Yet another Rotary canundrum: Magnetostatic engine

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
This jetfuel mass production is sounding more trouble than it's really worth.

Looking into Electricraft right now, maybe I'll figure something out in that direction.

Thanks everyone for your very detailed answers!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Way less trouble then struggling with magneostatics.
Tbh the main goal for RoC is to get to the jet fuel teir to unlock all the things. Forgo that step you forgo the whole mod. You need jetfuel to get bedrock, (and if you can without it expect that method to be nerfed)
Also forget about trying ElC to bypass jetfuel or the spam detection. Reika kept that base covered if not it'll be covered.
As far as I can tell ethanol and jetfuel are considered mandatory steps in the intended progression.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
Not trying to skip them, as I have both :)

It's the sheer amount of fuel needed that's putting me off - but I'll try!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Either way Electricraft combines energy in the same way gearboxes do only it uses a lossy voltage/amperage paradigm. Voltage is derived from rads and amps are derived from torque.
I tried generating power with a microturbine that theoretically has the wattage to run all stages of an extractor but I couldn't convert the sheer voltage it produced in to amps to generate the torque needed, plus the overall wattage was less due to loss in the wire.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I skipped lossy wires and went straight to insulated superconducting wires.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not trying to skip them, as I have both :)

It's the sheer amount of fuel needed that's putting me off - but I'll try!

Realistically, you don't need a massive surplus of jet fuel for even large projects. A stack of jet fuel materials nets me about 400 buckets or more. You can vastly improve your fuel usage by utilizing engine control units. A full microturbine lasts something like an entire day when you tone the speed down to 6.25%

The difficulty of gathering jet fuel is dependent on the mods you have installed. Doing it with only RoC is rather involved, but is very possible and reliable. I've never done anything like this, but in theory you can create a mob spawner with a mob harvester to get blaze powder + magma cream, bore for netherrack + soul sand + coal + dirt (for ethanol), and have a sugar cane farm (Reika's Expanded Redstone so far has my favorite option for this) and you got decent amounts of jet fuel coming in.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
Yeah microturbines are very sensible with fuel consumption.

Just trying to find the right amount of turbines needed to run an extractor at an acceptable speed where a MFR mining laser doesn't get too backed up.

So far tried with 3 turbines, and it's still way too slow. I'll see how 4 fare.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
BTW: For a long time now, the RF/t:Watt ratio has been 1:520. You can change this a bit ( from 1:260 to 1:1040 ), but it'll still be effectively the same. Unless you can do insane amounts of RF, magnetostatics are just a method of transferring power from another RoC engine.

So you are saying that to generate one watt you would need 512 rf per tic?
Meaning the amount needed for an extractor would be; 512 nm X 8129 rads (to run all stages)= 4,194,304 watts X 512 = 2,147,483,648 rf/tic.

If that math is even remotely right... damn. And that equation works in the reverse too. An ethanol engine might trump even a big reactor for output.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So you are saying that to generate one watt you would need 512 rf per tic?
Meaning the amount needed for an extractor would be; 512 nm X 8129 rads (to run all stages)= 4,194,304 watts X 512 = 2,147,483,648 rf/tic.

If that math is even remotely right... damn. And that equation works in the reverse too. An ethanol engine might trump even a big reactor for output.

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520, but yes. You can change it to anything from half to double that value as well, but if you try to go any further than that, RoC ignores it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wait, lol 520 my math was wrong. The requirements would be even more then I calculated as I only multiplied by 512...

Yeah shevron, don't bother with magneostatics you will need dozens of maxed out turbines to run one little extractor. (Depending on your configs)

Lucky rotational dynamos have a cap othewise that conversion rate would be super broken.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wait, lol 520 my math was wrong. The requirements would be even more then I calculated as I only multiplied by 512...

Yeah shevron, don't bother with magneostatics you will need dozens of maxed out turbines to run one little extractor. (Depending on your configs)

Lucky rotational dynamos have a cap othewise that conversion rate would be super broken.

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My bad, you got that backwards and I didn't catch it ( was posting from phone. )

It's 1 RF/t = 520W.

So actually 8kRF/t would just about do it, if you could do it without loss. ( Just checked, and a tier4 Magnetostatic needs 11,453RF/t for the 4MW needed. This is a pretty decent power loss, and 12,098 RF/t at tier 5. A little worse. A couple Tier3s would really be the way to go. )


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you are trying to run the extractor without doing power gear shifting, you either don't need it (late game), or are doing it wrong :).

So I have a lovely BigReactors turbine, producing a stable 28,000RF/t.
28K rf/t, and 126rf/t is 16KiW (1 rf/t = 520 w), so 28K rf/t = 28k * 520w = 14.5 MW ...

Are you sure you're facing the issue you think you're facing? I think that converting rf to watts has a 50% power loss, so it would only generate about 7+ MW, but you should be able to run an exactor nicely at that point, especially if you're willing to do some gearing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you are trying to run the extractor without doing power gear shifting, you either don't need it (late game), or are doing it wrong :).

28K rf/t, and 126rf/t is 16KiW (1 rf/t = 520 w), so 28K rf/t = 28k * 520w = 14.5 MW ...

Are you sure you're facing the issue you think you're facing? I think that converting rf to watts has a 50% power loss, so it would only generate about 7+ MW, but you should be able to run an exactor nicely at that point, especially if you're willing to do some gearing.

They're using about 20k of that RF on other stuff. They were trying to power the extractor with just 8k, which is not enough after power loss. ( 8,066RF/t is the minimum without any loss. )

Now, if they set up 2 gearing ratios for the extractor, it would run nearly as fast for FAR less power.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
I do have a CVT switching gears, but I can't seem to strike a balance with the power I have.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
Well I just managed to make myself an auroral crystal.

Let's see what adventures it takes me to!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You'll actually need a second in order to get enough juice to run the extractor at 1 operation/tick. No need to fool with resistors, you need 100% of what both batteries can deliver and the induction motor needs an inductive upgrade. Just right click the placed motor in the world with an inductive ingot in your hand to apply the "upgrade".


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
I kind of cracked it! Temporarily at least!

4 microturbines, which are fairly fuel efficient, 2 CVTs, and a 3-stage timer using a computer.

at 8MW, it's processing ores pretty darn quick, and considering that the laser drill is taking 15 seconds to pull up one ore, I think we're in business :D

Now to figure out a perpetual jet-fuel supply!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I kind of cracked it! Temporarily at least!

4 microturbines, which are fairly fuel efficient, 2 CVTs, and a 3-stage timer using a computer.

at 8MW, it's processing ores pretty darn quick, and considering that the laser drill is taking 15 seconds to pull up one ore, I think we're in business :D

Now to figure out a perpetual jet-fuel supply!

2 microturbines should be enough to run the extractor at 1 operation per tick for all 4 stages, without switching. That's not 15 seconds per ore, but for rare ores about half a second. 2 MTs should be running your extractor about 30 times faster than you need atm.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
2 microturbines should be enough to run the extractor at 1 operation per tick for all 4 stages, without switching. That's not 15 seconds per ore, but for rare ores about half a second. 2 MTs should be running your extractor about 30 times faster than you need atm.


Care shedding some light on the timings then?

I clearly got something not right then! Stage 1 is the slower. 2, 3 and 4 blitz through