WR4TH | Beta A 1.4.2 | Whitelist | Mature | Small

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019



Gone is the tekkit , in with the FTB! We are opening things up for kicks, maybe some folks will want to stick around when the pack goes full release. This server his hosted @creeperhost; We may expand it if there is demand or donations.

Server Info :
-All FTB Mods except portal gun. Gregtech is enabled w/ old recipes. At standard settings for now.
-Fihgu commands are installed for the paranoid.
-Additional mods outside the FTB pack may be added as per user input. If you require handholding to slip a mod into your client, this may not be the server for you. (We want our phase/teleport tubes back)
-7 Slots open @ present
-Difficulty : Normal
-PVP is disabled
-The Overworld WILL BE WIPED after the beta period. Not a time for fancy building. A mystcraft realm will be generated for homes/bases/epic dance floors/foul religious rites.
-25+ Age preferred (Flexible). Tweens will be accepted if they can pass the test of the Gom jabbar.

Rules :
- No griefing, spamming, begging, whining, complaining, property destruction, being a tool, etc.
- Whitelisted players are expected to be moderately active. Players can decide what 'moderate' means.
- Clever invective is strongly encouraged in general player to player interaction.
- Arguing with the ops is encouraged. You probably won't get your way. But you can definitely try.
- Abuse of the server. Abuse in this case is defined as anything that unreasonably degrades server performance. ( excessive chunk loading, exploring the edge of the world or spawning mystcraft ages without talking to an op, etc.)

Whitelist Application : (Applicants will be checked vs. a public ban list. Please use complete sentences and something resembling punctuation.)
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) :
  2. Why did you select that IGN ? :
  3. Do know have tekkit/ftb experience? :
  4. Do you agree to more or less abide by the spirit of the rules? :
  5. Did you read the rules? What is meant by 'clever invective'? :
  6. Have you ever been eaten by a grue? :
  7. If you have been banned before; Explain why you were banned in at least a paragraph. Tell me a story.
Applications will be checked/answered once a day. Please be patient. Peace out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. IGN: Wrath707
Age: 21
General Location: Northern California (USA)

2. Was Wrath and Wrathless as Part of a StarcraftBW/BF2 Clan called Seven Sins. Mostly me and my College buddies. Name has stuck with me into other games.

3. Some Tekkit, A lot Of technic. Have been playing FTB for 4-5 Months now. Used Mod pack back when it was for the challenge maps. Only weak area's are Comp craft and RP computers.

4. Absolutely, Although I am open to pranking in a none destructive way. Your houses shall be filled w/ chickens... and your front lawn shall be turned in to green Wool! But only if your ok with it.

5. Why yes I did read the rules, despite their composition resembling the prose of a elementary school child. =) (As example, not as critic)

6. Only when I wandered to far into darkness with out a glowstone lamp.

7. While I have not been banned before I have been suspended. I Built a Lava over glass pyramid over a guys house and then dug path for lava down to bed rock so he couldn't escape, Took him about 20 minutes before was able to create a dirt tunnel though the lava wall. But from the outside whole thing looked awesome!

Once there was a grad student who was applying for a FTB server instead of studying so decided to promise a good story when finals where over and he got a chance to meet the people that the story was to be presented to.

I hope I qualify for your server,

Austin Kennedy

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. Sucubussy / 16 / Canada (Ontario)
  2. Why did you select that IGN ? : from a sucubus the soul eating women and i just added the sy to the end
  3. Do know have tekkit/ftb experience? : Ive used tekket from when it was released same with FTB
  4. Do you agree to more or less abide by the spirit of the rules? : 100%
  5. Did you read the rules? What is meant by 'clever invective'? : I read them and i will be as charming as a new born baby
  6. Have you ever been eaten by a grue? : one time at band camp ;D
  7. If you have been banned before; Explain why you were banned in at least a paragraph. Tell me a story. : I have never been banned (That i know of) because i pretty much follow everything a admin or mod says
Thanks Sorry for no story im not the best with words I also saw that you said over 25 I know im off that abit but i assure you there is no worry


