Whitelist Server (WhiteListed) Applications FTB Ultimate Server 18 Slots

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Nino P

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello my names Nino and in the process of creating a FTB Ultimate Vanilla Server( Name not decided yet). I am 16 Year old and im looking for 18 Players that are 16-18 Years old. Just a pair of teens that just wanna have some fun with other friends. Creating ultimate inventions and go on some adventures.

I will be accepting 10 YouTubers applications and 7 Non-YouTuber applications.

1.Why do you want to join the server?
2.Tell me your YouTube Channel(If you have one), Skype username, Minecraft IGN, and your age.
3.How long have you been playing Minecraft/FTB?
4.There is absolutely no griefing or stealing on this server.
5.Would you participate in community builds?

Server Specs:
4 GB Ram
18 Slots
Ultimate FTB Pack
1.Why do you want to join the server? Looking to have some fun, just got back into FTB.

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyZFWAvLfveXovLp0U_aZvw
Skype: coughcoughcough2 or KaufKaufKauf
Age: 17
IGN: KaufKaufKauf

3.How long have you been playing Minecraft/FTB? A year. Took a 3 month break now, should be easy to get back into it.

4.There is absolutely no griefing or stealing on this server. Agreed.

5.Would you participate in community builds? Yeah, I'd love to help build a cool spawn.
1. I've lately felt the urge to play FTB again. I used to play it, and was on a whitelisted server several months ago, but I got really busy with work and travelling and basically just stopped playing. I want a fresh start in the game again.

2. No Youtube, but maybe in the future. Though probably not, honestly.
Skype: zachthecommie
Age: 19
IGN: ZachTheCommie

3. Probably about a year, on and off, with the Mindcrack pack. Originally it was just in single-player, but I eventually wanted a server to play on.

4. Stealing and griefing's not my style. This is Minecraft, not DayZ.

5. Absolutely. The last server I was on was unfortunately not into building a spawn.
1.Why do you want to join the server?: I only play whitelisted servers and i mainly would play mindcrack pack but now it is just to outdated so i decided on ultimate so i can get my fill

2.Tell me your YouTube Channel: youtube.com/rotronum

3:Skype username: Friender_Men

4:Minecraft IGN: friender_men

5:age: i am 15 years old (hope you can make an exception)

3.How long have you been playing Minecraft/FTB?: I have been playing minecraft for 3 years now and i have played ftb for at least 1 year mainly the mindcrack pack but i have some experience with ultimate

4.There is absolutely no griefing or stealing on this server: Of course this is the main reason i choose whitelisted servers so i dont have to worry about the angry 7 year olds who dont know what there doing

5.Would you participate in community builds?: Yes i love helping people out and i would be best with making

As those are mainly what i do in minecraft

Thankyou for reading my application


ps. Suggestion for the server name Ninulti craft
1.Why do you want to join the server? I am fairly new to this mod back, i have played around a bit on single player but i feel i could really learn more and become better at it if i were to play with others. There is also the obvious perk of meeting some great new people :D
2.Tell me your YouTube Channel(If you have one), Skype username, Minecraft IGN, and your age. Tim.pearl1 ---- TJPearl ----- 18
3.How long have you been playing Minecraft/FTB? 2 weeks(ish) but over 2 years of vanilla MC
4.There is absolutely no griefing or stealing on this server. Just how I like it
5.Would you participate in community builds? Yeah, it would be a great chance for me to learn new things, meet new people and improve any skills that can be transferred from vanilla MC
1.Why do you want to join the server? Because I have the urge to play some feed the beast and I'm looking for a whitelisted server

2.Skype username: ryan.mcintosh7 - Minecraft IGN: ryanmcintosh_14 - Age: 18

3.How long have you been playing Minecraft/FTB? I've been playing Minecraft for 2-3 years and I've played about a year of FTB

4.There is absolutely no griefing or stealing on this server. Of course.

5.Would you participate in community builds? Yes I enjoy building with the community.
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Why do you want to join the server: Looking to play some ftb on a smaller white listed server
YouTube Channel: I have one but dont use it
Minecraft: captainjfud
Skype: i will pm you if i get accepted
Age: 17
How long have you been playing Minecraft/FTB:2 years minecraft ftb:1 year on and off
Would you participate in community builds: Yea sure :D
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1.Why do you want to join the server? I want to join because I enjoy playing mindcrack and ultimate seems similar. I dont like the whole lone wolf thing, it gets boring fast, and public servers feel the same as solo. I would like to join a small group of players, make new fiends, and build contraptions in FTB.

2.Tell me your YouTube Channel, Skype username, Minecraft IGN, and your age: Skype: brandon808955, IGN: Jaeger_F0X, Age: 19

3.How long have you been playing Minecraft/FTB? Minecraft: 1-2 years, FTB: not very long at all.

4.There is absolutely no griefing or stealing on this server. I understand this, I hate griefers and thieves.

