Request Will pay someone to create a modpack for me.

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New Member
Jul 17, 2021
Hey, I was hoping some one on here would be up to the challenge of putting together a modpack based around Tinkers’ Construct and it’s Compatibilities/Addons, obviously I will pay you to do it because I know it takes a lot of time. There’s roughly 240ish mods to be added into the pack (if we can get into contact privately I will send you a list of them). It’s kinda of a mix of mods but mostly Magic, Exploration and aesthetic, honesty not looking for any custom recipes or ore generation (anything the mods provide is fine with me as long as things aren’t out of place like random biomes thatre supposed to be in a different dimension). If there’s some mods that can’t get into the pack that’s okay but I do have a few base mods I’d like in it for sure (I’ll also dm that). And the version of the pack will be 1.12.2 and that’s simply because I’m pretty certain it’s the only version with the most compatibility features for tinkers construct (can correct me if I’m wrong). We can talk about pricing if you’re interested. Thank you.​


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
While it is a very generous offer of you to pay for someone to do this, I am pretty sure you should be able to do it yourself using the Curseforge launcher! If you create a custom pack with it for 1.12 and just add all the mods you want, I doubt you'll have many compatibility issues.

The only thing that might be a bit more tricky is ensuring only of each type of ore spawns. For this you will have to launch the pack once, and then go into the config folder and see what ores you want to disable. It can be easier to add a mod like Thermal Foundation or similar that adds a bunch of ores so you can simply disable those ores from all other mods.