What is the best Tinker's Construct Material should I use for the Tconstruct Bows

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I got an Tinker's Construct Iron Bow with bunch of redstone but doesn't make my bow faster drawback. Is there a modifier or a material that can make Tinker's Construct Bow's Drawback make it even faster?
I know what you're looking for, my friend. Those bows, no matter of material, pull back absurdly slowly. I bet it's a bug.
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As others said, paper actually seems to be the best. It greatly decreases pullback time, and unfortunately arrow speed (which results in less distance). Also note that you can make an Enchanted Bowstring from Thaumcraft's Enchanted Fabric, which decreases pullback/speed and adds an extra modifier. I played around with them a bit, and so far it seems to me like the best bow is paper/cactus with an enchanted bowstring. Strangely, you seem to be better off using early materials. Perhaps this will change later.

Also, someone mentioned the Nether woods. I know Natura has its own bows for them, but does anyone know exactly what they do? I've asked on the Natura thread and received no answer, and haven't been able to understand the differences in the code from Vanilla. I also noticed Fusewood bows have their own class that extends Natura bow, indicating they're even more different, but I haven't noticed a difference when testing.

Arrows are a bit more complicated, and I'm still not sure what's best for the head. For the rod, it seems like green slime is the best, since it has a low weight (I assume that's good, since they fly farther) and doesn't affect accuracy. It seems like the basic feather fletching is the best, as the others add weight and decrease accuracy as well I think.

This is all from a bit of testing in creative, so if anyone has better info, please let me know! I've been trying to get answers on this and haven't found anything really, even after searching both the TiC and Natura threads on Minecraft Forums.

Edit (god I edit almost every post I make. Need to proofread first): By the way, to clarify on why I suggest a combination of Cactus and Paper for the bow: paper/paper will give you a bow with extremely low drawback speed, but almost no distance. Cactus/Cactus will give you 1/1, like wood does, but I *think* the paper will lead to more damage with a quartz mod. The combination of the two gives a good mix of distance and speed.

Also, I can confirm that redstone works on bows. As I recall, on my Cactus/Paper/Enchanted bow, it went from .74 to .7 drawback speed from a whole 50 redstone. So, while it's doable, it doesn't really seem worth it compared to a quartz, blaze, or knockback mod. I think a paper/paper/enchanted with full knockback could be really useful, but I don't know if it stacks past 2. I think you may be able to get even more if you're willing to enchant arrows.
I was paying around with different modifiers on bows and arrows today. I would like to point out that quartz, smite, bane, and fiery on a bow are pretty useless seeing as these only proc when you whack something with the bow (which also damages it too). Knockback though is really usefull for batting away that annoying angry zombie or sneaky creeper should they get in range.
As for arrows, Ive also discovered that they do NOT break when hitting something, so there really isnt any reason to make more than a stack of them (unless you are ghast hunting or dont care to collect them, then I suggest using a bunch of cheap arrows). Speaking of cheap arrows, I personally use only leaf fletchings. These are much easier to come by, dont add much wait, and the 87%(?) accuracy only comes into play at long ranges (plus most of my feathers are going to other mod items). I also use obsidian tips simply because of the low cost, lighter weight (i believe) and ease of accessibility over flint. Other materials are good too for the higher damage, but in my current world Im rather low on those great materials. Ive still have to do some testing with rods, but I do know that wood and cactus function the same. Because I do all my testing in a legit survival world, I cannot justify throwing away things like iron and alumite, incase there are better materials :)
Moving on to modifiers, they function a little differently than how you are used to. First thing to note, is that you can choose to throw some blaze powder, for example, on each and every arrow, or you can be smart about it and use 25 blaze powder on an ENTIRE STACK to modify all of them at once XD Other than that, they function in much the same way as the other tools do:
Quartz: adds Sharpness, 72 for max increase per modification
Blaze Powder: adds Fire Aspect, 1/5th of a second per powder with a max of 25 for 5 seconds burning PER ARROW :D
Fermented Spider Eye: adds Bane of Arthropods, 1-2 bonus damage per 4 eyes
Consecrated Soil: adds Smite, 1-2 bonus damage per 36(?) soil

Ive yet to try out the rest of the modifiers on arrows, but I can picture a knockback arrow looking pretty funny looking XD

Thank you for investigating this! For rods, the lightest I noticed was Green Slime, but that's hard to come by, so I think Cactus is probably the best then for extra damage. As I recall, paper rods lower accuracy the most. You're actually better off not really using metal tips I think, since they add quite a bit of weight. Metal rods are particularly horrible, with a full mahnamahna arrow weighing 12 or so. It's also especially good to know not to bother with adding damage onto bows, because that means you can just burn tons of redstone on it, although it doesn't seem to have *too much* of an effect. It might be better with a metal bow, I guess, but I like the quickdraw of the paper/cactus bow I use. I'll test more later. Also good to know about being able to enchant a stack of arrows at a time. I think that just makes sense, since I wasn't bothering if it had to be 1 by 1. I kind of wonder if there will be an easy way to choose which arrows you're firing, so we could properly use the Bane/Smite effects.

They are more durable.

Fusewood bow seems to have its own class in the Natura code. Do you know for sure it's just even more durable? There seems to be quite a bit added if that's all it is. I haven't been able to sort it out properly myself, so I'd like to know more.
Fusewood bow seems to have its own class in the Natura code. Do you know for sure it's just even more durable? There seems to be quite a bit added if that's all it is. I haven't been able to sort it out properly myself, so I'd like to know more.
Well, i'm sure that's not it, but i was talking about flamestring.
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