5.Would you participate in community builds? If I'm online I'll participate. I have a pretty packed schedule with college... So I can definitely participate in my free time.
1.Why do you want to join the server?- Looking for a fun server to join in again, i was playing on a non whitelist server for the longest time and now am looking for a community based server to spend most of my spare time. So mainly to have fun, join in with others and just enjoy myself :)
2.Tell me your YouTube Channel- Have one set up so that i can record but im waiting untill i can afford a better mic to record with, so at the present time i dont plan to record
Skype username- sboy365pv
Minecraft IGN- Bill_Nyan
and your age 16
3.How long have you been playing Minecraft/FTB? Minecraft for near 3 years, FTB its been on and off for about 6 months
4.There is absolutely no griefing or stealing on this server. I completely understand and aim to keep my end of the bargain
5.Would you participate in community builds? Yes, if im online and i hear of something i will join or skyped ill join, basically if im aware ill try to help out
1.Don't really like playing solo FTB but love the modpack and would be great to meet some new people who enjoy play it too :)
2. I have a joint YouTube channel with my friend that I can direct you too if you like(we are very off and on with it, currently inactive), Skype: FlipStyle01, MC: FlipStyle01. Age:19
3.I've been playing MC for a couple of years and have playe the Direwolf20 Feed The Beast pack for about 6 months (just getting back into it)
4.Good. Why ruin it for others?
5.Yeah I'd love to build some cool stuff
Hello Nino thanks for reviewing my application
1.Why do you want to join the server? I'd like to join the server because I am just getting back into FTB and i would to join a brand new server that has a friendly community.
2.Tell me your YouTube Channel(If you have one), Skype username, Minecraft IGN, and your age. I don't have a youtube channel but my Skype name is Daniel.russell47. I'm 16 years old in 2 weeks and my minecraft user name is ch1pt20.
3.How long have you been playing Minecraft/FTB? I have been playing minecraft since alpha and i started FTB about a year and a half ago, but i took a long break and i'm just getting back into the game.
4.There is absolutely no griefing or stealing on this server. I understand this as it is a rule on most servers.
5.Would you participate in community builds? I would like to help as much as i could with any project on the server whether it is community or private with other people.
Thanks for looking at my application and I hope to hear from you soon.
1.Why do you want to join the server? I've been looking for a white listed server with some buddy's for a while now but I can't find any. This would be lots of fun.
2. Skype username: camwray88
3. Minecraft IGN: Eddie_Edwardson
4. Age: 16
3.How long have you been playing Minecraft/FTB? I've been playing since about 3 years. I used to play around 10 a week but I got bored but now I'm really into it again.
4.There is absolutely no griefing or stealing on this server. I completely agree. I just want a private server with some buddy's that respect your things.
5.Would you participate in community builds? Of course, I love building with and for a community.
1.Why do you want to join the server? I'm just starting a Youtube channel and I want a Private whitelisted server to play on.
2.Tell me your YouTube Channel(If you have one): https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRelyt12 (Feel free to msg me on Youtube)
Skype username: oldrelyable
Minecraft IGN: Relyable(I go by Rely)
and your age: I'm 15 (Will be 16 in about 4 months, hope that's okay I doubt half the people who replied are actually 16)
3.How long have you been playing Minecraft/FTB? I've been playing Minecraft for about 2 1/2 years and FTB sense about last year
4.There is absolutely no griefing or stealing on this server. Great because that would make it less fun :p
5.Would you participate in community builds? I'm a decent builder and I'm a great community person
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1.Why do you want to join the server?I have a youtube channel, and want a server to call home.
2.Tell me your YouTube Channel(If you have one), Skype username, Minecraft IGN, and your age. Channel: DeathVender124, SUN: deathvender124, IGN: DeathVender124, and 17
3.How long have you been playing Minecraft/FTB? minecraft: 2 years, since 1.8.1 Beta, FTB: 1 year.
4.There is absolutely no griefing or stealing on this server. Good, I can't stand griefers.
5.Would you participate in community builds? Yes, I love to help people out.
1. I have been searching for a small server like this with no luck.
2. Yt: none that I post videos to yet
Skype: luke_eyring
Mc: lukethedude
Age: 16
3. 1 1/2 years steadily
4. Exactly what I want I hate griefers
5. Yes. I'm a decent builder and have a wide knowledge of mods.
Thanks for considering my application. If I'm accepted could I please be notified on Skype as I can't check Tapatalk 24\7 Haha thanks!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
1.Why do you want to join the server?
Looking for a community server, and this looks like it could be one.
2.Tell me your YouTube Channel(If you have one), Skype username, Minecraft IGN, and your age.
I have a YouTube, not that it matters since i am not using it... TheSettler [EuPP Cotm ref], _TheSettler_ and i am 18
3.How long have you been playing Minecraft/FTB?
Since alpha and since ftb launched.
4.There is absolutely no griefing or stealing on this server.
Just as i want it.
5.Would you participate in community builds?
I wound probably start them:)
1.Why do you want to join the server? Great friend and love FTB
2. Mophead888, xeniabenia,16
3.about a year
4.There is absolutely no griefing or stealing on the server. Agreed
5.Would you participate in community builds? Yes ones that wish to have people help
Please notify me on skype if im in
1.Why do you want to join the server?
I want to start playing Minecraft once again. This time, with a twist!

2.Tell me your YouTube Channel(If you have one), Skype username, Minecraft IGN, and your age.
No YouTube, Skype is abijit28, Minecraft IGN is AbiDhaliwal and Age is 16

3.How long have you been playing Minecraft/FTB?
A few months but stopped since I was getting tired of playing alone.

4.There is absolutely no griefing or stealing on this server.

5.Would you participate in community builds?
Definately, I love working on design builds and anything of that sort.
1.Why do you want to join the server?
I have been looking for a small friendly community for the pack Ultimate, and I would love to join your community.
2.Tell me your YouTube Channel(If you have one), Skype username, Minecraft IGN, and your age.
Skype name: BeautifulPlague, Minecraft IGN: Little_Bambino, Age: 16.
3.How long have you been playing Minecraft/FTB?
I have been playing Minecraft/FTB since 1.4.7
4.There is absolutely no griefing or stealing on this server.
5.Would you participate in community builds?
Yes, I love building, and would love to bring my ideas to your server.