Whitelist Server Wolfstone FTB|Monster 1.0.9 Beta|Whitelist|TS3|Mature|Survival|

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


Jul 29, 2019
Username: TheEpicBuilder99
Age: 19
Country of residence: UK
Why do you want to join?: Looking for a small, sensible community where I can play ftb with others without getting griefed. I enjoy helping others and building big structures
Past notable experience (Not important): I love FtB and I am very good at it
How many rules are there?: 10
Suggestions (Optional): I think this server looks great as it is!
Do you understand that Monster is in Beta: Yes. I understand that things may corrupt later and that I shouldn't rage!
Accepted, but I would like to know why you have written 18 as your age in a couple of other applications you've made for servers.
Country of residence:Ireland
Why do you want to join?:I haven't played minecraft since voltz came out over a year ago. i just thought it would be nice to find a good mod pack and server to have some fun
Past notable experience (Not important): No experience with FTB Monster
How many rules are there?: 10
Suggestions (Optional):
Do you understand that Monster is in Beta: Yes i do
Accepted as well. Sorry for taking so long. Welcome to Wolfstone FTB.

I'd like to also let everyone here know that we're working on putting together a private modpack for FTB. It's going to be based on Monster with some mods added and removed. But we would like feedback and suggestions on what we've made. Feel free to suggest mods that you think could work well and be interesting. Check the current list at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak7iA-HxEdjfdDVOM3ZqUVZPcDlsQzBsYjN1QTJGd0E&usp=sharing
Once we finish this pack and test it for functionality and stability as well as getting approved, we will switch over to it.

Daniel Brogan

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: DBROG
Age: 16
Country of residence: Republic of Ireland
Why do you want to join?: I would like to get back into ftb. its been a year since i played. so a l,ot has changed and i have a lot of new things to learn
Past notable experience (Not important): I played the old mindcrack pack
How many rules are there?: 10 :p
Suggestions (Optional):
Do you understand that Monster is in Beta: Yeah and i will not mind if i loose everything

Thanks Daniel


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: Epicnessincan99
Country of residence: England
Why do you want to join?: Have fun, meet new people and to be part of a smaller community of gamers
Past notable experience: I've played a lot of mod packs and mods but I am relatively new to monster
How many rules are there?:10
Suggestions (Optional): Don't judge me on my younger age as I am hardly the stereo typical young person, I am calm and selective and love learning new things.
Do you understand that Monster is in Beta: Yes I am aware that there may be bugs and updates found frequently but might as well play what's new before it gets old ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: sabre707
Age: 14
Country of residence: China (Although I am caucasian)
Why do you want to join?: I have been looking for a small community to have some fun and play around with, similar to the mindcrack server.
Past notable experience (Not important): Have played lots of the Mindcrack pack, Ultimate pack, and the Unleashed pack.
How many rules are there?: 10 Rules
Suggestions (Optional): I do understand that my age is a little on the low side, so if you could consider, and or interview me, that would be great.
Do you understand that Monster is in Beta: I understand that the modpack could be updated to a point where a new update for monster could break the world.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Country of residence:US
Why do you want to join?:looking for small server and some buddies C:
Past notable experience (Not important):watching alot of youtubers and playing for year and half
How many rules are there?:there are 10 simple rules :D
Suggestions (Optional):
Do you understand that Monster is in Beta:yes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: Wertyujh
Age: 17
Country of residence: Netherlands
Why do you want to join?: I'd like to play on a server to actually make my progress mean something and I like talking to other people
Past notable experience (Not important): Played on a lot of servers.. But I did take a break from FTB so i'm a little rusty on my mod knowledge.
How many rules are there?: 10
Suggestions (Optional): None yet, I'd need to actually join the server first before I know what could be improved :)
Do you understand that Monster is in Beta: Yes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: Tulwean
Age: 27
Country of residence: US
Why do you want to join?: Im looking for a good active server to play on, the last one the owner was an over bearing a** hat
Past notable experience (Not important):none that I know of. I have a tutorial video for thuamcraft 4 on my youtube channel that currently has 6500 views
How many rules are there?: 10 Rules
Suggestions (Optional): It is hard to make a suggestion about a server that i dont currently play on
Do you understand that Monster is in Beta:eek:f course, I will be expecting a world wipe when it becomes recommended


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: MrZombie
Age: 21
Country of residence: USA
Why do you want to join?: Looking for a decent Community.
Past notable experience (Not important): Um... In minecraft or Modded Minecraft? In minecraft by itself I used to be a mod of a top RP server called LoTC... In Modded Minecraft, i just dick around with the mods, never really got far into any. Im more for the community.
How many rules are there?: 10
Suggestions (Optional): I suggest you PM the password to your TS3 so I can see what kind of Voice Chat pressence you guys have.
Oh and For your mod pack. Check out Erebus, A bug deminsion. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...-underground-world-ruled-by-giant-arthropods/

Do you understand that Monster is in Beta: Yes, but I could argue that technically its not a beta but a buggy Release Candidate. ((I used to be a legit Beta Tester of Games.))

Also, lol at Tulween and the humble brag.
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any tracker for the server? So i don't have to start the game to know when we are up and running again.


Jul 29, 2019
Those that have applied and not been accepted or processed yet, I do apologize. One reason for that is that our server is crashing almost constantly the last couple of days. The kind of crashes that have no information at all why they happen. Literally none. So I'm holding off on getting new players in for now.
Related to that is the news that the modpack we're working on is slowly nearing completion. We just need to ensure compatability, tweak it all for better gameplay and then get permissions for all mods that need it. The permissions is already underway as I have started contacting mod authors about their mods.

I'd also like to know what you think would be a good name for the pack. Considering our server name we've for now called it "Feed the Wolf". Any suggestions for alternates would be appreciated as well as feedback. With a little luck we'll have the modpack ready very soon. And after that we only have to wait for it to be accepted and uploaded into FTB.

Don't forget that we have a website (WIP) and connected forums. I check there daily for anything new. See you all again soon!


Jul 29, 2019
As Season 2 approaches, We have not only decided on a name for our pack but also decided to pack up. There is a raft near the spawntown harbour where you are allowed to put stuff in that you'd want to bring with you to the new world. This is important as otherwise everything will be wiped.

As for our name. We have decided to go with WolfPack. So everyone look forward to seeing that thing on the FTB Launcher as soon as possible. We are guessing that within a week, we'll have it done. But things usually never go to plan. But maybe.. just maybe...