My top ten (yet again, no particular order):
Lambert (and Linda) - The guy is awesome. Period.
Jumpfight - Hypercompetent Sidekick (I'm speaking like a troper again, isn't it?)
KaosRitual - We SHOULD touch butts, really.
Saice - SHOOP
Exedra - Best pranker in the world, also a really cool guy.
EternalDensity - Nice headcrab hat you have there.
Poppycocks - I was gonna do a bow chicka bow wow joke here (Red vs Blue, anyone?), but I ran out of ideas.
ApSciMorgs - Thank you for the challange. I shall now fullfill your expectations.
Jess887cp - Cooler than cool.
Sev/Technician - He's cool.
Lambert (and Linda) - The guy is awesome. Period.
Jumpfight - Hypercompetent Sidekick (I'm speaking like a troper again, isn't it?)
KaosRitual - We SHOULD touch butts, really.
Saice - SHOOP
Exedra - Best pranker in the world, also a really cool guy.
EternalDensity - Nice headcrab hat you have there.
Poppycocks - I was gonna do a bow chicka bow wow joke here (Red vs Blue, anyone?), but I ran out of ideas.
ApSciMorgs - Thank you for the challange. I shall now fullfill your expectations.
Jess887cp - Cooler than cool.
Sev/Technician - He's cool.