What you think about.....

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello everyone,

I actually work for remake my FTB international server with a huge modpack. This time more advanced technics, playing and of course creating advanced stuff.

BUT i want to know what you think about....
I'm near to launch a beat test but i really really can't choose between modpacks so i ask you all around then i can choose better.

my choice is between 3 modpacks the modpacks are:

(they are all for minecraft 1.5.2 that's why the server is beta due to near upgrading all for 1.6.x in a close future)

-NewWorld modpack (1.5.2)
-Direwolf20 pack (1.5.2)
-FTB Unleashed (1.5.2)
they are ALL for 1.5.2 !!

if you can please say the one you like more and why and if you play on a server purpose these packs wich one you play more etc etc
it's can be very helpfull for my future choice

I thank you all in advances for your replies and see you In game and around the forums



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
NewWorld had some world gen problems, diamonds everywhere. EVERYWHERE.
Don't know if it is fixed. Dw20 pack, dunno haven't played it. Unleashed seems to need some nerf mods, like greg tech, but maybe not as stupid :b


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would recommend Unleashed, since it basically the new Ultimate (I think) and that was the more popular pack. If something goes wrong, the Direwolf20 pack would be a fine replacement.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unleashed or DW, but you will still need to do a lot of config editing & maybe remove a couple of mods that make thing just a little to easy in a pack like dartcraft for one & maybe soulshards as well, but thats all up to use, anyway gl with your endeavor.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd go with unleashed as that's currently the "Ultimate" format for future versions.
if you'd choose DW20's modpack, it's currently just a copy of forgecraft and will probably change for 1.6.2 as Unleashed will most likely stay almost the same