Will the ultimate pack have the same configs as DW20 pack?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's been decided that the server I play on will be running the ultimate pack when it comes out, so we have been waiting and waiting. We are now thinking about starting with another pack and then move over to ultimate when it comes out. Will this work without too much hassle? Has there been any confirmation that Item ID's and so on is shared between the ftb packs?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, they've standardized the IDs they're using across the mod packs. Do be aware, though, that Advanced Solars and Compact Solars were assigned the same IDs due to being competing mods. You'll need to pick your preference. There's no telling yet which mod the Ultimate Pack will use, but as long as you don't place the Advanced Solars' Quantum Generator anywhere, getting the wrong mod won't be a problem as the solar panels will simply be swapped with their corresponding tier.
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