Wither Arena?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are there any non bedrock blocks that can withstand the power of the wither? I kinda want to make a wither arena for people to use on the server I play on so no withers will go and break shit if they fail to kill it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Obsidian and reinforced stone/glass immediately come to mind, but I would test it in a cheating single player world to make sure if I were you, as these blocks are just "way more resistants" to explosions.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Obsidian works as I recall, as should titanium/iridium reinforced stone. If none of these work and you have gregtech he will be adding a new tungsten-reinforced iridium block soon that will supposedly be the ultimate in explosion resistant blocks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not sure how accurate this is but according to the MC wiki:- http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Wither#Trivia

The Wither Skull explosions can even break obsidian. At its high blast resistance of 6000, it's a block known for its hardness and explosion resistance to TNT.
  • The only blocks the Wither cannot break are air, (due to its indestructibility) end portal frame, and bedrock (its blast resistance being 18,000,000 and hardness being -1), probably to prevent holes in the lowest bedrock layer which would give an access to the void.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The wither has 2 projectiles, the normal black skulls that act the same as ghast balls and a special bunker buster blue one that can destroy almost anything. Basically the black skulls which are its normal attack will not destroy any block with a blast resistance above 20 same as a ghast ball. In other words they are unable to destroy cobble stone and any other block with a good blast resistance. Now as for the blue skulls they are only used if the game difficulty is set to normal or higher and the wither is idle, meaning it cannot find a target. These blue skulls treat all blocks but end portal frame and bedrock as if they have a blast resistance of 4 so the blast resistance of the block does not matter.

In addition to these two attacks the wither can also mine a 3x3 area in front of it if their is a wall between it and it's target as long as the blocks in its way can be mined by a player. Allowing it to tunnel its way though any type of defense or cage to reach it's target and as mentioned before if it has no target it will fire off blue skulls until it finds one.

So in short their really is no way to create a fool proof wither arena with normal and even mod blocks. However force fields should work and any other blocks that cannot be destroyed by players.

All the info is in the minecraft wiki.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well IC personal safes sould also resist, also any MFFS machine linked to security station, i also believe there is thaumecraft block that cant be destoyed but im not sure about this one


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, good thinking, plus MFFS also have a defense station that permits you to kill the mobs, to reset the arena in case nobody manages to kill it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As long as not all the players die, you would be fine just building a platform meant to be destroyed during its spawning within the arena, thus protecting the arena itself.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
when the wither is fighting, i do not belive that he can break obsidian, but when he is idle, he will randomly shoot a blue 'block buster' skull that will destroy all vanilla blocks besides bedrock. I do not think that obsidian will be a safe option even when he is fighting, since IC2 reduces the blast resistance of obsidian to much lower amount ( or at least it used to) so try forcefileds like the people above suggested. (try out reinforced stone though, if it works then it will save you a lot of materials.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've seen him shoot blue blocks while in combat - so I wouldn't assume it's safe as long as there is always a player involved (I guess it just lagged and didn't recognize for a second or something)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have seen a Wither trapped in a Hardened Glass cage. (From Thermal Expansion, pulverized obsidian + sand in an Induction Furnace if my memory serves me right.) The Wither was just chilling there, not attacking anything. I didn't try poking it, but the person who caged it said the glass could withstand its projectiles.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
what about those tc3 blocks that can only be broken by the person who placed them?

Those can be broken by any one, but it takes many times the time it takes to break obsidian with out a pick. So in other words a very long time but it is possible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tried a bunch of blocks in creative mode. Most explosion-resistant blocks survive the initial Wither explosion when it spawns. However, everything I tried got destroyed by its projectiles. (Obsidian, Basalt, Reinforced Glass/Stone, Iridium Reinforced Stone, Hardened Glass, Mazestone, Xychoridite Shields, Warded Stone...) It seems that the only feasible way to contain a Wither are forcefields. Even with that I could see it break the forcefield blocks with its projectiles, but the forcefields got instantly replaced.

(Mindcrack pack v6 MC 1.4.6)