Yet another Rotary canundrum: Magnetostatic engine

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
I'm sorry to keep on piling RoC questions daily in here, but if I didn't love Rotarycraft so much, I'd probably have flipped the table days ago and given up.

I solve 1 problem and another 2 pop up.

So I have a lovely BigReactors turbine, producing a stable 28,000RF/t.


20k of which are powering an MFR mining laser, and decided to burn the remaining 8k powering an extractor.

I used this table on the official Rotarycraft Wiki, to make an educated calculation.


Like a good peon, I built a refrigeration setup so it has a steady supply of liquid nitrogen, and off I went with my build.

To my surprise, the RF/t numbers are WAY off what the table says!

With a Tier 4 engine, I'm getting a power consumption in excess of 22k RF/t, not the alleged 2118!

Is the wiki outdated, and the numbers are legit, or do I have something very wrong with my setup that's pushing unrealistic numbers?

Having the extractor pull more power than the MFR laser itself seems quite like I wasted a lot of time on this project to me :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes... it's very outdated those wikkies are always 20 versions behind with Reika's mods.
As for Magneostatics, id forget about them, the way Reika treats them its like he regards them as a mistake a shameful horrible mistake he'd like to keep locked up in a basement. If this is the case then I'd agree, seeing how he regards the progression of his mods the way the magneostatic worked/s seemed to flagrantly overstep RoCs mechanics let alone tech progression.
Now they have been rightly nerfed to uselessness. As everyone used them, not because they ran on RF that was a secondary perk, but because you could set their outputs. Machine needs 32 newton meters of torque at 320 rads? No problem just set the numbers to match and forget about gearing like a chump. It really circumvented the soul of the mod.
It's one of those baffling design choices.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
So how would you approach powering an extractor, without needing stupid amounts of jet fuel?

The MFR laser only produces 1 ore every few seconds, so I can afford having an extractor running a bit slower.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do you have ElectriCraft and ComputerCraft installed? I have my extractor powered by an induction motor with the inductive ingot upgrade so it can handle electricity from 2 batteries. This lets me feed it 536MW (yes you read that correctly, MW) which I then convert with CVT to 512Nm of touque at 1Mrad/s. Thus all four stages run at 1 operation per tick. I feed water via a bedrock pipe coming from a fluid compression chamber which itself holds 1,000,000 buckets of water and is fed by a dewpoint aggregator. I used to feed with an XU fluid transfer node, but it wouldn't put water into the extractor unless it wasn't running which to me was an unacceptable slow down.

There is a CC method which lets you work out if there is an item in any of the slots in the extractor. I have a computer sitting next to mine which checks for any item in slots 0-8 (slot 9 holds the bedrock drill, don't look at it) and if it finds an item, turn on the relay from ElectriCraft which powers everything. An import bus with 4 acceleration upgrades unloads the extractor back into my AE system. Make sure the CC program which monitors the extractor is renamed to startup once you are certain it is stable. Now you have an extractor that can handle the output of several boring machines or an ender quarry with the speed III upgrade that does not waste any power at all when there is no work to be done. It actually uses a lot less power per ore than running at vastly slower speeds since each ore only forces the machine to run for 8 ticks or so.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
Holy moly! Talk about an in-depth reply!

Yes I do have Electricraft but I have never ever touched that mod yet. It's the first time I included it on a map.

I'll have a look into your post when I'm comfy at home, and see what I can come up with!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
...the way Reika treats them its like he regards them as a mistake a shameful horrible mistake he'd like to keep locked up in a basement. If this is the case then I'd agree, seeing how he regards the progression of his mods the way the magneostatic worked/s seemed to flagrantly overstep RoCs mechanics let alone tech progression....

Note quite. Reika has always used them himself even. It was just the replacing nearly all other RoC engines part that he didn't like.

The main intent of the magnetostatic is power transfer. You make the power in RoC, change to RF, then bring it back.

So how would you approach powering an extractor, without needing stupid amounts of jet fuel?

The MFR laser only produces 1 ore every few seconds, so I can afford having an extractor running a bit slower.

For the extractor, I always start with a couple AC engines.

Just like most everything else, match the minimum torques, then max the speed for your power production. I recommend going with 2 gearing paths. While half of the stages will be running a little slower than possible, you will be running them at the same time as 1 of the other 2 stages, so it actually runs faster.

You'll probably be slower than your laser for awhile, so just start with the ores you need processed, and store the rest. Upgrade the engines whenever you feel like it. Eventually you'll get to insane levels that no quarry can dream of keeping up with.

