What's that RP setup that uses a Timer...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I want to trigger a RP Timer with a lever but then have the Timer stop spinning after it returns to the zero point. I can not remember which gate I am supposed to set up alongside of it to get it to stop after the designated time that I set. Any help is appreciated.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you use a toggle latch hooked up to the pulse from the timer it will shut off the timer after each pulse and reactivate the timer if it gets a pulse from somewhere else. Although, you could achieve the same result with a lever/button attached directly to your circuit without the timer or toggle latch.

If you want the timer to tick a certain number of times before shutting off, you can use a counter in much the same way as a toggle latch. Set your max to however many timer pulses you want, your increment to 1, and your decrement to the same number as your max. Once your timer ticks the desired number of times, it will shut off. Pulsing the decrement side of the counter will reset the system.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a Tesla set up to kill creepers coming out of a spawner but I only want it to run for a few minutes then shut off.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you want the tesla to automatically turn on at regular intervals, I'd recommend powering the tesla coil with a toggle latch that is turned on/off by your timer. So your wiring would be Lever (to disable the timer) => Timer => Toggle Latch => Tesla Coil. If you set your timer to, say, 30 secs, then you'd get 30 secs on, 30 secs off, etc. If you want the on/off times to be different you could use a state cell instead of a toggle latch. So, if you wanted 10 secs on every minute you'd set your timer to 60 secs and your state cell to 10 secs.

If you only want the tesla coil to run for a few secs when you hit a button and then turn off, you could use a state cell. State cells preserve your redstone current for a brief period of time depending on what you set them to. That wiring would just be button => state cell => tesla coil. If you set your state cell to 10 seconds then every time you hit the button your coil would run for 10 secs then shut off.

An easier solution might be to hook your tesla coil up to a stone pressure plate (not wood, so drops don't unnecessarily run the coil) so the coil only fires when creepers are present. If your collection area is just 1x1, that's pretty straight forward - just place the coil in the floor with the plate on top of it. If your collection area is larger, you could cover the floor with plates (or use water to push creepers into plates) and you might have to run some wires, but it should also be pretty straight forward. Since using a pressure plate means you can't put your item collection system in the floor, I'd recommend using obsidian transport pipes that are powered by an engine of some sort. This youtube video has a great visual representation of the range a powered pipe can have if powered by various engines.

Now that I'm thinking about it, though, the tesla coil only draws 2 EU/t if it doesn't have anything to zap, so I don't see much harm in just letting it stay on all the time. Maybe wire in a lever to shut it off from a distance in case you don't want to get zapped yourself, but for mob farming you can mostly just set it and forget it.

EDIT: added a bit to the 1st paragraph about using a state cell in conjunction with the timer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Old info below (in spoiler):
Neirin's got it, use a state cell definitely. Here's a mockup:

As easy as it gets; you can add a pulse former (shown on the right) to make the lever do work on the downswing, too.

Here's one that will run forever (turns on after X seconds, stays on for Y seconds)
You can flip the lever to act as an emergency shutoff, too.

If you space out the timer/state cell and put the input from the lever in between the two, flipping the lever off will startup the tesla coil immediately.

Disregard the piece of wire leading back into the timer. I was going to get fancier with it but decided it was unnecessary.
I decided to fix a crucial flaw I saw, in that it doesn't start-up the second you flip the lever. This design runs for X seconds, cools down for Y seconds, and starts IMMEDIATELY after you un-flip the lever. Can be emergency stopped by flipping the lever again.

This is my overcomplicated shot at it..
1) NOT Gate
2) AND Gate (Screwdriver shift clicked once, right torch is off)
3) State Cell (ON duration)
4) State Cell (Cooldown duration)
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