Why put news on twitter, reddit but not the main page?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm always interested with what's going on with the FTB Project. So I would check the news section on the main page regularly, IF there would be any news. As far as I can tell, you can get news about FTB from anywhere but the news section on the main site. Everybody probably knows by now that you should head right to the forums, if you're interested in any FTB-Updates. But that's not enough, Twitch, Twitter and Reddit, all had semi-official news about FTB, which never made it to this site. Until someone posts in the forums about it (that's when I get to know about it). So why is there a news section on the main site anyway, why put the work into creating a site and then not use it? (I really like the design of the main site, it just feels empty and useless but that's beside the point now.)
I know when people are streaming, they are talking about what they're doing and it's different than writing. And Twitter is supposed to be an easy 'n short way of communication. But Reddit? Why post there, when you could post the same things on the official forums? What's better about Reddit?
I don't watch those streams. I don't read twitter, it's full of noise, and I don't care about reddit. I do like to read posts in the forums if they are really about the game, like a great build for example. I don't care about the rest, I just care about the FTB-Project itself. But that's just me. Still, it would be great if there was something dedicated only to news... ...something like...
...like a section on the main page... ...argh right...

If you can't tell by now, I don't like collecting news-bits all over the internet-place. So if anyone knows about something like a blog, focused only on news about FTB or modded Minecraft in general, please post the link.

thx and have a great day everybody
i know i check here every day for updates, the place i expect them not twitter
they've tried all kinds of ways with sharing news, and pretty much all of them backfired.
everytime they make an official new posts, all kinds of people start complaining about all kinds of things

they've now chosen for a way to just share information when there's actually something to be announced.
the rest is done through twitter, with some information here and there.
I do think though that the FTB website could use a central twitter page where the twitter of several important FTB staff is linked, with specific tweets regarding FTB being highlighted.

also people often forget that FTB is actually still pretty new, and has grown huge in a very short time.
you can't expect them to do everything perfect right at the start, just like any other organization it takes time to improve
you might also like this post by jaded http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/why-no-new-launcher.35040/page-12#post-486519
The OP makes a perfectly valid point. Doesn't this announcement deserve it's own post on the launcher news section? But I don't want to go on about the lack of communication, as it's been done to death, and fails to make much difference. Any constructive criticism is usually shot down by flamers, or sycophants who feel duty-bound to defend ftb from any probing inquiry....hence, responses such as these:

Why? Because.

And though this does not surprise me in the least, I am disheartened to see that the post was liked by a person in Tech Support and a Wiki Article Editor, people who I would consider as part of the ftb staff. I would expect the staff to at least want to promote dialogue and display a professional outlook....and not actively encourage posters such as the one above. Divisiveness will only drive users away, and though they are not paying for the product, I assume they are part of the reason for making ftb, for the most part, a successful start-up.
The OP makes a perfectly valid point. Doesn't this announcement deserve it's own post on the launcher news section? But I don't want to go on about the lack of communication, as it's been done to death, and fails to make much difference. Any constructive criticism is usually shot down by flamers, or sycophants who feel duty-bound to defend ftb from any probing inquiry....hence, responses such as these:
Ad Hominem attacks are unbecoming of proper debating etiquette. If you wish to rebut a point, try to not aggravating the situation by calling people names such as 'sycophants'. Also, the whole martyr complex? Also not a valid debating technique, and only makes you appear to be less intelligent than you probably are.

And though this does not surprise me in the least, I am disheartened to see that the post was liked by a person in Tech Support and a Wiki Article Editor, people who I would consider as part of the ftb staff. I would expect the staff to at least want to promote dialogue and display a professional outlook....and not actively encourage posters such as the one above. Divisiveness will only drive users away, and though they are not paying for the product, I assume they are part of the reason for making ftb, for the most part, a successful start-up.
The problem is that people are asking for something which does not exist. "When will the launcher be out". The answer is "We don't know yet.". The answer has always been "we don't know yet", and there IS no way to FORM an accurate answer to that question. Trying to put coding down on a precise timeline is an exercise in futility that intelligent project managers gave up on back in the 80's.

It's called 'Social Media' for a reason, it is a way for an individual, group, or company to socialize. In particular, Twitter is a great way of letting out little dribs and drabs of information without it turning into a thirty page flame-fest of 'Y U NO LAUNCHER'. Why? Because there's no forum to flame ON.

