why Isn't my wands charging?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had a 5000 vis aura node, but it is not charging the wand of apprentice,wand of adept or my wand of Thaumaturge. please help!

Bomb Bloke

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Assuming the node has vis, and still exists (have you seen it recently?), it may've bugged out and became dormant.

Which would mean there's nothing you can do short of getting a new node into the area.

Though I'm going to bet the node's run out of vis. Large nodes supply vis to small nodes that're below full capacity, but the opposite is NOT true - the only node that can recharge a 5000 vis node is a node that has MORE then that amount already stored.

The only other ways to charge a node is to place some crystal clusters near it, or let it sap all the vis ore blocks in the nearby area. The ore blocks don't give it much though, and once they're spent (or have been mined) the only way to replenish them is crystal clusters, full stop.

Bomb Bloke

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Had" is a very interesting word. It implies you no longer "have" them. Is the node still there, and is it charged?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
you know screen shots of you with goggles of revealing on would help this thread :p