Where to start?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I want to focus on learning IndustrialCraft and BuildCraft but I haven't been able to find good tutorial video series that is up-to-date and not from 2010/2011. I played some Tekkit but didn't get too far. I feel like IC/BC is the core of it all and really just want to start with those. Any suggestions on newer video tutorials? Thanks.
I suggest watching one of Direwolf20's videos. His SSP videos go into a lot of depth of the mods and are great for learning them for the first time. His season 4 would probably be the best, the season 5 is more up to date, but is not to far along.

Be aware that gregtech will change things, so i suggest looking at the mod page for it and seeing what it changes.
I suggest watching one of Direwolf20's videos. His SSP videos go into a lot of depth of the mods and are great for learning them for the first time. His season 4 would probably be the best, the season 5 is more up to date, but is not to far along.

I do like Direwolf a lot. I've been watching his Season 4. He started to go into Thaumcraft in episode 3 which I don't want to get into yet. Does he stay on that or just touch on it?
I would avoid mindcrack if you are just starting out with mods as gregtech makes them all extremely hard, but otherwise what you go with Depends on the resources available
IC: Most of what you will need is copper iron and rubber from rubber trees
Thermal expansion: you will need large amounts of sand (for glass) gold and redstone.

Now for basic machines (do you know how to use NEI?)
IC: You will need a generator and a batbox along with some Insulated copper wire. to make the wire, look for rubber trees in swamp and forest biomes and use a treetap on the orange spots, remove the leaves for access and saplings, smelt the resin for rubber for now but dont make more than what you need
Place the batbox so that the dot is going alongside a wall in your machine room, then place your copper wire along the wall in that dot, now that you have a basic power setup make a macerator. this is how you double your ores. Then macerate some ores and make an extractor. this is how you will extract additional rubber from the resin. also i would get an electrical furnace to smelt using IC2 power as well... from there i would look at the industrialcraft wiki and go wherever you want

TE: You will need plenty of gold redstone and glass, along with a little clay for a couple brick blocks and a reasonable amount of iron for machine frames (Memorize that recipe or use a project table and RP2s indigo flower dye and make a plan for it) You will need an engine of some type like hobbyists steam engines or stirling engines, preferably two or more, and plenty of materials
I have seen people go with Railcrafts hobbyists steam engines for initial power, but as it takes more gold i am not sure. anyway you will need some gold transport pipes, and some redstone, combine those for conductive pipes, they will do until you can get redstone energy conduits but be careful of overcharging (when there is a lot of blue in the pipes, turn everything off/run) then you can make TE's ore doubler, the Pulverizer, hook it up to some conductive pipe and start pulverizing your ore, smelt some more and get a powered furnace. while you are at it i would also recommend making a sawmill. its priority is lower yes, but... it cuts logs into planks at 150% of what you would normally get. from there i am not too sure... but i am sure you and i both will figure it out soon XD (my guess is engine upgrades going into forestry and redstone conduits and cells)

Hope this wall of text isnt too wordy :) good luck
I would watch the mindcrack guys, specifically nebris if you are looking for IC and BC. If you want forestry and railcraft then Etho.
Thanks Zmaster27 for the details. Actually, I did play some Tekkit and a bit familiar with some of the basic IC2 machines. I just want to learn IC/BC inside and out. Then I want to move on to Forestry, Redpower2, and the rest. I am thinking though a lot of the mods might complement IC/BC along the way and vice versa.

I have a feeling I will want to use all the mods at once. I am usually a completionist and want to do all that I can with every mod but it seems some mods have items that are better/more efficient than others.
I would watch the mindcrack guys, specifically nebris if you are looking for IC and BC. If you want forestry and railcraft then Etho.

Can't comment on nebris as I don't watch him, but not sure about your advice to watch Etho. He's flitted about too much and doesn't go into any detail with the bio stuff - certainly nothing that would be of any use to a newbie anyway.
Oh! There's a subtlety you should be aware of:
The recipes in the newest version of TE changed - I don't think it's in the pack yet, but it will almost certainly be soon.
The induction furnace and magmatic engines now require invar to make, so now ferrous ingots are actually rather useful. (Or will be, anyway.)
Also, the magmatic engines no longer can 'buffer' cans of lava inside them. The wiki is unclear what happens if you try to update while the cans are still inside - presumably they just disappear into the void.

Also, Gregtech altered the recipe for bronze so 3 copper + 1 tin = 2 bronze. It's a little silly, but once you get the industrial centrifuge set up properly, it ceases to matter - the centrifuge can convert lava into copper, tin, and electrum.
Combine with the magma crucible for infinite bronze!

In general, NEI is your friend, especially when it comes to everything the GT stuff can do for you.
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Personally I think Nebris goes way too fast, granted no-one wants to watch hours of crafting, but the amount of time he must have spent mining between episodes to be able to make that stuff is beyond me.
I like kingdaddyDMAC's stuff, he tends to explain things enough, without going into too much detail http://www.youtube.com/user/kingdaddydmac
a couple of others that are good to watch are Avidya http://www.youtube.com/user/AvidyaZen and Coestar http://www.youtube.com/user/Coestar they record together on FTB
and yes I'd agree with old faithful of Direwolf.

The other thing to do would be watch some of the streamers on twitch.tv that way you can see them do stuff live and they'll talk about it and often they'll be flitting around there bases and you can get inspiration from that.

Check out the streamers forum look out for Jadedcat, slowpoke and eddieruckus

Hope this is of use to you