I'll see what it has, then wait until I am suitably annoyed at some point in my current world to ragedelete it... it happens often
That's why I like servers so much... more insentive to stick around
Likely not. I waited for a rather long time for FTB Tech and eventually snapped, and then I ended up with a personal MultiMC configuration with 134 mods in it. I'm much happier now rolling my own stuff again, although the FTB Forums themselves are still the greatest place for technical chitchat and ideas. Adding 8 more mods tomorrow, yays!
But it seems like it'd be tedious to maintain the item ID stuff. Do you find it to be so? How do you maintain continuity?
But it seems like it'd be tedious to maintain the item ID stuff. Do you find it to be so? How do you maintain continuity?
Depends if Mindcrack will continue to be updated and supported, if not we wont have any choice but to switch.
I already use all the mods I expect to be in Ultimate plus lots more. No idea why people are bent on waiting when most of the best mods out there are plenty compatible with each other. Drag, drop in mods folder, change some config file settings and you're done. How hard is that!?
As no one other than the mod pack team know exactly what is going to be in the Ultimate Pack, I'll take your claim with a liberal helping of salt.I already use all the mods I expect to be in Ultimate plus lots more.
This is the reason im waiting, its not that i cant update the mods and fix the id conflicts, its the fact that i have to explain to all my users how to do also and i really dont have time for it.Its not a question of how hard it is, its a question of convenience. When you start updating this, that and the other your instructions for players to join your server go from a simple: Download FTB launcher and play - to visit this website, DL this version, install that repeat 8 times and your good to go!