BTW: For a long time now, the RF/t:Watt ratio has been 1:520. You can change this a bit ( from 1:260 to 1:1040 ), but it'll still be effectively the same. Unless you can do insane amounts of RF, magnetostatics are just a method of transferring power from another RoC engine.
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Jul 28, 2013
Magnetostatics are a bit senseless really.

Now they've been so handily nerfed you need so much RoC infrastructure to make them work properly it's actually simpler and more efficient to just progress through the mod normally and forget about RF except as a scrofulous deformed stepchild.

Seriously, any playthough I do with rotarycraft my early, mid and endgame power supply for [anything that runs off RF] literally amounts to a couple of rotational dynamos. All my fun infrastructure goes into running gas turbines and eventually the setup for a big fission reactor. I just don't see the utility in anything else :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
Well I wasn't looking at magnetostats as a way to "cheat" progression.

I worked my way up in the tiers, and I do have a properly fueled gas turbine going; I just think it's a bit expensive to keep running around the clock.

Having a BigReactor producing a spare 8k RF, I thought it was a good way to burn that spare energy. Guess I was wrong :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not wrong if you cam meet the cooling and lube needs. As Zemerick said they were intended to be used for power transfer. (Which I still think circumvents mechanics)
But with the advent of Electricraft thos isn't really an issue.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't understand the aversion and hate of Magnetostatics these days. They are still easily the most powerful engine available within the mod. They offer very adaptable power options that can fit any type of machine you want to run at whatever speeds you need with minimal gears. Transporting RF power is so much more convenient than using shafts and even ElC cables. Automating liquid nitrogen is very simple to do, although I suppose there isn't too much info out there on that.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
My complaint is about the ridiculous amount of RF it needs to work.

The rest of it, I had it figure out nicely.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Doesn't the RoC hand book tell you the requirements for a magneostatic?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
Doesn't even tell you what upgrades do what Tiers. Had to google everything.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My complaint is about the ridiculous amount of RF it needs to work.

The rest of it, I had it figure out nicely.

Reika uses a RF to Watt ratio, so when he made Magnetostatics require more RF ( by tweaking that ratio ), he also made all of the RoC RF production that much more powerful.

So, the trick is to generate the RF with RoC/ReC first. You'll quickly find your bigreactor actually puts out a very very tiny amount of RF. A single HPT is over 16 MILLION rf/t.

Edit: FYI the conversion ratio is in the book. Misc->Inter-Mod Interactions.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm also not sure what the problem with jetfuel is. Depending on the pack everything it's made from is renewable. The only the thing that isn't readily renewable is netherack. Didn't Soulsand only just become renewable with that soaking thingo? Think you infuse sand with canola or oil.
Netherack can be pseudo renewable with a perpetually running boring drill set up in the nether.

Frankly a dedicated jet fuel production facility would be a neat project.

What pack are you using Chevron? You may be able to simplify a lot of the ingredient production with MFR. All you need is a blaze and magmacube/slime spawner. Also you can produce trace amounts of netherack and soul sand with sludge boilers, however if you have BoP and natura this becomes very unreliable.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
Currently running Infinity with Rotary, Electricraft and Galacticraft added for some additional flavour.

Got a sludge boiler running full time, although not making as much nether rack and soulsand to make it sustainable.

Got a spawner with a slime in it too. Cursed earth spawner ongoing for steady essence production.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So your road block to optimal jetfuel production is netherack and soulsand.
I can see only one avenu and it's mostly a copout. You can use bees for soul sand. Gensustry should make breeding and production bearable. You need bees that can produce soulful wax.
Fyi while it's not renewable you can use a drying bed to make tar from BC oil.

As for netherack; unless there's a bee that can produce it I think a perpetually running boring drill is the only real answer.

Edit; The RoC liquefaction machine is what let's you make soul sand with lube and sand. It can make netherack too but it uses jet fuel so very possibly counter productive. Depends on if it uses more then the resultant dust can create.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Huh, interesting. My last RoC world was jet fuel powered and I made a jet fuel factory in Last Millenium using stabilized spawners running magma cubes and wither skellies both on ME level controllers. The mobs get slaughtered by a melee turtle using a Looting V, Reaper V wyvern sword (with no RF, works fine dead in a turtle just not for you!) which feeds coal, blaze powder, and magma cream stocks. Soul sand was as @Azzanine suggest using soulful bees and cobble->sand->dirt using a composter from RoC. The only thing I had to manually input was netherrack and 4 stacks of silverwood leaves which made several bedrockium drums of jet fuel and weren't even close to out.

Wish I would have known there was a renewable way to make netherrack!
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