Reddit has several ways of networking with other social media or devices which can get information to people much quicker than a forum post. Heck, my buddy has his smartphone set up to let him know when something pops up on one or two of his subreddits.

And perhaps most importantly, because nobody owes anyone anything. Quite bluntly, if they did not communicate at all until the launcher came out... that's perfectly within their rights. Perhaps not the most professional decision, but really... you're talking about a brand new volunteer organization.

Let me reiterate that volunteer organization.

No one is getting paid a damn thing. They are doing this in their free time as a labor of love. They'd like to pay people for it. They are trying to set up a way for people to get paid for it, which is why it is shifting to a corporate structure. But they aren't there yet. And if you discourage them from getting there by constantly making demands which are literally impossible to meet, they might not ever.

Take a deep breath, relax, go watch a funny youtube video about cute kittens, and come back when there is actually information to distribute. We'll still be here.
Ad Hominem attacks are unbecoming of proper debating etiquette. If you wish to rebut a point, try to not aggravating the situation by calling people names such as 'sycophants'. Also, the whole martyr complex? Also not a valid debating technique, and only makes you appear to be less intelligent than you probably are.

The problem is that people are asking for something which does not exist. "When will the launcher be out". The answer is "We don't know yet.". The answer has always been "we don't know yet", and there IS no way to FORM an accurate answer to that question. Trying to put coding down on a precise timeline is an exercise in futility that intelligent project managers gave up on back in the 80's.

It's called 'Social Media' for a reason, it is a way for an individual, group, or company to socialize. In particular, Twitter is a great way of letting out little dribs and drabs of information without it turning into a thirty page flame-fest of 'Y U NO LAUNCHER'. Why? Because there's no forum to flame ON.

Reddit has several ways of networking with other social media or devices which can get information to people much quicker than a forum post. Heck, my buddy has his smartphone set up to let him know when something pops up on one or two of his subreddits.

And perhaps most importantly, because nobody owes anyone anything. Quite bluntly, if they did not communicate at all until the launcher came out... that's perfectly within their rights. Perhaps not the most professional decision, but really... you're talking about a brand new volunteer organization.

Let me reiterate that volunteer organization.

No one is getting paid a damn thing. They are doing this in their free time as a labor of love. They'd like to pay people for it. They are trying to set up a way for people to get paid for it, which is why it is shifting to a corporate structure. But they aren't there yet. And if you discourage them from getting there by constantly making demands which are literally impossible to meet, they might not ever.

Take a deep breath, relax, go watch a funny youtube video about cute kittens, and come back when there is actually information to distribute. We'll still be here.

Name-calling wasn't my intention, but it was the only word i could think of that described the defensiveness of certain posts from certain individuals when valid questions are asked. Offence was not meant.

Martyr complex? Not in the slightest. You'll see what you want to see.

You did prove a point though. Predictably pointing out that this is a volunteer-run organisation has nothing to do with my post. All you're trying to do is to hide behind the 'no one gets paid - product is free - users therefore have no right to ask' rhetoric. I'll re-iterate my point. The OP asked a valid question. He/she got an unhelpful reply, that was liked by 'staff'. Not sure i was making any demands that inhibited professionalism. Don't be overdramatic.

'Why? Because'

Is this 'becoming' debating etiquette. Funny how you didn't comment on this.
so theres a FTB launcher update and theres no news about it anywhere that i see?!?!?! my FTB launcher now crashes when i try to start it XD same with my friends
Hello there everyone. I am a very avid ftb player. Myself, i only use this forum as my source of info. Me personally. I find twitter very unsocial, as it does not allow you to communicate properly without a bunch of tweets. When you really want to get specific info your drowned in the crowd of tweets. Reddit i have never been familiar with. I find it a little odd to navigate. The official site here is very nice and i would love to see some improvements. I do understand that this is volunteer work. I help people everyday at my own cost because of my medical profession. This is a rewarding experience and its a great feeling to know that what you do makes others so happy. I believe that the people who work with minecraft and modded minecraft love what they do and love that there fans are so appreciative of there hard work. People complain, people get angry...oh well. it is to be expected from pretty much every aspect of life. So as a request from a common player, common gamer, a common ftb die hard fan. To see the professionalism,courtesy, that even the rudest post deserves. There is no need for condescending words or name calling. That just makes people look like kids. I don't care if it is a dumb question. Would you ridicule your child for asking a dumb question? No...you find the best answer you can. Then you move on. I find if you give the right answer the first time you don't get a never ending questions. So i thank you ftb staff, minecraft staff, and any person who has contributed any effort to the development of this amazing game. It allows me to literally feed my beast for gaming. I am happy with the game no matter where it is at, game updates are just a bonus. But it is nice to see regular news about ftb from the site it originally launches from.
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Let me reiterate that volunteer organization.

