Why would AE stop crafting for no reason??

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Has anyone found a solution to this problem? I've made several systems on different servers, mostly direwolf20 1.6.4.
The autocrafting stops crafting for no reason. For example: crafting a solar panel would stop with Iron bar, but there is Iron ore in the system.
When I shift-click the iron bar (cancel), it will start again from Solar panel down to the iron bar, and it will continue.

Sometimes it gets so stuck, the only way to start crafting again is to remove ME Controller and place it again.

Hope someone has the solution, whats the use of autocrafting if it's not fully auto :S


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did you change your AE network during the craft, e.g. placing or removing a ME cable? Every change to the net will make the crafting order list reset.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Has anyone found a solution to this problem? I've made several systems on different servers, mostly direwolf20 1.6.4.
The autocrafting stops crafting for no reason. For example: crafting a solar panel would stop with Iron bar, but there is Iron ore in the system.
When I shift-click the iron bar (cancel), it will start again from Solar panel down to the iron bar, and it will continue.

Sometimes it gets so stuck, the only way to start crafting again is to remove ME Controller and place it again.

Hope someone has the solution, whats the use of autocrafting if it's not fully auto :S

In this specific case it could be that the iron ore had to wait in line to be smelted and that held up the iron bars.

Any time you have issues with your AE system, try to knock out stuff that has nothing to do with what your are trying to accomplish. Sometimes you will find out you borked your own system (like when I had my dusts being autosmelted instead of being saved as an ingredient). It can be tough to want to mess with a finely tuned system, but its the only real way to troubleshoot it without someone being there checking your interface settings.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had an issue the other day where I was autocrafting the essence from Magical Crops. Had it all being dumped into an ME chest and I got the export buses set up. It worked initially and then suddenly stopped. Checked it when I got home from work and the chest was filled with essence and seed. I replaced my two export buses I had for crafted them and suddenly everything worked fine. I still have no idea why that worked. I triple checked the white list on it, connections were fine, redstone signal toggle thing on there was fine. I haven't a clue, but it's working fine now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
there's a bug in AE1 where it will suddenly stop crafting stuff... can be fixed by breaking and replacing a cable... algo might not work on a fix for it as he's busy on AE2 dev


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did you change your AE network during the craft, e.g. placing or removing a ME cable? Every change to the net will make the crafting order list reset.
No I didn't. I'm just looking at the crafting monitor and it just stops.[DOUBLEPOST=1389956191][/DOUBLEPOST]
In this specific case it could be that the iron ore had to wait in line to be smelted and that held up the iron bars.

Any time you have issues with your AE system, try to knock out stuff that has nothing to do with what your are trying to accomplish. Sometimes you will find out you borked your own system (like when I had my dusts being autosmelted instead of being saved as an ingredient). It can be tough to want to mess with a finely tuned system, but its the only real way to troubleshoot it without someone being there checking your interface settings.

Well, this is the fifth ME system I've build, I did it real careful, just the needed components and recipes for crafting a solar panel.
But it still gets stuck. I made much more complicated systems in TekkitLite, and never had any of these problems.[DOUBLEPOST=1389956269][/DOUBLEPOST]
there's a bug in AE1 where it will suddenly stop crafting stuff... can be fixed by breaking and replacing a cable... algo might not work on a fix for it as he's busy on AE2 dev

Yeah, might be it, I did craft High Voltage Solar panels before though without any problems in Tekkit Lite.
So it might just be bugged for FTB Direwolf 20 or something, I dont know..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have to poke my MAC (remove & replace any pattern once) every time I log in to get it to run.

So far I've seen, canceling subjob, replacing ME cable, remove & replace pattern...
I tought Applied Energistics was supposed to do autocrafting for us :p

I've given up on FTB and AE for now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you guys sure every piece of the AE network is chunkloaded? They must be something wrong, something you don't spot easily. I've heard some rumours about issues when the mac is on more than one chunk. Just to be sure you might want to check that.

I'm using AE on the DW20 1.6.4 pack and without any of those issues. As an example.. I craft those High Voltage solar arrays using AE and it's working without any problems. Just takes a lot of time (hours) to craft those things, but in the end it will always finish. I did have some issues in the start with it.. Turned out the slow process time of a non-overclocked metal former was timing out the crafting job. I put 6 overclockers in it and it was working ever since.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you guys sure every piece of the AE network is chunkloaded? They must be something wrong, something you don't spot easily. I've heard some rumours about issues when the mac is on more than one chunk. Just to be sure you might want to check that.

I'm using AE on the DW20 1.6.4 pack and without any of those issues. As an example.. I craft those High Voltage solar arrays using AE and it's working without any problems. Just takes a lot of time (hours) to craft those things, but in the end it will always finish. I did have some issues in the start with it.. Turned out the slow process time of a non-overclocked metal former was timing out the crafting job. I put 6 overclockers in it and it was working ever since.

