What the Fudge...

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well the title is a little confusing but hey, ain't life confusing. Now back to the topic. How the fudge do you guy's know everything in these freaking modpacks. I started to mess around with direwodl20 modpack and I got a freaking heart attack. (clicks on a item to see recipe -Heart attack-) I struggles to comprehend 1/4 of the mods in 1.4.2 ftb now I got to deal with even more! So pretty much is, how can I start to understand evvveeeerrrryyything in direwolf :3 ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just play around with it, google some stuff etc. Just see what they do and slowly but surely you'll start understanding these mods :). And I think some or most have even played with these mods at times when there weren't any packs ;).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just keep experimenting with them. Consult mod wikis, read the forums. You will be fine eventually. Maybe.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
honestly, celestialphoenix's suggestion is what i do most of the time. if direwolf doesnt cover something i search for a wiki or the original thread with the mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep +1 for playing along with DW. Heres what I did when I started playing with mods not long ago.

Heres my story:

So I had been a vanilla player since before the 1.0 release but it really didnt take me to long to get bored of it. I started looking for more ways to expand my minecraft game play and quickly ran on to this BuildCraft thing. At first I thought that it was some kind of stand alone game that was copying minecraft or something (Silly me) but I soon realized that you could actually add it to your minecraft game and then have pipes and ways to "make" diamonds. This was like the Ritz to me. Well I soon began to think hmm what else might there be that I could add to minecraft, well I pretty much just went to the MCF and looked through the entire mods section of the forums, I looked at just about mod that was out there and decided that I wanted to try just about everyone (no kidding I had like a list of 75 mods I wanted to try) Oh and keep in mind these were all 1.1 mods at the time so nothing nearly as fancy as thaumcraft or all the sparklies of forge that we have today. Any who, I finally got pretty much every mod I wanted installed (After what must have been a week of frustration because of not knowing what the heck I was doing). So I hope in minecraft load up the game and, holy cow! I had no idea what to do, where to start or anything. So I went to youtube and typed in "Modded Minecraft LP" And after going through half a dozen channels I found DW and thought you know it seems like he knows what hes doing Im gonna see what I can learn from this. Well After watching DW and finding out what mods he had installed I went and got everyone of those mods and nothing else. Quickly I began watching videos and within a few days I was caught up on his newly started 1.1 LP. So while waiting for his next video every day I would go and do what I knew should be done, Mine, chop trees, build a better house, and build a ton of machines and such and put them in a chest waiting for DW to introduce them. Well fast forward a few months and I had played with DW for his entire 1.1 season and had made 1 of everything that he had made (This way I would better understand how his contraptions worked) and I even went on to make a few other things that I had thought of just to try and expand my knowledge.

Fast forward to present day. Today I feel that I probably got just as good of a knowledge base of the mods as DW does. Im always on the leading edge of mods know because of watching DW and follows different forums such as here, and if there is ever something I don't understand then wiki for that certain mod is a ton simpler to look through when you already know a good deal about the mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Steve, I require a TL;DR :p

Also, I too +1 the playing along with DW20 as you watch his LPs; that is exactly what I am doing. I just wish his episodes were longer or he added them more often.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
I've got a blog in my sig that has some information that might be useful to getting started with a few types of mods. Fair warning, these represent my personal opinions on the mods. I'm not a big fan of Factorization, for example, simply because I can do everything with another mod. However, the mechanics of the guides themselves are pretty solid. I walk you, step by step, through the process of "Okay, I've punched some trees, I've mined some ores, some of them pretty whacked out, now what?" to "Full automated ore processing plant and sorting system".
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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
I too collect guides, check my sig.

I honestly don't know how I keep track of this collection of nonsense facts and figures, the interactions are exponential, but the good news is that we've got a community.

If you get into trouble, post it and there will be help. If you get an idea and share it, others will use it. If something gets made, it will get improved over time.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I watch GrumpyGamerLP on youtube for tutorials on several FTB things (some of his tekkit tutorials can be helpful too), Etho's and DocM's Mindcrack FTB LP for fun and ideas on how to go about things, I read wiki's to learn stuff about what I have no clue of, and I ask around in the server I play on.

At the start I was a bit overwhelmed too, so many things and no clue where to start. Luckily, xisumavoid started making a Learning FTB series and I got a bit of an insight of, at least, where to start. Sadly GregTech is becoming more a nuissance than fun, in my opinion, and that series is obsolete for the mindcrack pack (or IC2 and Gregtech themselves are practicaly obsolete in the mindcrack pack).

But for the most part for me it was a mix of wiki-ing stuff and playing around with stuff. Eventualy it all starts to make sense.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is called Direwolf20 FTB mod pack for a reason ;) much like everyone else, watch DW20, watch DW20, watch more DW20 ... unfortunately, I am not patient enough to wait for his current season episodes to be uploaded, so I tend to stray from what he is doing and go off and do my own thing, but watching his previous seasons is ultimately what prepared me, and much like anything else, just digging in for yourself, after a world or two, you will have them down just in time for new mods / updates to come along and keep you busy learning more after that ;)