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Edit:- Formatting
  1. IGN: Caker
  2. Age: 24
  3. Location/usual online times: UK, during the evenings, around 8pm to 1am, ish. Depends on what I've got going on at work
  4. Why did you select that IGN ? : Caker? I've had either Cake or Caker for as long as I remember. It's my IGN on most, if not all, games I play.
  5. Do know have tekkit/ftb experience? : Yep, played Tekkit a whole bunch, and FTB on and off since the launcher release.
  6. Do you agree to more or less abide by the spirit of the rules? : I do, although I do want to query why Portal Gun is disabled, I've not ran across that before.
  7. Did you read the rules? What is meant by 'clever invective'? : Clever invective? Invective itself is usually language to scold or blame. However, clever invective, depending on the context, I would take to be banter between players ("Hah, Caker. THAT's your house? It's a dirt shack! It is literally made of crap." "Well at least my pile of crap is better than your.. towering fortress of solitude... Seriously how did you build that in minecraft.. I don't even..... I'm just going to go back to my shack... :(")
  8. Have you ever been eaten by a grue? : I know it's very likely, as its diet consists of mainly adventurers. However, I never venture out without my trusty torch.
  9. If you have been banned before; Explain why you were banned in at least a paragraph. Tell me a story : I have not! I consider it a badge of honour. Or I'm very good at hiding my tracks. WHO KNOWS?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. IGN: BoneDisturbed
Age: 29
Location: Denmark

2. It stems from me working at a place called Restaurant Bones, i added the Disturbed part cause it fit and Bone was generally taken as a login.

3. Never played Tekkit, and played FTB for about 2-3 weeks now, good a fairly good general knowledge of how the things work, still learning though.

4. Certainly, they seem fair and i don't see anything i wouldn't be able to agree with.

5. Ofcouse, and I think it would be somewhat similar to what we call workshop humor/banter here in Denmark.

6. Yes, a failed attempt to use Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent.

7. Not been banned, although i haven't played to much SMP over the years.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

"Let us say I suggest you may be human." And for now whitelisted. Welcome.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) :biggunndunn 31 FL
  2. Why did you select that IGN ? : biggunndunn has been my game name in most online games.
  3. Do know have tekkit/ftb experience? : I have vanilla, tekkit, and FTB experience.
  4. Do you agree to more or less abide by the spirit of the rules? : The rules look good. I have been looking for a smallish server to play on with a good community.
  5. Did you read the rules? What is meant by 'clever invective'? : I'll let you know after I look it up.
  6. Have you ever been eaten by a grue? : Same as number five.
  7. If you have been banned before; Explain why you were banned in at least a paragraph. Tell me a story. Not that I'm aware of.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sucubussy - Eh, I tossed you on the WL. Schnapps is making me soft hearted today.
Biggundunn - WL'ed and added.

And yeah. Server rebooted and accepting logins, sorry guys.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) : MrJoshy, and USA.
  2. Why did you select that IGN ? : Because my nephew calls me Joshy, and my uncle calls me Mister.
  3. Do know have tekkit/ftb experience? : Yes.
  4. Do you agree to more or less abide by the spirit of the rules? : Yes!
  5. Did you read the rules? What is meant by 'clever invective'? : From what I am guessing, it means be nice!
  6. Have you ever been eaten by a grue? : No.
  7. If you have been banned before; Explain why you were banned in at least a paragraph. Tell me a story.
  8. I was banned because the moderator thought that I was hacking on several occasions, which I was in fact NOT. Then after I proved that I wasn't hacking, he accused me of using a sand generator (which I was not, i see no need for them, seeing as how I can get eff 4 easily). Then he banned me just because he didn't like me in general.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) : Mr_Cig, 25, East Coast US
  2. Why did you select that IGN ? : Its my gamer name
  3. Do know have tekkit/ftb experience? : I have played a lot of tekkit, and a decent amount of FTB. I am strong with all mods except mystcraft
  4. Do you agree to more or less abide by the spirit of the rules? : Yes
  5. Did you read the rules? What is meant by 'clever invective'? : Yes, pranks but not griefing. Just be creative with others.
  6. Have you ever been eaten by a grue? : No
  7. If you have been banned before; Never been banned


