Whitelist Server Zuiver Craft, MindCrack Pack v.8.2.0, Whitelist, 8 Slots

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A Little Info
Brand new FTB server, it is hosted in Seattle. It is 100% survival on hard difficulty, no creative or plugins for anyone. Only 8 slots, so it will be a small community. Greg Tech is on hard, so if you don't like it, don't apply, because I'm not changing it. All mods are enabled, none are disabled at the moment, but if one seems to be causing some issues, it may be removed until resolved.

1. Absolutely no hacking or cheating of any kind, will result in a automatic ban.
2. No racism, foul language is allowed, but every two words does not need to be a profanity.
3. No causing problems, IE. destroying someones stuff and/or taking their stuff. (pranks are allowed, but use common sense)
4. This is not a rule, but it is to make sure you're reading them. There will be a part of the whitelist which says, "Secret Answer", the answer to this is the first character of your minecraft IGN, character meaning letter or number. IE. My IGN is Levven, the "Secret Answer" will be "L" for me.
5. Be respectful to one another.
6. Do not, I repeat, do not ask to become mod and/or admin, there is no ranks, so don't ask.
7. Use common sense, even though it seems it is the least common of the senses.

Whitelist Application
This is a whitelisted server, so you will need to apply, here is what you need to include:
- Age (if you feel comfortable disclosing it)
- Location
- A little info about yourself
- Secret Answer

I will respond to your post and send you a PM if you have been accepted. After all the positions are filled I will say.

Finally The IP:

Thanks for reading, and good luck!
- IGN: pepeboy
- Location: West Coast/Cali
- A little info about yourself: I love playing FTB. I've watched Etho's and lots of others peoples videos as well as played Tekkit and several other FTB servers, but I enjoy playing with a select amount of people rather than a large server so that I can become familiar with the other players. FTB is probably one of the best mods that probably will ever happen to Minecraft and I wish to enjoy it on your server. I would also like to play on your Mindcrack server because there are more mods and more things to do, and I also enjoy playing with other people because single player isn't as fun. I hope to have a fun time on your server and see you in game!
- Secret Answer: p
- IGN: garfonzo
- Age: over 25
- Location: West Coast - British Columbia
- A little info about yourself - I'm a Systems Administrator who became fairly ingrossed in Minecraft about a year and a half ago. I've been part of a few servers, had a more senior role on one, and, recently, started my own Minecraft server with a whole host of plugins, website, wiki, forums, etc. and lots of ideas. I've found myself looking for a small, tight, trustworthy group of people to play Mindcrack since Minecraft seems a little boring as it is. Adding a whole group of plugins to achieve what FTB is can be laborious and frustrating. I discovered FTB about a month ago and haven't really looked back. I love the massive amounts of learning required, love the new biomes, new machines, everything. I think the idea of a no holdbacks, full mods, hard difficulty sounds fantastic! I really enjoy the idea of playing with a few trusted people and hope to see you in game.
- Secret Answer: g
- IGN kopla
- Age (if you feel comfortable disclosing it) 19
- Location USA
- A little info about yourself laid back guy looking for a friendly server to play on and possible record some videos
- Secret Answer k
- IGN Dokoman
- Location West Coast
- A little info about yourself I have a lot of experience with FTB. I have played on many servers and seen many videos. I am usually very active in the chat and am willing to help people. I enjoy to play Minecraft with mods because Vanilla MC gets boring after a while, but with Mindcrack, you have countless things to do. I am very active on Minecraft/FTB, which means I will be on the server a lot. Playing on Single player gets boring because you have no one to talk to, no one to work with, and it gets lonely. That is why I would like to play on the server. Anyways, thanks for reading my application.
- Secret Answer D
(Revised version of application please read!)

Location: West Coast/ Cali
A little info about yourself: I have been playing Minecraft for about a year now and have become bored with regular survival. When I found FTB I immediately wanted to try it. I quickly became addicted and experienced while playing on other FTB servers. But I wanted to expand to a different pack and decided to try the mindcrack pack because of the videos I watch including ethos, generikb, bdoubleo and anderzel. I enjoy new, and small servers like this one because I enjoy talking to others and helping people and it is hard to do that on larger servers. Thank you for reading and I hope that you consider a spot for me on your server!
Secret Answer: L
IGN: bzcoconut
- Location: West Coast/Cali
- A little info about yourself: I enjoy playing ftb with friends and other people. I watch ftb on youtube to get a little bit extra knowledge. Bees are my main interest but i want to explore into new mods. Being on a server with a selected amount of people is a great way to get know each mod better. Plus it helps to be around other people in a smaller community so that they can help each other out with all the mods.
- Secret Answer: b
- IGN Forddog
- Age (if you feel comfortable disclosing it) 18

- Location OR
- A little info about yourself: I like playing with nice people. I love teamwork. I Wan't to start a new mod pack, Minecrack, I know alot about the mods but would like to know more. I hope to see you there and if not I under stand.
- Secret Answer F
- IGN: Ahikiyu
- Age: 18
- Location: CO
- A little info about yourself: I like small communitys, I'm a hard worker and I play this game too much..
- Secret Answer: S
- IGN Klowe10
- Location New York
- A little info about yourself I would like to play FTB with my friends Pepeboy, Dokoman and LWDuke. I know a lot of tekkit so hopefully that'll help me know more about FTB I really hope you accept this application - Klowe10
- Secret Answer K
- IGN 2122000nrm
- Location Washington DC
- A little info about yourself: I have been playing FTB direwolf20 pack since January. Recently moved onto the Mindcrack pack because I wanted a bigger challenge/have more fun
- Secret Answer: 2
- Age (if you feel comfortable disclosing it) 21
- Location California/Idaho, USA
- A little info about yourself I am in the US Navy, it takes up a bit of my time, but when i am on i am a pleasure to have around. i love jokes just as long as no one complains about them. I was born and raised in Idaho, but stationed in California (to explain my location). But now about my in game experience, i have about 6-7 months of FTB exp and about a year of Tekkit, i have the basics of the game down. Now what i hope to find on your server, i hope to make new friends, and maybe even start an LP with someone. I hope to contribute to this server as much as i hope to gain from everyone else. And if you accept my application i know you wont be disappointed.
- Secret Answer: D
- IGN MinerNiko
- Age (if you feel comfortable disclosing it) 14, turning 15.
- Location Sweden
- A little info about yourself Well, I'm close to 15, live in sweden, love gaming, just got a beastly gaming PC and FTB got me hooked so I'd like to be a part of your community.
- Secret Answer M.
Not sure if you have filled the server but if not:

-Age 31
-Graham, WA
-I have a full time job. Have been playing minecraft for a little less then a year and ftb for the last 4 months. I have a fairly good understanding of most mods and how they work but am more familiar with bees. Just looking for a small community of players to play with who enjoy the game as I do.
-Secret Answer I
- IGN xxxHitman21xxx
- Age 19
- Location Florida, USA
- A little info about yourself - I have a part time job that fluctuates so I will be on randomly but will always try at night when I'm home. I have been playing minecraft for over a year and have been on a vanilla minecraft server for over 4 months that has no pvp or grieving so i promise I won't be a problem. I am mature in the sense that I don't use unneeded language and I know what not to do. I like to have fun and make sure everyone I'm with does as well. I hope you consider me for your server and thank you for your time.
- Secret Answer - x