Problem Why can't my interface insert items into another interface for subnetwork processing?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, I am trying to replicate this video
and to craft simple recipes like clay>hardened clay. In the picture, I have the pattern inserted into the flat interface and it is connect to the block interface. I have attached a storage bus into the redstone furnace with clay as the config. Any time I want to craft 10 hardened clay, nothing happens until I cancel the request and the items actually craft. Any ideas?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a shot in the dark, but do either of the interfaces have crafting cards in them?

On a separate thought, doesn't the Interface hold it's output, rather than inserting it? A machine or pipe can pull from it, but I didn't think they autoejected. Perhaps try a Storage Bus on your Interface and see if it remedies the situation.

Should note that I've not dealt with AE2 in some time, so my memory on the subject is hazy at best, but wanted to offer a starting point for troubleshooting. Good luck.