XyCraft ID Change


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello :D

I have added a lot of mods to a pack but I can't add the xycraft because the game crash :mad:

This is the content of the xycraftincompatibilities file

BlockID conflict at 220 between world.blocks.worldGen.xyOre and Blockpush@29991dd
BlockID conflict at 221 between world.blocks.worldGen.quartzCrystal and BlockDown@30374580
Someone can suggest me some new ID?


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Ones that aren't used by the pack?

Sorry, you're going to have to go through the config list and jot down every single ID reserved for every single mod you've got in the pack, then work around them. This is assuming you wish to remain compatible with that pack (such as for server play). Otherwise, just reassign everything. Start at 400 and work your way up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Remove xycraft, get an ID dump from NEI, to see which IDS r not used = win. :p... You gotta go into the game, into the nei options and dump the file from there... It'll be placed inside ur FTB folder as a .txt


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was looking for something to help me with ID's a while ago and came across something on the MC forum called MCConfigure found here:


I tried it and it worked rather well. I selected the minecraft folder and it finds everything, including a lot of stuff that isn't in configs (but I didn't play with them too much). you can make it define all the ID's for you, or you can go through and change every single one yourself (what I did) but make sure you click "apply changes" before you close it otherwise you lose all your changes.

you also want to click on "try to parse ids for all mods" which will list everything in numeric order.

Make sure you backup your configs before doing this. or even your whole minecraft folder just to be on the safe side :)

edit: I had those come up before, as they are world gen ID's they need to be less that 256 ( if memory serves) or they won't work and the launcher will crash constantly :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
wow to those ways of doing it........get notepad++ http://notepad-plus-plus.org/

open config folder and select all

Ctrl f and then type the id that is wrong click find in all opened documents

now pick a new idea for it (make sure to always change for the newly added mod ) and change it the hit Ctrl f and find in all again with the new id