Whitelist Server (WhiteListed) Applications FTB Ultimate Server 18 Slots

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Nino P

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello my names Nino and in the process of creating a FTB Ultimate Vanilla Server( Name not decided yet). I am 16 Year old and im looking for 18 Players that are 16-18 Years old. Just a pair of teens that just wanna have some fun with other friends. Creating ultimate inventions and go on some adventures.
I will be accepting 10 YouTubers applications and 7 Non-YouTuber applications.

Skype (required):
FTB experience:
How often you play:
Do you play on any other servers?
Anything extra you'd like to add?
Why do you want to join the server?
Your YouTube Channel(If you have one)

Server Specs:
4 GB Ram
18 Slots
FTB Ultimate Pack

email me :[email protected]
Application:Name: Jacob
Age: 20
IGN: itzkaydo
Skype (required): itzkaydo
FTB experience: 2 and a half years worth
Creativity: very creative, if i get accepted you will not be disapointed
How often you play: like 12 hours a day "maybe not that much anymoe where i got a job"
Do you play on any other servers? no
Anything extra you'd like to add? im a nice fun mature guy who works 40-60 hours a week so i make mad $$$$$ for donating ;)
Why do you want to join the server? havent played FTB in few months and i miss it
Your YouTube Channel(If you have one) youtube.com/itzkaydo youtube.com/sickpage
Application:Name: jerry
Age: 17
IGN: chupari
Skype (required): j.dillewaard
FTB experience: about 3 months
Creativity: depends on what im doing
How often you play: pretty much every day
Do you play on any other servers? : nope all applications have been unanswered for 2 months now
Anything extra you'd like to add? : it seems like a fun server lets hope there are more people applying :D
Why do you want to join the server? : looking for a fun new server to play on and have fun thats basically it
Your YouTube Channel(If you have one) : i do have one but for somehow recording doesnt go well for me
Skype (required):grampa-samuel
FTB experience: Played loads last year, had to stop due to exams but I'm coming back! also many hundreds of hours on tekkit and FTB
Creativity: Substantial
How often you play: probably 10-20 hours a week
Do you play on any other servers? nope
Anything extra you'd like to add? nope
Why do you want to join the server? wanna build stuff with my friend
Your YouTube Channel(If you have one) Not a gaming one, no.
Application:Name: Tim
Age: 18
IGN: TJPearl
Skype (required): tim.pearl1
FTB experience: I used to play A LOT, but have been on a break. 2-3 years vanilla MC and a bit of Tekkit
Creativity: More than enough :D
How often you play: 2-5 hours a day
Do you play on any other servers? Not for a while
Anything extra you'd like to add? Nope :)
Why do you want to join the server? I want to meet new people and build stuff with my friend
Your YouTube Channel(If you have one)
Name: Brandon

Age: 19

IGN: Jaeger_F0X

Skype (required): brandon808955

FTB experience: Not much, I've got the basics down. Thats about it.

Creativity: I'm fairly creative. No artist, but I like solving problems in creative ways.

How often you play: Whenever I get a break from classes or homework.

Do you play on any other servers? I've applied for a few, and I used to belong to a vanilla server a while back.

Anything extra you'd like to add? I'm a freshman in college and I don't get much time to play other than the weekends.

Why do you want to join the server? I would like to join because solo isn't much fun, and public servers are too full for my laptop to handle everything going on. This seems like a relatively small community, and private servers are easier to make friends in.
Name: Henrik
Age:15(I know, I know im not 16+, but i really mature!
Skype (required):henrikdasmurf (does that mean i need a mic?)
FTB experience: Iv played on some other servers, i know how to get started, get some power going, but that about it!
Creativity: Whenever i build something i like to make it creative(in the sence of not "normal").
How often you play: probably every day
Do you play on any other servers? Iv applied for another one here, but im not gonna play on two servers at once.
Anything extra you'd like to add? hmmm...dunno, not much i quess.
Why do you want to join the server?Becouse i havent played FTB for like 6 month.
Your YouTube Channel(If you have one) MrBluePapaSmurfx (I dont do much there anymore, but it exists!
Application:Name: Liam
Age: 16
IGN: _Omnicide (Underscore included)
Skype (required): xomnicide
FTB experience: Been playing FTB for a few months, probably a year it seems like now, so I generally know my way around the different mods.
Creativity: I try to bring some creativity ideas into my builds but I am not the best at making things good on the eye :P
How often you play: I could play for 6-8 hours on week days, 8-12+ on week ends.
Do you play on any other servers?: Not as of now, no. As I was tired of all the plugins / non-vanilla FTB stuff that didn't make it fun for me.
Anything extra you'd like to add?: I hope I get picked :P!
Why do you want to join the server?: Because I would enjoy the small community of people (seems like it would be 15-20 people) and I'm a respectful, helpful, and overall a nice guy!
Your YouTube Channel(If you have one): I do not have one, never really got into YouTube / making videos.
Applicant: Brody


IGN: friender_men

Skype: friender_men

FTB experience:I have played feed the beast for around 1 1/2 years (ever since the mindcrack server started it)

Creativity: I love trying new parts of the modpack and building using other materials

How often you play: I would play the server around 2 hours a day

Do you play on any other servers?: I used to but then i got bored when about half the modpacks things we blocked and chunk loaders only could load 1 chunk