No one is getting paid a damn thing. They are doing this in their free time as a labor of love. They'd like to pay people for it. They are trying to set up a way for people to get paid for it, which is why it is shifting to a corporate structure. But they aren't there yet. And if you discourage them from getting there by constantly making demands which are literally impossible to meet, they might not ever.

Take a deep breath, relax, go watch a funny youtube video about cute kittens, and come back when there is actually information to distribute. We'll still be here.

I'm not complaining about the FTB team taking their time, nor am I complaining about them selling merchandise. I think it's great. Good luck. But the latest news item in the launcher was 'Merchandise now available!' for two months. It's a little disheartening. Twitter is great... but I don't use Twitter. I use the FTB launcher, though, and I've checked it in the past for updates with no luck. It's not a terribly difficult request for news updates to be posted in the launcher

Yes, some people are way, way too overzealous in their demands, but that's the nature of the beast(heh). However, posting small updates once a month, or even posting the updates you do make under the 'news' section of your product would go a long way towards making people happy. That's not making a constant demand. That's being critical and giving advice.
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Name-calling wasn't my intention, but it was the only word i could think of that described the defensiveness of certain posts from certain individuals when valid questions are asked. Offence was not meant.

Martyr complex? Not in the slightest. You'll see what you want to see.

You did prove a point though. Predictably pointing out that this is a volunteer-run organisation has nothing to do with my post. All you're trying to do is to hide behind the 'no one gets paid - product is free - users therefore have no right to ask' rhetoric. I'll re-iterate my point. The OP asked a valid question. He/she got an unhelpful reply, that was liked by 'staff'. Not sure i was making any demands that inhibited professionalism. Don't be overdramatic.

'Why? Because'

Is this 'becoming' debating etiquette. Funny how you didn't comment on this.
No, it's just circular logic, another logical fallacy, and generally unhelpful in general.

In effect, you're using a self-referential dismissal, or a 'No True Scottsman' fallacy. "Anyone who disagrees with my position is a sycophant (and thus wrong)." "I don't agree with you" "Then you must be a sycophant (and thus wrong)".

The basic problem here is that while the OP asked for 'communication', what he is actually asking for is 'the launcher will be released on x date'. Which isn't going to happen before it happens. This has been stated MULTIPLE times. If the OP cannot read the FAQ's, he deserves that sort of an answer.

Putting anything other than 'the launcher is out' into the news forum is just going to generate more hassles and ridicule, so it is counter-productive to post in the news forum. So rather than keep everyone completely in the dark, they use several alternate means of social media which are publicly available and don't even require signing up to see. Why? Because people are sick and tired of having to repeat the mantra over and over.
I understand how annoying it must be to constantly hear "when is it coming out?, what is taking so long, you guys suck this needs to be out now, ect ect" especially when everyone in the ftb team is at the end of the day doing this for free. Any money donated directly to the team I would assume is mostly split between the 100s of modders that are in the packs, so really it is a thankless and payless job. I personally do think you guys get way too much flak from ungrateful people. So I would like to say Thank you for all the work you guys do.

I do have a request for something that I would like to see, and excuse me if it already exists and I merely have not seen it yet but it would be nice if there was a section in the forums that listed new mod packs that are due to come out (not an ETA) but just something that said ____ pack which is currently in the works will have these mods or if there is an update to a current pack which drops a particular mod maybe a very brief explanation as to why. Be it because it all of a sudden caused problems in the pack or the modder dropped off the face of the earth or what have you.

However to reiterate, thank you for all the work the team has done for us.
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No, it's just circular logic, another logical fallacy, and generally unhelpful in general.

The basic problem here is that while the OP asked for 'communication', what he is actually asking for is 'the launcher will be released on x date'. Which isn't going to happen before it happens. This has been stated MULTIPLE times. If the OP cannot read the FAQ's, he deserves that sort of an answer.

