From the Misc Peripherals post...
- add(amount): Adds XP from XP bottles or monster eggs, using amount (optional, defaults to as much as possible) of the item in the current slot. Returns the amount of XP added.
- get(): Returns the total amount of XP on the turtle.
- getLevels(): Returns the amount of XP levels on the turtle.
- collect(): Collects XP from XP orbs on the ground in a 2 block radius around the turtle. Returns the amount of XP collected.
- setAutoCollect(autoCollect): If autoCollect is true, allow the turtle to automatically collect XP periodically.
- enchant(levels): Enchants the item in the current slot using the specified levels. Returns true if successful, false if not.
- get/getUp/getDown(): Gets XP from the following XP sources:
- Other XP turtles
- Furnaces, IC2 Iron Furnaces and Induction Furnaces, Thermal Expansion Powered Furnaces (sucking the item in the output slot(s))
- Thaumcraft Brain in a Jar
Yes. I have read that. I have implemented it in my code properly. However, there is not experience transfer.