What is the most overpowered mod in your opinion (NO ORESPAWN)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, but it's extremely limited, and at the end of enough effort that you could probably have all that anyway with most mods and packs out there.

EE2/Project E? Not so much, that's out-of-the-gate equivalency and allows you to abuse quite a few feedback mechanics resulting in an exponentially growing system for little to no effort.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you think that "dirt to diamonds" is overpowered, then ex-nihilo would probably count -- it does saplings to diamonds.

(Granted, it takes a while to go from saplings to diamonds, but the path is there.)

(saplings, wood, silk worms, string, mesh, sifters, pebbles, stones, hammers, etc.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In non-skyblocks it's gravel+wood+string = diamonds, though by itself it doesn't let you automate that process... or it didn't, I haven't seen the newer Ex Nihilo versions

Henry Link

Popular Member
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
Well now that it is resurected, lets have some fun with it. So I have to say the woot is extremely overpowered. It basically removes all the fun and danger of setting up a real mob spawner.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2017
I'd have to say, Draconic Evolution's armor is OP. The Draconic Armor can prevent 1 shots which is just so good.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Well, avaritia is basically the definition of overpowered, making you truly invincible and capable of instakilling anything.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
HSLA Steel crossbows with regenerating ammo.
Machine-gun auto-fire. Whoops, that creeper is about to explode, I'll start attacking it. Dead.


It also requires, I believe, several million of multiple resources.
This basically starts a different discussion on "what makes a mod overpowered". Pure power level? Does cost factor in? What do we compare it to?
I guess that's what makes the "in your opinion part", though..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This basically starts a different discussion on "what makes a mod overpowered". Pure power level? Does cost factor in? What do we compare it to?
I guess that's what makes the "in your opinion part", though..
I would say balance is a mixture of a few things (it's how I balance stuff, I haven't released much for Minecraft though):

* Recipe Tedium (0-4)
* Time Consumption (0-4)
* Resource Consumption (0-4)
* Additional: Automation Tedium/Difficulty (0-4)
* Additional: Multiblock Structure Tedium/Difficulty (0-4)

The idea is 1-3 is the realistic values, Easy Medium and Hard where 4 is restricted for things that are unrealistic such as for example a recipe requiring a few billion of something or the Time Consumption being in they years (meaning you need to do something to circumvent it). As long as the value for the first 3 adds up to 6 I'd say it's balanced; The additional values are for added difficulty or fun (Buildcraft pipes are fun because they are clunky and require thought where as Ender I/O pipes are easy to use and the build itself isn't thought about; So the additionals at the end of the dayare difficulty enhancers).

Side Note: 0 or lower is restricted for mods that make things easier such as Equivalent Exchange. I don't normally tag lower as anything than 0 however; some are just more overpowered than others.


Specifically, Extra Utilities, Uncrafting Table (by jglrxavpok), and Gravity Gun.

Why this combination specifically? Well, because:

- Craft a ton of regular GravityGuns, you can do the Division Sigil ritual to self-induce lightning, then get a ton of free supercharged guns. Now just go to the uncrafting table and uncraft all of them, there you go, free nether stars (ok, not free, but they might as well be, they only cost 5 XP levels to uncraft). If you want more than just nether stars, craft up a Nether star gen and throw them all into the generator, there you go, insane amounts of power (which, if you do the math, will produce 40K rf/t, and 48M in a minute).

- By uncrafting an item made from unstable ingots (e.g building wand, block of unstable ingots) in the uncrafting table, you can glitch out the ingots and bypass the explosion timer. (And if you're using tinkers, you can use a crafting station instead)

If you're looking for something less specific, I would say dimension-building mods (take Mystcraft or RFTools, although personally I recommend Mystcraft since you don't need to worry about power or any advanced machinery and literally just use a pen and paper, although RFTools comes without instability plus you can absorb certain objects to obtain dimlets, so i guess each has their own perks. Using them together, however, completely breaks RFTools since you don't need to have the dimension tab in the dimension builder [and therefore, waste power] and can instead use a book).

Draconic Evolution is another one. Yes, it is a mod designed for late game players (very late game in fact), but that doesn't mean the stuff you can make with it is not insane.

Tinkers is definitely up there (on a scale on 1 to 10 though, maybe a 6?), of course, it it isn't all Draconic Evolution-y where you have hilariously overpowered tools. But it's pretty great that you can make a tool that you like and one that works the best. When it works, it works good. (And let's not forget those XP berries, those are hilarious and pretty much outdo any mob XP grinder, if you're patient, that is)

Extra Utilities is also great for other reasons (building wand i love you). And a couple other things (cough, transfer pipes work with almost any item that has an inventory, cough, unlike itemducts from TE which only work with vanilla and TE blocks, cough)

Speaking of, TE is a great mod. Pulverizer, barely on the 5th ingame day? Ore doubling on the 5th ingame day is great, that way I don't need to worry about running out of iron (or anything else, but let's be real here, iron is used to death in most tech mods). (still, it has it's issues, cough itemducts cough)

Well i've rambled for long enough. and wow this is a long post
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Really? Probably something wrong with my version of TE then

(im sorry itemducts)


Avarita. It is just, craziness. It is very hard to get the following materials but combine it with other OP mods, than you will end up with a sword that one hit kills everything (Except probably Twilight Forest's Hydra and Titan mod's mobs especially Witherzilla), pickaxe that 'deletes' stone and obsidian and can even mine bedrock, an axe that dosen't require you treecapitator and just 'deletes' the tree, a bow that is even better when you miss and still deals 20 damage, a sword that, if used to kill withers, will garuntee you a wither skull no matter what? Foods that instantly fills up hunger bars? Armor that will give you every useful buffs and will give you the abillity to fly and become truly invincible? Plus, every tool I mentioned has infinity durability. Compared to this, Orespawn is normal.


Jan 29, 2015
I submit Silent's Gems for consideration. Looking at the tools and armour that can be made with it, as well as the utilities, for not a huge cost.