What do you want in a mod pack?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, all that stuff:
quests vs no quests
tons of biomes vs skyblock
well known staples vs newer mods
more/less difficult hunger?
more/less difficult mobs?
which mods are a must-have?
which mods are too overpowered?
which mods are too underpowered/too expensive?


quests vs no quests
tons of biomes vs skyblock
well known staples vs newer mods
more/less difficult hunger?
more/less difficult mobs?
which mods are a must-have?
which mods are too overpowered?
which mods are too underpowered/too expensive?
Quests are nice if done correctly
Same with skyblock, but I prefer normal worlds. Custom maps, maybe.
I prefer difficulty to be mainly in other dimensions.
Some crafting guide and map is a must-have. Thaumcraft Node Tracker, if you run Thaumcraft.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Personally for me a mod pack isn't fun if it is absurdly difficult, I hate mods that make it harder for me to get the resources I need. I'm also not a fan of Story-Driven or questing packs as I don't want to be told HOW I should be playing a pack, I wan't to make my own adventure. But that's just my opinion on what's fun.

As for preferred mods everyone has their own style they like. Personally I am in LOVE with the industrial based mods like Immersive engineering, Pneumaticraft, Railcraft, and Mekanism. As I like to make huge mass production factories. But some people go for more of a future tech, some go for a magic theme. some go for those crazy ramp up the difficulty to the max packs.

You can't make a mod pack for everyone because no computer could run it.

When making a mod pack it's more you have to ask yourself what YOU want to play and what people LIKE YOU would want to play. Make a modpack for a target audience, rather than crowd storming up one. You'll come up with a much more coherent pack rather than some some all in one reject.

Also this is a problem I see with a LOT of mod packs, even if your computer can handle it, try to keep the RAM and CPU ghz usage under the general average for home computers. Don't add in a bunch of mods to make it beautiful just to have it be unplayable be the average Joe.

Now there are some staples that almost EVERY mod pack should have:

-Extra Untilities- Nearly every pack has this, and for good reason, it's packed full of useful things that make the mundane tasks a bit less tedious, and allows the player to enjoy the rest of the pack. Not to mention it adds a few really nice features all by itself

-Some form of Storage System- 2 of the really popular ones are Applied Energistics 2 and LogisticalPipes. AE is more futuristic and shiny. Logistical pipes has more of an Industrial theme. There are many other storage system, but these 2 are the most popular.

-NEI and OreDict- If you don't use these you might as well not even make a mod pack, nuff said.

-Decorative Block Mods- Things like Chisle help breath variety and life into the builds in a modack, you can have all the awesome mods you want but will they really look good in a vanilla cobblestone shack?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A fun thoughtful coherent experience.

Make sure every mod you add will have its place. There needs to be a reason for each mod being in. You will notice that there is no packs with EVERY mod in it. There isn't even a pack with ALL the good mods in it. Try to avoid redundancy in game mechanics but don't be too strict.

Essentially I like packs that you can tell had some thought put in to it and not just a liberal shoveling of mods.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's an automatic thing that the mobile app does. Can't really turn it off, but no one really cares and even customize it a bit.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't focus on 1 mistake, and take the entire post as is.

What are you trying to get at? What mistake?

They where just clarifying what you mean. You might not mean Forge's OreDictionary API, but an actual mod called OreDict.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, sorry. The I just meant the default oredict in forge.

Sorry for my confusion. I post right before I fell asleep.


My preferences for modpacks are those which promote exploration and critical thinking while minimizing the use of grind as a mechanic. I want to build new complex systems to make things work, play with contraptions I've never seen, and explore a world with content I've not yet experienced.
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Definitely quest's = HQM , i rather play for a reason when i play a modpack.
Tinker's construct crafting table, even if all other recipes/weapons locked i want to reach a chest nearby from my crafting station.
Botania/Thaumcraft , adds a lot of end game goals.
Techonlogy, i love to automate stuff.
I guess that's what i look for mainly in a modpack, usually before i start a new modpack i look up these 4 mods mainly, then play a bit to decide.
Also customized mobs... Normal mobs at Minecraft are so squishy after a while, there is no challenge, you can simply run at night without even getting damaged , or being scared.
These are my factor's, i hope that these will give you an insight on your modpack / Also feel free to message me for alpha testing , always willing to test things up!
Good luck /
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
short answer: everyone wants something unique and new.....
use your imagination
I get that, I was just curious about what, specifically, people are wanting to see done, or if anyone has an amazing idea for a mod pack, but maybe they don't care to actually put the time in and make it themselves. If the question were simpler, I would have just made a poll, I guess I could make a google form or something, maybe later.

It's interesting to me how some people hate/love certain mods to the point where they wont even try a pack if it is(not) included.