more likely to come across Arthur since Bella is a sea dragon...Also lol J...Lol. This is not what I was expecting when I said medieval fantasy...But its indeed a lot of fun, I mean, what WOULD an elf do if they were flung over a river by a mecha? They seem like such noble creatures, I hardly know what to do with her now xDD

Rhsolyn moaned, unaccustomed to being flung through the air by a mecha. "Uugh...Next time I'll just borrow a horse." she says. "How much further to the Kingdom?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(OOC) dgdas9 please don't control my lovely Bella xD Try to only control your character. Plus you're more likely to come across Arthur since Bella is a sea dragon...Also lol J...Lol. This is not what I was expecting when I said medieval fantasy...But its indeed a lot of fun, I mean, what WOULD an elf do if they were flung over a river by a mecha? They seem like such noble creatures, I hardly know what to do with her now xDD

Rhsolyn moaned, unaccustomed to being flung through the air by a mecha. "Uugh...Next time I'll just borrow a horse." she says. "How much further to the Kingdom?"

I usually only control other haracters a bit, 2 phrases max. LOL, I thought it was the oposite thing, that bellatrix was the fire one and that Athu was the water draggon. Damn me. And yeah, I usually put a bit of story, and small referrences in my general posts, and in my posts in the Institutioin RP. And yeah, I like to make everythin a bit melodramatic. IDK if I should now replace Bellatrix my arthur, you tell me!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
dgdas9 said:
I usually only control other haracters a bit, 2 phrases max. LOL, I thought it was the oposite thing, that bellatrix was the fire one and that Athu was the water draggon. Damn me. And yeah, I usually put a bit of story, and small referrences in my general posts, and in my posts in the Institutioin RP. And yeah, I like to make everythin a bit melodramatic. IDK if I should now replace Bellatrix my arthur, you tell me!

(OOC) Use Arthur. Also, what I meant by don't control her is try not to make your character a major point in her history. They can have some minor arguments and stuff, just nothing to huge because I really don't want to re-write her history ;3 I can make a new dragon character if you really want a dragon in your character's history ;P

"Good, I don't think I can last much longer in this machine..." she says. At this point, she's starting to look a little green (Greener is probably a better word since she's a wood elf xD). "Oh, I almost forgot. You said we might find something up on the way? What might it be?" Being an elf, Rhsolyn is hungry for knowledge, and is constantly curious.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
(OOC) Use Arthur. Also, what I meant by don't control her is try not to make your character a major point in her history. They can have some minor arguments and stuff, just nothing to huge because I really don't want to re-write her history ;3 I can make a new dragon character if you really want a dragon in your character's history ;P

"Good, I don't think I can last much longer in this machine..." she says. At this point, she's starting to look a little green (Greener is probably a better word since she's a wood elf xD). "Oh, I almost forgot. You said we might find something up on the way? What might it be?" Being an elf, Rhsolyn is hungry for knowledge, and is constantly curious.

"Oh, nae too much, but there's a town on the way, inhabited by humans. They live there because of the enchanted springs, with effects which are good for ye."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Right. We aren't stopping there are we?" She asks, sounding concerned. "I have to get to the Kingdom before nightfall."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can I join in?
If so, here is the character form:

Name: Euphemia
Age: 16
Race: Half-Elf (human mother, elf father)
Class: Ranger
Gender: Female
Personality: Jokes around, preety smart, is able to create plans where one wouldn't expect, interested in anything, really.
History: Grew up in the woods, in half-elf village: people who thrive for their place on the land - demonstrated a skill with the bow and arrow at a young age. Used to be a guard (more specifically, a scout) for the village, until it was attacked. They managed to get away, and now live in the city's ghetto. Currently works as a waitress and guard for the local pub.
Single: Yeah.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Kogie? What's going on at the gates?"
"Nothing. Go back to the pub, Euphy, they probably need you there."
Well, who's Kogie? Kogie is a friend of mine, was also a guard. I'm pretty sure he likes me.
They did need me at the pub. According to the owner, I'm really strong-willed - worked in a ghetto pub since I was 12 and still a virgin. Almost everyone there liked me, but I wouldn't say that at the start.
Suddenly, the ground shaked. I heard mechanical noises, and a fire burning.
Mechas? I hope it's Jurin's, haven't seen him in a while. God knows how that thing works, but he surely has managed to see more of the world than most people ever did.