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) : yawinsum 29, New England
  2. Why did you select that IGN ? : I came up with this name for a monk I played in Everquest. His name was Yawinsum Yalosesum. Been using it ever since.
  3. Do know have tekkit/ftb experience? : I played technic for a while but got bored with it once I conquered EE. I have been playing FTB for about 2 weeks now and I'm loving it.
  4. Do you agree to more or less abide by the spirit of the rules? : Yes sir.
  5. Did you read the rules? What is meant by 'clever invective'? : From what I can gather, you mean feel free to insult other players but don't do it in a harmful way, do it so that it is intended to be fun and reciprocated.
  6. Have you ever been eaten by a grue? : Actually yes, I just recently did for the first time. Was playing 'Don't Starve' and got eaten when I couldn't make it back to camp in time.
  7. If you have been banned before; Explain why you were banned in at least a paragraph. Tell me a story. Unfortunately I have. I was banned back in August of 2011 for being the alt account of some other account that was banned. Which I most certainly am not. I only found out about the ban a few days ago and am trying to have it removed but I have not heard back yet. I assure I only have one account. I don't even remember playing any SMP back then. I really only started getting into multiplayer a few months ago, and even then I didn't play much of it because I couldn't find a server that I liked where I had a good connection to. If you have any questions, feel free to message me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) : N0SEM1NER / 42 / Earth
Why did you select that IGN ? : It amused us to do so.
Do know have tekkit/ftb experience? : FTB. Installed and used some individual mods before that
Do you agree to more or less abide by the spirit of the rules? : more or less, if it amuses me to do so.
Did you read the rules? What is meant by 'clever invective'? : I read the rules and promptly declared them my own. Your head is of little use other than a farm for hair!
Have you ever been eaten by a grue? : I thought it was a grue at first, but when I realized it was a ravenous bugblatter beast, I hid my head under my towel to become invisible and was promptly attacked by vermicious k'nids.
If you have been banned before; Explain why you were banned in at least a paragraph. Tell me a story. No, I'm much to pretty for anyone to consider it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) :12kilometer/19/North Carolina
  2. Why did you select that IGN ? : It has been my gamer name since I started
  3. Do know have tekkit/ftb experience? : Little one month of playing around with it
  4. Do you agree to more or less abide by the spirit of the rules? : yes
  5. Did you read the rules? What is meant by 'clever invective'? :yes / have fun with other players
  6. Have you ever been eaten by a grue? : no
  7. If you have been banned before; Explain why you were banned in at least a paragraph. Tell me a story.: No


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) : My IGN is Salarindo and I'm 13 years old. I live in America in the central time zone
  2. Why did you select that IGN ? : I always have a hard time coming up with IGN's because I always want mine to be creative. So I was at the grocery store one day and I saw Tamarind and the idea of Tamarindo came to mind. So I tried to make that my IGN on minecraft.net but that was taken so after so thinking I came up with Salarindo.
  3. Do know have tekkit/ftb experience? : Lots of Tekkit and Technic experience and some experience with FTB not a lot. I know the basics and a little in depth for some of the mods in FTB
  4. Do you agree to more or less abide by the spirit of the rules? : Yes they seem good and fair
  5. Did you read the rules? What is meant by 'clever invective'? : I did read the rules and I believe that clever invective means to have fun and joke around but not to go too far.
  6. Have you ever been eaten by a grue? : Sadly no, I mean who wouldn't want to be eaten by one?
  7. If you have been banned before; Explain why you were banned in at least a paragraph. Tell me a story. I've haven't been banned before but that is mostly because I play on small private servers with my friends or Capture the Flag on the MCPVP servers (I like love CTF).
I know I may be young but please consider me to play on your server. I've been looking for a long time for a mature server. That's right, a 13 year old, looking for a mature server. Most 13 year olds I know are immature so it may be a surprise to you, or not but please consider me and I hope I'm not rejected due to my age.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Following have been whitelisted


MrJoshy - Age?
12Kilometer - Hit my roster cap for now; I will update this thread if / when things open up again.
Salarindo - Hit my roster cap for now; I will update this thread if / when things open up again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just read that you hit the cap & I will come back and check the thread later at some other time in the future.

IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) :
My ingame name is Dvinkarn, I'm 18 year old male from the cold Sweden.
Why did you select that IGN ? :
I choosed that game because ARN is something alot of people use at the end of the sentence in Sweden & it was originally a name for my twink on World of Warcraft, but Twinkarn was already taken so I choose Dvinkarn.
Do know have tekkit/ftb experience? :
I've been playing Tekkit on singleplayer and been watching a series of it on Youtube, I latly been wondering into the world of Feed The Beast and got a matter lab up with a few ultimate hybrids up and running & a few other gregtech items.
Do you agree to more or less abide by the spirit of the rules? :
I think the rules sounds great and I do agree with them.
Did you read the rules? What is meant by 'clever invective'? :
I'm guessing that it means that we should be nice to other players when we talk to them.
Have you ever been eaten by a grue? :
No, I never been eaten by a grue. I might bee playing on full brightness but I still always keep my torches close by so the monsters doesn't just appear from the dark behind me!
If you have been banned before;
I've been banned before, but that was because I knew all the admins on the server in real life and they were just messing about with me, just boys having fun. No homo.