Wow. Now you're interpreting his explicit question into something else to suit your own agenda. Go back and read your first post. Not once did you satisfactorily address my initial point of there being no new post on the launcher now being able to handle 1.6 packs. Instead you went off on a tirade about voluntary organisation.

My usage of the word sycophant has clearly got under your skin, so let me put it another way. Plenty of people on the forums, including mods, brandish users or their posts as flamers or flaming, respectively. Clearly those terms are more acceptable, but i feel the word sycophant is just synonymous with those. It's nothing more than semantics.

If anything, you've proved my point. You read into it what you want to read to bolster your argument. We'll agree to disagree...and if you want the last word, go ahead...i think you've made my point clearly.

(If 'why put news on reddit but not on the main page?' equates to 'when is new launcher being released?' in your eyes, you're the one who should go off and watch kitten videos on youtube and come back with fresh eyes. Condescending, much?)
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I am posting this here since I believe it is not relevant in the "Why no new launcher." thread and therefore I deem this to be the best home for my well-intended post:

I expect a wall of text is inbound, but some quick points for folks:
Am I correct to suspect that someone who uses the 22nd letter in the alphabet to initialize his username is looking towards the void in FTB that is media/community relations? :D

My point is; the post was well written, straight to the point, and good use of bullet points where applicable. However, I would suggest to create a new thread, because not even 24 hours have passed and that post has already been buried within 2-3 pages of posts. This then causes some people to be misinformed about the latest news by basing their information on other people's posts. I'd recommend creating a new thread when any of the following factors apply:
  1. New modpacks are released for new MC versions (such as in this occasion).
  2. New launcher released/significant new information pertaining to upcoming releases.
  3. Any other significant information deemed necessary to announce in a new thread (determined by decision makers).
Back when Wyld was working on the 1.5 mod packs he would create a new thread when significant information was available, then he would periodically reply within those threads once smaller updates were available (e.g.; "just found a significant bug, could takes days/weeks to resolve, will advise in X days on the status of debugging"). That was great as people were kept up to date on more significant information via the main forum page, and anyone interested in the details would be able to read Wyld's posts within that thread. However, it wasn't ideal; an additional suggestion would be to keep the main thread post updated. Again, e.g.;

MediaGuy created a thread announcing new modpacks x1 and x2 for new MC version 9.9. Two pages of posts later ModPackGuy replies to the thread and states that they are currently developing a modpack x3 and announced minor bug fixes to x1 and x2. MediaGuy then edits the original thread post, adds a line or lines to the Updates section, summarizes ModPackGuy's post, and links to the source. MediaGuy then does this for every single post within that thread that contains updates/new information, and then the same for all other threads. That way, MediaGuy doesn't have to stalk and harass every FTB staff member like a paparazzi and allows others with more knowledge on the given subject to provide minor updates, announcements (read; MINOR), and technical clarifications. MediaGuy still maintains control over the release of the information (via the editing of the first post, which everyone reads).

Lastly, I would like to add a clarification as to my standing on the following overly-discussed items. I hope the following will reflect what the majority of FTB's userbase thinks and feels:
  1. We all realize this is still a VOLUNTEER organization that provides FREE-TO-USE products, and as such we have no say in what changes need to be made to the organization and it's product. IF we offer any advise or suggestions we do so in a respectful non-offensive manner with no ill-intent and with the knowledge that it may be disregarded, although we know some suggestions have been applied and accepted in the past.
  2. We know and agree what no one has any right to demand or request that X modpack/launcher/product be released when we say so. We fully understand that there are bumps on the road that can significantly delay production and that no one can speed up the release of any product offered by the FTB team. Additionally, we shun (not flame or offend) those who place such demands upon the FTB team, as we would never do so ourselves.
  3. We GREATLY appreciate ALL the work, time sacrificed, and resources sacrificed by EVERY SINGLE staff member, volunteer, and helpers from the top all the way down to tech support and trusted users. I emphasize GREATLY appreciate.
  4. We do not want products to be released before they are ready, we want the FTB team to take however long they need to release what they determine is a good solid product and when they determine appropriate, and all throughout knowing that we fully understand and support them because we trust them.
  5. HOWEVER, (overused word?) we do feel that FTB's community relations needs to improve. We would really like to be kept in the loop of what is going on, it doesn't mean we want things to be rushed, we just want to feel that ya'll haven't forgotten about us, we like to feel that we are a part of the whole system, and we simply just like to know that ya'll are still 'working on it'. Even the smallest bit of info; "bugs discovered, has devoured 3 staff members, delays imminent" will keep us satisfied (the quotes was humor). So please take this into consideration.
I will now abandon this topic of news/community relations/etc etc as I know it has been overdone. Cat memes, here I come!
Wow. Now you're interpreting his explicit question into something else to suit your own agenda. Go back and read your first post. Not once did you satisfactorily address my initial point of there being no new post on the launcher now being able to handle 1.6 packs. Instead you went off on a tirade about voluntary organisation.
Posting anything other than 'new launcher out' would have simply resulted in more 'slowpoke is slow lulz' posts. Which are unnecessary.