Anything extra you'd like to add?: i am a pretty nice person who is easy to get along with i love to build and mine and i can program lua

Why do you want to join the server?: i have been looking for a while to find a good server that does not block all the mods that make ftb unique to minecraft and insteasd play with a community of people with similar interests to my own and work alongside them in minecraft
Application:Name: Tyler
Age: 15 (will be 16 in about 4 months + I doubt some of the people that applied aren't even 15)
IGN: Relyable (Please always call me that or Rely)
Skype (required): oldrelyable
FTB experience: been playing sense about last summer but I just got back into it!
Creativity: Level 1 Million!
How often you play: In my free time, so always after school
Do you play on any other servers? Not anymore
Anything extra you'd like to add? I like jumping through meadows with SpongeBob Squarepants! Oh and Boom!
Why do you want to join the server? I'm just getting into YouTube and I want a private FTB server to do it on
Your YouTube Channel(If you have one) http://www.youtube.com/user/TheRelyt12
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Name: Dylan
Age: 17 in 3 months.
Skype (required): deathvender124
FTB experience: I have played for 1-2 years
Creativity: If I get inspiration I'm really a good builder.
How often you play: As much as I can. I have a job so days I'm off I play.
Do you play on any other servers? No. I want a small community server to play on.
Anything extra you'd like to add? I would rally enjoy enjoy being on the server with like-minded tennagers.
Why do you want to join the server? I want a small community server to play on with people around my age to talk and help build/build.
Your YouTube Channel(If you have one) http://www.youtube.com/user/DeathVender124 I'm still building my channel.
Name: Dylan
Age: 17 in 3 months.
Skype (required): deathvender124
FTB experience: I have played for 1-2 years
Creativity: If I get inspiration I'm really a good builder.
How often you play: As much as I can. I have a job so days I'm off I play.
Do you play on any other servers? No. I want a small community server to play on.
Anything extra you'd like to add? I would rally enjoy enjoy being on the server with like-minded tennagers.
Why do you want to join the server? I want a small community server to play on with people around my age to talk and help build/build.
Your YouTube Channel(If you have one) http://www.youtube.com/user/DeathVender124 I'm still building my channel.
I meant IGN: DeathVender124
Application:Name: Anthony
Age: 19
IGN: glassesofdoom
Skype (required): I sent you a PM with it
FTB experience: About a year
Creativity: Good at making things seem OP
How often you play: I mostly play minecraft in eclipse or intellij its been a while since I sat down and played it without developing
Do you play on any other servers? No
Anything extra you'd like to add? Nothing that I cant think of
Why do you want to join the server? Its been a while since I played on a minecraft server plus I want to play it with out modding it
Your YouTube Channel(If you have one) LordIllyohs
Application Name: Mark
Age: 17
IGN: MARKCayenne
Skype (required): Problem with my skype, doesnt work anymore, keeps crashing. Tried different things to fix and still kinda trying when i fix it ill message you later.
FTB experience: Couple years of ftb and custom packs.
Creativity: Pretty good with automation and building huge bases.
How often you play: Every day due to the holidays.
Do you play on any other servers? No
Anything extra you'd like to add? Not really.
Why do you want to join the server? To play on an Ultimate server :P
Age: 17
IGN: ishishanuka
Skype (required): Will PM if accepted.
FTB experience: I started with feed the beast back in the Beta Pack days, and I have played since. My favorite packs are Monster, DW2- and Ultimate.
Creativity: I think of myself as very creative! I am the head terraformer on my personal build team, as well as a landscaper on numerous other teams.
How often you play: I play minecraft/ftb almost everyday!
Do you play on any other servers? Yes! I own my Build Team/MiniGames/Survival server, which has about 20+ people at any time. I also play on lots of other FTB servers.
Anything extra you'd like to add? Not much :D
Why do you want to join the server? I really have wanted to play on a server with the ultimate pack, and this seems like a great choice. :D
Your YouTube Channel(If you have one) The Magical Ishi, however inactive for the last 2 years.
Age: 17
IGN: Phillywilly69 - made it when i was like 10
Skype (required): chargedtrix
FTB experience: decent amount 2 years
Creativity: very creative
How often you play: too much probably
Do you play on any other servers? nope looking for prvt
Anything extra you'd like to add? I strive to be a computer engineer from Bradley
Why do you want to join the server? I want to join so I can connect with peers and not get griefed
Your YouTube Channel(If you have one) www.youtube.com/badphiltv
IGN: pancakeman77
Skype (required): will pm if accepted
FTB experience: about 1 and 1/2 years
Creativity: partly creative mostly i build for functionality
How often do you play?: i play at least 4-1/2 hours a week on a very busy week, but about 2-4 on weekends
Do you play on any other servers?: nope, not anymore i got griefed and it may be shutting down
Anything you would like to add?: Just that im a friendly person and would very much like to play in a mature environment in a tight nit community
Why do you want to join the server?: i want to be able to play my game and have fun with other mature people on a private server without being griefed or stolen from.
You YouTube channel(if you have one): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2CuACKqa7tG3Rmb2eIM5xA
we are a very new channel and are going to start recording soon.

Thanks for looking at my application and i hope to see you guys soon :)