I have a tier 5 soul shard skeleton spawner set up around 350 blocks away from my base. It is constantly (supposed to be) running through an activated lever. They fall to their deaths on obsidian pipes which eventually collect the bones into a barrel and everything else into a void pipe. I then have red stone engines pumping bones out of the barrel and into an auto crafting table making bone meal, which is then pumped into an ender chest. I use the bone meal to make biofuel for steam boilers. I have one chunk loader next to the spawner high in the sky, a couple blocks away from the lever. I also put a spot loader on the ground near the pipes. When I return to my base, it runs fine for a few minutes, bone meal accumulates in the ender chest and is distributed to my bio reactors. However, after a few minutes, bone meal stops being pumped into the ender chest. I have to manually return to the spawner for it to start collecting bones again. The barrel is empty somehow wen I return. But if I afk at the spawner, bones do accumulate in the barrel. I have no idea why it doesn't work indefinitely if I'm at my base. Any suggestions are welcome