Whitelist Server World of Mods|Direwolf20 pack 1.0.3|Whitelist|10 slot|small friendly community

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
World of mods is currently looking for a few new players, world of mods is a server that uses Direwolf20's mod pack. It is a small whitelisted server that can hold a max of 10 players at a time.

As the server is only small we are very particular when choosing players, we don't mind what you experience level with mods is, all we want is active and mature players. We are looking for players that can login every other day.


Be nice and friendly.
Do not ask for mod, we don't need nor want ranks.
Do not grief or steal, but friendly pranks are welcome (non-hostile).
Stay active
Hide your quarry's(when in the overworld)
Don't create mystcraft ages without prior permission.
Understand that we are not here to have the most players. We want quality people who we can call our friends.


IGN: your in game name
Age: your age
Mod experience: how experienced you are with mods and minecraft in general?
Activeness: how active you are daily?
Why we should want you on the server: what makes you special?

Please complete the application if you want a chance at getting on the server, please feel free to PM your application and any question; or make a reply to this post.
IGN: your in game name Quantuml33p
Age: your age 26
Mod experience: how experienced you are with mods and minecraft in general? been playing FTB and tekkit for around 2 years and minecraft since beta 1.7
Activeness: how active you are daily? I play at least once a day for about an hour usually longer though
Why we should want you on the server: What makes you special? I love to help people and love to be part of a community im not the best bulder or the quickest but I am that way because I try to make something functional but well designed too. I take pride in the things I do even though it's just a game other people see these things we make and mabey will influence someone to something greater.
A bit about myself: From the US was in the military for 6 years and am now pursuing college (which is why I have free time, haha) am married with no kids, unless you count my pets which are all reptiles.
IGN: Mythaell
Age: 24
Mod experience: I played DW20 pack a while ago, but havent played it in a few months, so a little behind on the new updates to the mods.
Activeness: I usually play a few hours a day.
Why we should want you on the server: You want people on your server who are friendly and mature, I am looking for a server with friendly and mature players for the same reasons as you. We are like-minded adults. I build things to look good, be functional and be helpful to the community.

I withdraw my application. I don't want to play on a server that the owner does not communicate or check these applications in a timely manner.
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Age: 21
Mod experience: been playing since early classic and been playing with mods almost as long been awhile since i played
Activeness: normaly 1-2 hrs a day
Why we should want you on the server:Lots of experience fast learner and a decent builder
IGN: Scythk
Age: 19
Mod experience: Been playing with mods since beta 1.8/1.9. I even have a modded SSP series that I am doing right now.
Activeness: About 2-3 hours a day.
Why we should want you on the server: I am a kind and mature person. I am decently experienced with majority of the mods in this pack that I can assist people if they need help.

Withdrawing my application because of an inactive server owner who neglects checking on applications and making his/her applicants wait.
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IGN: zebramonkey85
Age: 16
Mod experience: I have been playing feed the beast for 6 months. I'm pretty experienced with all the basic mods.
Activeness: I can play about 3 hours on a weekday
Why we should want you on the server: I love to build and always try to do server projects/help others.
IGN: bigGkaktus
Age: 16
Mod experience: I am very experienced with Industrial craft, Buildcraft and Applied energistics.
Activeness: Since christmas is coming up, I could play maybe 3-4 hours a day.
Why we should want you on the server: I am a friendly guy, I would gladly help anyone in need if he is maybe having some trouble with a mod or something similar.
IGN: UK_Miner
Age: 20
Mod experience: Been playing with mods since MC was in beta, I play that much with mods I can't remember the last time I played Vanilla!
Activeness: Fairly active, just getting back into MC so it'll be about 3-5 hours a day if not more.
Why we should want you on the server: Well after about 6 months of not playing MC I have finally got back into them, catching up on updates etc. I have plans for a HUGE build, but you can't show off big builds in SSP can you ;)
I know most of the mods like the back of my hand so I can happily help with community builds, lag fixing and such.

I'm looking for somewhere to experiment mainly, the magic mods interest me mostly to be honest but the new IC2 really got my inner geek going.

My IGN is jeuster78, age 35 Dutch. I play modded mc since oct 2012, many hours a week haha. I am helpful respectfull and eazy going. Dont like griefers or rude people. Just love to play the game with others and most of all have fun. Hope to have fun with u guys and build a great virtual sandbox utopia. Greets jeuster78
IGN: TehVentus
Age: 17
Mod experience: Around a 7/10 I love to play FTB
Activeness: 2-3 hours a day
Why we should want you on the server: I love to play FTB and have been for almost a year now. I just recently came back and would like to try out FTB DW20 because I was a active FTB Ultimate player. So upgrading to this pack would be a great experience and would be fun to do.
Age: 23
Mod experience: I have been playing Minecraft Vanilla since early full release, and have been playing with mods since just before the FTB launcher was introduced.
Activeness: I play everyday, work permitting, usually around 4:30 pm to around 11 pm PST
Why we should want you on the server: Not sure if it makes me special but I love Minecraft and playing in a community who is nice and mature. I'm just looking for a relaxed setting to play this great game.
IGN: Xyrohip
Age: 15
Mod Experience:
I consider myself rather good a ftb as I know most mods very well. The exception of this is railcraft and computer craft. I know the other mods extremely well but I prefer Industrial Craft, thaumcraft 4, Thermal expansion, buildcraft and minefactory reloaded.
Il be on anywhere from 1 to 2.5 hours a day average. This depends on my schedule which is usually free. THough some days I may be on much more than this such as weekends.
Why we should want you on the server:
There are several reasons I would like to join this server. One of which is because I would like to join a small whitelisted server. Iv never been a person who enjoyed single player so I'v always enjoyed playing on servers. I hope to help others as well as receive help from others on mods such as railcraft. Im looking for a small community based minecraft server to play on.

Thank you for reading my application and I hope I can join you on the server soon.
IGN: Flash_Dog123
Age: 17
Mod experience: I have played minecraft since end alpha and started play modded minecraft inbetween direwolf20 season 2 and 3
Activeness: I have 3 day a week school. those days i can log a hour of 2-4, the rest of the week like 5-6
Why we should want you on the server: I'm happy a happy guy. i have alot of experience with minecraft. further i am looking for a not to big server/ community. I always am willing to help anyone who needs help. Last I hope you are willing to give me a change

IGN: DuskBlade95
Age: 18
Mod experience:I've been playing Minecraft for 3-4 years. I used to play SSP Technic for awhile and have been playing DW20 with some friends for about a month. I've gotten a pretty good grasp on all except the largest mods.
Activeness: I usually get on when I get home at around 3pm EST and stay on until around 10-11pm. With breaks of course.
Why we should want you on the server: I'm pretty laidback. I work well with others and am quick to offer spare resources for free. I'm a pretty skilled builder and a quick learner so you can guarantee every build will be better than the last.