By the way, here's Kogie's character form:
Name: Kogan (nickname: Kogie)
Age: 16
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Ranger (rather than a bow and arrow, AKIMBO SWORDS)
Personality: snarky and streetwise-smart, Kogie has really been a better fighter than Euphy, mainly because he has better reflexes, but he's also stronger. Seems to be slightly romantic, but nothing that may be problematic. Sometimes shy when he's alone with Euphy.
History: similar to Euphy's, both were born on the same village. He's a bit older than her, but nothing that really matters. Seems to have developed a strong bond with Euphy, and doesn't want to lose her. If he does, berserker mode.
Single: Yeah. Although he loves Euphy... I guess that's a maybe.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(OOC) Use Arthur. Also, what I meant by don't control her is try not to make your character a major point in her history. They can have some minor arguments and stuff, just nothing to huge because I really don't want to re-write her history ;3 I can make a new dragon character if you really want a dragon in your character's history ;P

The whole thing of putting her in my story was to not have presentations and have a better story for my own character. I don't REALLY want a character in my story. I just thought draggons would be better because they can fly, and so, I can meet the other guy quickly if it is needed. But it seems like you do not like it, so, just ignore my other post. I just don't know a good way to get in other then "Hey, I am *insery name* I am *insert age* and I like potatoes". Damnit


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"Ah, right! Well, we're nearly there..."
They came upon a village, but it was clear that something was wrong. Houses and buildings were burning, people were screaming, and a fierce roar pierced the night.
"Thorin's shield... A fire drake!"
A huge swirling mass of scales flew into the night sky, red like a thousand glittering rubies on its body.
"Quick lass, get out of here, run around this, the human kingdom is about two miles from here."
"You're not going in there are you?" She asked, slighly worried, as Jurin put on a helmet.
"Aye, I have to, but donnae worry about me. I'll be fine!"
"I'll bring help as soon as I can."
"Aye, do that. Now lets go kill a drake!" He hollered.
He loaded his cannons, and launched into battle.
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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Jurin began launching cannonballs at the drake, bounding closer and closer and closer as he did.
A scream as it was about to devour a family. He thought back to the river with Rhsolyn, and grinned.
He tensioned the springs again, and launched himself forwards, extending the wrecking ball arms of the mecha. He slammed into the drake with an incredible force right in its skull, knocking it back around ten metres and dizzying it.
It reared its colossal head and roared, breathing fire into the sky. It tried to do the same in Jurin's direction, but he quickly gave it an uppercut, closing its mouth with a bone-shattering crack.
He doubted he could hold out for long enough to defeat this great terrifying beast, but he had to try, and he knew reinforcements would be coming.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
dgdas9 said:
The whole thing of putting her in my story was to not have presentations and have a better story for my own character. I don't REALLY want a character in my story. I just thought draggons would be better because they can fly, and so, I can meet the other guy quickly if it is needed. But it seems like you do not like it, so, just ignore my other post. I just don't know a good way to get in other then "Hey, I am *insery name* I am *insert age* and I like potatoes". Damnit
(OOC) Oh, well I see what you mean now. Try to find a way to get in though, like GPuzzle found a genius way to join. Have your character's home be in the way of where we need to go or something. Or while we're in the middle of battle you can hop in or something. Idk, find a way xD

(IC) Rhsolyn was stubborn though, and instead of running hid behind some rocks. When the moment was right, she threw her knife--right into the Drake's eye. It roared in pain, and started to retreat. She threw her other knife into it's other eye, blinding it completely. "Damn, out of knives," She said to herself.
"RHSOLYN!" She heard someone scream. She turned around, and to her surprise and delight, it was Trillium. "Trillium!" she called back. "Ha, got yourself into trouble again did you? Guess I'll bail you out again," she said in amusement as she shot five arrows at the beast. Her arrows were specially crafted for Rangers, and they could pierce even Drake scales. The beast roared, then fell. It was dead. Only then did Trillium see the mecha that was fighting behind it. Rhsolyn stood up, blocking Trilium's way. "He's a friend," she said.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Jurin looked over where Rhsolyn was staying, and immediately retracted the mecha's arms, and ran towards her.
"Rhsolyn! What are ye doin' here? I told ye to go!"
"You're welcome..."
"Aye, thanks Lass. And who are ye?" He asked, turning to Trillium.
"Ah, call me Trillium." She said, not really wanting to offend someone with a large mecha standing behind him.
"Well, good to meet ye."
"Jurin!" Cried someone behind him.
He turned round to see Euphemia, a half-elf, waving at him from around 100 metres away, running towards him.
"Euphy, lass!" He shouted heartily.
"Good to see you again!" she said, kneeling down to hug him.
"So what are ye doin' round here?"
"Long story...