What Has Happened in the Last Few Years?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yo guys I used to play a lot and was active on the forums about 2 or so years ago and I am just now getting back into it. The last time I played regularly was when the FTB Launcher was still an independent platform (not part of Curse nor Twitch) if that is any indication of how long it has been.

Anyway, I just remembered modded minecraft and so I was going to try to get back into it and so I loaded up the dw20 1.10 pack and it was too much, too fast. I tried watching videos and found that they either assumed I was familiar with the current version of the mod and lost me or assumed that I had not played modded minecraft ever and got boring. So, can anyone either recommend me a video or channel to watch or briefly highlight some changes between 1.6.4-now?


Popular Member
Mar 3, 2015
Ho boy,

1.7.10 is something you might be more comfortable with actually. It's a very stable and still very playable version. I recommend Dire's 1.7.10 pack or FTB Infinity. That will seem a lot more familiar because most mods in 1.6.4 moved to 1.7.10.

The jump to 1.8+ lost a lot of mods (Rotarycraft, Buildcraft (although it has a 1.11.2 alpha), Thaumcraft, and others), but it enabled things like chisel and bits to work without huge performance hits. minecraft.curseforge.com is now the main place to find mods. Currently the community is somewhat divided on what to play, be it 1.7.10 or 1.10/11.

There's not going to be one video (or really even a few videos) that explain what has changed. However, Direwolf20 usually does fairly complete mod spotlights, and Mischief of Mice does some very nice and informative videos on newer mods. This guy does let's plays with individual mods which are fairly well explained.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Infinity 1.7.10 is a fantastic as previously mentioned. IMO it "was" modded Minecraft for many years.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mannnnn, For years I was wondering when we'd move on from 1.7 and now it happens but I have to leave behind Thaumcraft? Way to Sophie's choice me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@pizzawolf14 Just a thought for you. I have an extremely small Beyond server. I enjoy teaching people how to play too. If you want to join me and my friend, I usually play in the evenings CST.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Personally, I am enjoying FTB Beyond a great deal, a lot of overlap with DireWolf20 mudpack.

Essentially you can still do all of the things you always could do, but with the inclusion of new mods and some mods fading
into the background, the gameplay has changed somewhat.

I enjoy the new challenges and trying to do things differently to how I did them before. My path through FTB Beyond
is nothing like it was in FTB Infinity.

There are some mods I miss, such as Logistics Pipes and MineFactory Reloaded. But there are other ways of achieving
the same goals.

Recently FTB Beyond had Thermal Foundation added, which is nice.

Today we are literally spoilt for choice in modded Minecraft.

Short Version, don't write off the newer mod packs (which also run on a much updated Minecraft engine and are
getting bug fixes), spend a bit of time with them and enjoy exploring new ideas :)
