Wtb: Mod to spread out player spawn points

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi All

Is there a mod to spread out player default spawn points in the world?

I'm thinking like the FTB Sky Islands mod, but for a regular wold server.

The idea is that new players would spawn a pre-determined long distance away from each other and if they die without another spawn point set they go back to their same distant start points.



Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2013
As far as I've ever heard no. There are a few utilities that may be able to fashion this function for you. As Admin TP yourself out a 1000/1000 intervals then TP each new player to a separate spot and have them set /spawn. Would take a bit to set up each new player but would accomplish your end goal.


Jul 31, 2013
pretty sure vanilla has a spread players command.
now, as for setting the spawn point, this becomes a bit trickier.

If it is meant to be run once in total you can probably use the setspawnpoint command in combination with a /execute in a way similar to below.
/execute @a ~ ~ ~ setspawnpoint

If however it needs to be able to run multiple times without resetting the spawn point of other players you can't use that. I guess some trickery with a command computer can give you the desired result. Otherwise maybe working with teams as I think you can select using those.

If you can, you need multiple command blocks that trigger after each other.
  1. Set everyone that needs to be teleported in a special team.
  2. execute spreadplayers on everyone in this team
  3. execute setspawnpoint on everyone in this team
  4. remove everyone from this team
Note that this may give problems if people manage to trigger the system before its done. Best to disable it for a bit after each button press.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Depending on version, there is no delay required if you use chaining command blocks. It would all happen in the same tick, so no problems with spamming.

Furthermore, you can use the following commands:
SETUP (run these once):
/scoreboard objectives add toSpread dummy

SPREAD (run these for spreading a player):
/scoreboard players set @p toSpread 1
/spreadplayers ~ ~ 1 10000 false @a[score_toSpread_min=1]
/execute @a[score_toSpread_min=1] ~ ~ ~ spawnpoint ~ ~ ~
/scoreboard players set @a[score_toSpread_min=1] toSpread 0


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This sounds pretty cool - I think I'll give that a go - but correct me if I'm wrong: aftersetting a players spawnpoint it is overwritten by using a bed. If a player uses a bed and then the bed is destroyed (actually unlikely these days) they will return to world spawn?

I think this will work for out planned adventure but I'll need to ask people to write down their co-ordinates just in case ...
Unless there's a way to store co-ordinates with a scoreboard? I'm not familiar with them ...