Yeah, I considered that. Everything is within one chunk. I have 8 overclockers in all my machines. I checked and re-checked everything, all recipes etc. I just read this one AE website (important announcement): I'll not be releasing a final stable version of rv14, because of some annoying crafting related issues that have come to my attention that did not exist in rv13, and I was unable to find them in a reasonable timeframe. If you are interested in playing with the new features and are ok with smacking the network to reboot it every so often, the build can be found http://ae-mod.info/dev/

So I guess rv14 does have those issues where you have to smack/reboot the network. So, why your system works is maybe luck or a very specific setup that makes it work. Anyway, if I want to do stable AE I guess I'll have to go to an earlier 1.5.2. version, which I don't really like to do.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, looks like I'm not ready to give up yet :)

I rebuild the entire thing again, all within the same chunk, only recipes needed for solar panels, and also only the ingredients needed for these recipes.
Once again it got stuck on iron, and I made a few screenshots:


So the crafting Monitor says it's waiting for Iron, but when I open the ME Terminal:


The Iron is there, so the crushed Iron ore was smelted into Iron, but somehow the ME system doesn't notice it's there.
If I manually put in another Iron, the process continues.

So... why doesn't the ME system notice that the item is available?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Some thoughts.

You don't have enough Iron in your system. It sees you have one, but needs one more to continue... You only have three plates, it wants four... Not familiar with that recipe, so I can't be for certain that's the issue.


The item ID number for that iron may be different from the one that's made via automation. You'll have to remake the pattern with a piece of iron that's made from your network.


You may be bogging down the crafting side of your AE network, if you have parts of your network running on automation 24/7 (Like having a bunch of cobble generators and mass fabs running like crazy). Or using a Level Emitter to shut down parts of the network, only to have those parts flickering on and off too quickly. Basically, your network is doing too much at once, and its ignoring or missing certain tasks.

I hope this helps, as this is all I can really provide, without actually looking at your network in game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
With how many pieces of iron did you start? The crafting monitor shows it needs to craft 4 more regular solar panels, which should mean 4 were already successfully created? Or were they already in the system from previous craft jobs?

Maybe one of the recipes contain a wrong type of iron? Not sure though because then it should list the iron at the missing mats tab, or so I think.

One thing you do differently then me is the iron. I store Iron ingots instead of the ore, so the ore --> dust --> melting happens automatically when iron ore enters my system (export busses on pulverizer/furnaces).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I too am experiencing this bug. I've read through all the replies in this post, checked, double checked any and all possible ways that this may be fixed ie; putting all the machines in the same chunk and make sure all the parts are chunkloaded. After moving some of my machines into the same chunk (some were just outside it), I thought it fixed this issue for a while, but it has creeped up on me.

I then replaced all my 16k discs with 64s, shuffle them around, make sure they're not full, etc.. Same results. The job will simply stop randomly at a certain point. I do notice it stopping mostly where there's iron involved, whether it be iron plates or fuel rods. I then make sure that it has the mats needed rather than crafting them. I craft a bunch of iron ingots, iron plates, etc.. and then the crafting stops at another place. I'm continuously babysitting canceling the subjob so the autocrafting can complete. This is an issue as I have my reactors hooked up to this, autocrafting fuel rods as needed 24/7, when I log into the game, the reactor(s) have been shut down the whole time I was away. My only option is to supply the ME network with enough completed fuel rods for when my reactors requests it. This defeats the purpose of AE autocrafting and I would probably be better off using autocrafting tables. o_O

AE has stopped releasing new versions for pre 1.7. We're left to troubleshoot ourselves.

According to the announcement:

As of October 26th, I'll not be releasing a final stable version of rv14, because of some annoying crafting related issues that have come to my attention that did not exist in rv13, and I was unable to find them in a reasonable timeframe. If you are interested in playing with the new features and are ok with smacking the network to reboot it every so often, the build can be found http://ae-mod.info/dev/, only a few other minor crashes are known ot exist in rv14, and to my knowledge they are all related to Spatial IO.

As of this moment all AE Development for 1.5 and 1.6 has been halted.

I'll be spending all of my time working on a massive overhaul for 1.7 and beyond. I apologize that this means bugs will linger, and that rv14 will not be getting a final build, but I think that this path is the most sound for the future of the mod.

I also apologize as this means that AE2 might be late or even miss 1.7.2, I simply do not know at this point, I have a lot of things to work on.

It is important to note, that does not mean AE is going away, it means there just won't be any new releases / or builds for a while. and I'll probably be considerably quiter in the mean time.
What I can understand (underlined in quote) is they didn't have the timeframe to fix this issue in rv14. So I would assume the rv13 wouldn't have this bug? Would it be safe to downgrade?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have this issue in the skyblock map by jaded, I have over 10k wood and infinite cobblestone, and my system fails to craft stone hammers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When I had this problem is was a matter of replacing one of the ME conduits. Don't know why it worked but it did and after that I never had a problem. I'm sure you tried that already but if not give it a whirl.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I usually fix it by going to the Mac and pulling a pattern at random and putting it in again. Might be different bug though...

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