Wood to iron exploit

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just found a small exploit using the uncrafting table. It's probably worse than EE3 but still.
If you take a barrel with a portal gun and place it on a torche or a flower, it will break as a craftpacket maker which you can uncraft for a piston (and a few useless thing).
I think it's too much effort fgor what it's worth but it should be fixed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just found a small exploit using the uncrafting table. It's probably worse than EE3 but still.
If you take a barrel with a portal gun and place it on a torche or a flower, it will break as a craftpacket maker which you can uncraft for a piston (and a few useless thing).
I think it's too much effort fgor what it's worth but it should be fixed.

Sounds like you need to mention it to Neptunepink the developer for Factorization.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That happend to me. Moving a barrel with 250 stacks of gold, and I accidently placed it on a torch which broke it and only gave me 4 pieces of gold back. Made me cheat some back