Which sapling can I use to get more apples per cut? using MFR/Monster

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Been away from FTB forums for quite some time, but now rejoining for the fun.
My question mainly is, i'm using the monster pack.. but um what sapling can I get to produce more apples in a MFR tree farm? i'm running my current Tree farm full range upgrade, and it seriously lacks the amount of apples needed to produce a good amount of fruit juice. I'd love to go ahead and clear a huge giant area and setup like 10 giant farms but it would probably just lag and be a hassle. Is there a easier way to get apple's or essentially produce fruit juice than what I'm currently using?

My final goal is to have a nice production of biomass/ethanol using purely the extracells/AE mod.

Looking through NEI i see a Apple Oak Sapling from forestry which i've heard is made in a treealyzer or analyzer, i'm curious about that sapling. another sapling that I was also interested in was the "Apple Sapling" from the biomes of plenty mod. Is it possible to get the "apple sapling" on Monster? am I just a clueless bafoon? lol well if anyone knows more than me, i'd appreciate the help.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it seems you don't know about the updates from forestry yet.
forestry now adds tree breeding besides bee breeding aswell
through tree breeding you can change certain stats from a tree.

a vanilla oak tree will not produce much in resources, as the ratio for things like sapplings and such have been decreased in forestry machines, but you can breed your oak sapplings to a better oak sappling.
now I can write a whole story here on how that works, but I suggest you to either read up on the forestry wiki, or watch some forestry spotlights
I also suggest you to use NEI to find which tree produces the most of what you need, especially with Binnie's mods installed who add even more bees and trees
there might be better fruits to use if you want fruit juice

and a tip, tree breeding isn't exactly easy, so you might want to consider using gendustry as it allows you to breed new sapplings through machines
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