What To Do, Magic Farms 2

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, i have no idea what to do on magic farms 2. I got a good food setup, but what mods should i get into first. Im looking for automation and good strategies to get into these mods


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MagicFarm2 is not really about automation, though it's certainly there. As @Loxinnightwalker said, TE3 and TC4 are good things to invest into. Early game, I'd focus on TiCo and as @will8c said, get them to the alloy stage. Once you're at Alumite, you're set. But, prior to that, your tools will be your bottleneck. You won't be able to start TE3 or TC4 without gold and redstone, which requires recent TiCo tools.

After TiCo, TE3, getting TC4 started, and having a good way of getting food, then I'd start looking at large-scale power production and automation.

As for early-game automation, it's hard to beat TE3.
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