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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay so to start off, I'm not trolling, i'm not an idiot, I'm comfortable with modding, and even programming to a degree. This entiiiire question relates to help getting an additional set of mods working with FTB Magic World. I'm aware nobody's obligated to help with this, and i certainly dont expect Dev answers on it. I'm just pulling my hair out and am hoping someone can help ease my pain if they have a single, simple set of information. There's several folks I know who will need this information so we can all play together, and we would all be much obliged if someone was kind enough to help me with this.

The story:
So my friend loves farmville/cooking type things. I love the techy stuff. We both love magicy stuff. Magic World + Pams Harvestcraft mods = perfect world so far. Until.... I tried to make a gear, and got carpet. Solved that handily enough, i adjusted the numbers by a few digits, and those IDs were unused. Then Pam put out the final 3 crops for her mod. Two of these overwrite yet more blocks... and the issue lies in that pams mods are still using item IDs that buildcraft/forestry(i think?) use.
I need a hand in selecting some item IDs that will not conflict with buildcraft or any of the other FTB wonderful goodies in the pack? Her mod has a config file. So i can set them to whatever i need to, It's just every time i go in to find a "row" of IDs at least one of them is used on something... When i set it to an abonoxiously high number, I got an "array out of bounds exception" basically meaning, i can't use a number that high because block/item IDs dont go in that range..

My question:

:( Halps? What is the range of item IDs for blocks, and for items? Does anybody know a "safe" area that i can use for these mods items? Thanks in advance.

pams thread, all item IDs used are in the desc of each mod. to my knowledge, we're using them all


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you talking about making a mod to add to the FTB packs? if so then I can see if one of the mod pack team can pop on to let you know if they have any ranges not used


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
NEI dump to see free ID's, also you can't go above 4096 for block ID's( any worldgen block ID's have to be below 256 but that shouldn't be an issue with the mods you are trying), item ID's I have no idea how high you can go I've seen them up in the 30k range (maybe higher I don't pay too much attention to item ID's since they don't cause game crashes just out and out weirdness if they are wrong and they are easily fixed) another small oddity Forestry\BC both have the +256 issue where their ID's are actually 256 higher in game than they are in the config (unless it has been fixed in the latest versions, haven't checked of forestry yet, BC still has the issue as of the latest version however)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Woo, thank God. I wake up and at least two people actually read the post and helped! Yay!

@NosePicker "log or no help." lol... Obviously didn't read the thread. There's no log when everything works, but an item ID is just not there :p The issue is that item IDs are being overwritten by addons I am including in a "modified" Magic World pack which includes Pams HarvestCraft (linked in OP). Its not somthing impossible to solve on my own. I'm just a man of limited time, and the idea of sifting through NEI scribbling down every used block ID did not appeal to me. Hence my asking for help.

@Scott, no, heh. I've never delved into modding (I want to), but if such a list of unused IDs is something that you guys have handy, publicizing that would not be unappreciated. I'm sure i'm not the only one going FFFF WUT IDZ KAN I UUZ. Thanks for the response though :D I know personally I add/fiddle with things. Knowing what range was consumed by the pack would be very helpful to me. Possibly in the future maybe all the Official FTB IDs could be consolidated into a single range to ease this process for those looking to customize? I suppose a lot of folks probably wouldn't need it but its one of those things one would only have to do once ya know?

@indigo/WTFFFS I will try and find/figure out how to use this dump feature. That would essentially provide me with the list i'm looking for. That wold solve it i think. Pams mods offer a config per-crop. So even if they were disjointed I could manually remap the IDs for it. If i can't figure that out I will be back.

Off to try that for now. Thanks guys :)

The NEI Item dump provided precisely what i needed. Thank you much guys. I was able to find alternate, unused item/block IDs within about 15 minutes for each of the 8 mods. Got it solved in pretty short order. :D