My usage of the word sycophant has clearly got under your skin, so let me put it another way. Plenty of people on the forums, including mods, brandish users or their posts as flamers or flaming, respectively. Clearly those terms are more acceptable, but i feel the word sycophant is just synonymous with those. It's nothing more than semantics.
You seem to have missed my point entirely. My problem isn't the title you used, which is interchangeable with any other title which is not vulgar in nature. My point is that you define 'wrong' as 'anything that doesn't agree with you'. Hanging a title on someone doesn't make them wrong.

If anything, you've proved my point. You read into it what you want to read to bolster your argument. We'll agree to disagree...and if you want the last word, go ahead...i think you've made my point clearly.

(If 'why put news on reddit but not on the main page?' equates to 'when is new launcher being released?' in your eyes, you're the one who should go off and watch kitten videos on youtube and come back with fresh eyes. Condescending, much?)
Tired of all the 'y u no launcher' posts and the 'y u no communicate' responded with 'nothing yet' turning back into 'y u no launcher' posts.

I'm also tired of the sense of entitlement which some people apparently have. Protip: nobody owes anybody anything. Ever. Not even corporations. Not even governments.

There are things you might like to have happen. And if you phrase it as a request rather than a condescending insult thinly veiled as negative criticism, you might get it. You know, kinda like what QueWhat did.
I'm also tired of the sense of entitlement which some people apparently have. Protip: nobody owes anybody anything. Ever. Not even corporations. Not even governments.

There are things you might like to have happen. And if you phrase it as a request rather than a condescending insult thinly veiled as negative criticism, you might get it. You know, kinda like what QueWhat did.
I want you to post this about a thousand more times so I can like it every time.
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Ad Hominem attacks are unbecoming of proper debating etiquette. If you wish to rebut a point, try to not aggravating the situation by calling people names such as 'sycophants'. Also, the whole martyr complex? Also not a valid debating technique, and only makes you appear to be less intelligent than you probably are.

The problem is that people are asking for something which does not exist. "When will the launcher be out". The answer is "We don't know yet.". The answer has always been "we don't know yet", and there IS no way to FORM an accurate answer to that question. Trying to put coding down on a precise timeline is an exercise in futility that intelligent project managers gave up on back in the 80's.

It's called 'Social Media' for a reason, it is a way for an individual, group, or company to socialize. In particular, Twitter is a great way of letting out little dribs and drabs of information without it turning into a thirty page flame-fest of 'Y U NO LAUNCHER'. Why? Because there's no forum to flame ON.

Reddit has several ways of networking with other social media or devices which can get information to people much quicker than a forum post. Heck, my buddy has his smartphone set up to let him know when something pops up on one or two of his subreddits.

And perhaps most importantly, because nobody owes anyone anything. Quite bluntly, if they did not communicate at all until the launcher came out... that's perfectly within their rights. Perhaps not the most professional decision, but really... you're talking about a brand new volunteer organization.

Let me reiterate that volunteer organization.

No one is getting paid a damn thing. They are doing this in their free time as a labor of love. They'd like to pay people for it. They are trying to set up a way for people to get paid for it, which is why it is shifting to a corporate structure. But they aren't there yet. And if you discourage them from getting there by constantly making demands which are literally impossible to meet, they might not ever.

Take a deep breath, relax, go watch a funny youtube video about cute kittens, and come back when there is actually information to distribute. We'll still be here.

FTB should put you as community relations.
There are things you might like to have happen. And if you phrase it as a request rather than a condescending insult thinly veiled as negative criticism, you might get it. You know, kinda like what QueWhat did.
So you consider my previous post a condescending insult thinly veiled as negative criticis, or a request?