Casual Server Whitelisted Ultimate 1.0.1 Server,0 banned item,no lag, finding 2-3 players

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is a small server. I am finding 2-3 players. I want to find players with Skype available so that we can play together.
Actually, I don't mind if you are not a big pro of FTB. I hope that I can find someone who can build beautiful buildings or efficient machine systems. More importantly, basic knowledge of what will cause server lags.
Please fill in this form if you want to join me.

In Game Name:
Had you ever been banned?:
Do you have Skype?:
One example of actions that will cause server lags:

More info about this server:
Ultimate mod pack, but I disabled all of the expensive recipes for the machine in gregtech.
1.2 GB RAM
24*7 runtime.
0 item banned
Normal difficulty
Running bukkit plugins: essential, worldedit, premissionex.

We can modify the mod pack(mods and configs) after discussion if you don't like this setup.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
never been banned I've only been on a few servers and not for long
yes i have skype
multiple mystcraft worlds


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: torpdeo
Had you ever been banned?: not that I know of
Do you have Skype?: yes
One example of actions that will cause server lags: setting off 10 nukes at the same time
Extra: I am very good with the machine mods and thaumcraft


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: spacemac
Had you ever been banned?: One time when I just started playing Minecraft and I didn't know what griefing was, and I griefed someone's home, but nothing ever since
Do you have Skype?: Yup
One example of actions that will cause server lags: A large amount of nuclear reactors overheating at the same time
Extra: I really love IC2 and Thaumcraft 3
Question: Are we all working together as a team?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: zerk187
Had you ever been banned?: Nope
Do you have Skype?: Yes
One example of actions that will cause server lags: An excessive number of chunk loaders, or a lot of entities in the world (which is why you always should use void pipes when you might spill stuff on the ground)
Extra: I love Thaumcraft 3 and I want to work with bees :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Joey5060
Had you ever been banned?:Nope
Do you have Skype?:yes the Skype name is Joey Bonic
One example of actions that will cause server lags: probably a chunk loader and machines and quarry
Extra: i want to get into bees and mystcraft a little bit please get back to me as soon as possible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: waffleman9999
Had you ever been banned?: No
Do you have Skype?: yes; jack.p83
One example of actions that will cause server lags: a quarry with nowhere to put it's items
Extra: I love IC2 and TE :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: GunnerWolf
Had you ever been banned?: Twice, once because I was helping a co-owner with something and the owner turned on him and banned him, all of the staff (Myself included) left with the co-owner so we were all banned, the other time I was Head-Staff on a server, I left because the owner was immature and didn't know how to run a server, he raged and banned me.
Do you have Skype?: yes, blazingshadow2
One example of actions that will cause server lags: Large amounts of machines running.
Extra:I'm 17 years old and I'm a brony, although it's unlikely I'll talk about that much unless I'm talking to another brony. I'm applying to this server because I'm looking for a small server where I can team up with some other players and build awesome megabuilds. I already have a few in mind. Applied Energistics is my favourite mod. I prefer Thermal Expansion magmatic engines to RailCraft Steam Engines for no real reason even though they only generate half the power. Recently I've become a little bit obsessed with RailCraft and StevesCarts2, simply because I've never used them much before. I have plans to build several cool systems using RailCraft signals.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: lavastage
Had you ever been banned?: once, it was a small server and the admin thought I was griefing when I picked up one torch...
Do you have Skype?: yes but I would prefer to not use it...
One example of actions that will cause server lags: excessive use of chunk loaders.
Extra: I am kinda young, 14 yrs old. I am a huge thaumcraft nerd. not much of a fan of IC2. I love to work in team survival sort of way. also, I tend to be a bit of a jokester sometimes. I am a HUGE fan of small communities.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: zcraftler
Had you ever been banned?: nope
Do you have Skype?: Yes, but I wont talk much since I'm from Germany
One example of actions that will cause server lags: chunkloading too much and blowing up a nuke
Extra: I'm good in ftb (only with NEI :D); and I'm a Teamplayer
Question: Are you planning to share resources?