What have you done in FTB/Modded minecraft today?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Got a basic LP sorting system done, got my chestnut saplings, got a basic 4 wind turbine power supply for my base, got my LP system to automatically process ores. Next up: improve my tico tools by upgrading to steel+electric and start growing fortune, finish my workshop by setting up TE manufacturing machines and an induction furnace, reset my TE smooth stone gen to be part of a sand+gravelgen so I can immediately start stockpiling flint and rich slag for ore tripling, replace my mooth stone generator with a fully autonomous Engineer's Toolbox block, set up a nether lava system for stage 2 power, and then use stage 2 power for things.

I'm strongly considering getting an early quarry running so that I can focus on building. I'm thinking what I might do is investigate using MFFS3 for my base power network. It's lossless and can be very flexible and does not suffer the 10% power loss of tesseracts. All I need to do is get upgrades. I sort of like this plan if the range upgrades are cheap. In no small part because I've never seen it before.