Fun fact: Lightning wands seem to be able to charge Nitro Creepers.
I found this when I was goofing around in a test world with Thaumcraft wands with Potency X, and I spawned some of the creeps in the overworld. I did not try to blow one up.
If this still happens with natural Nitro Creepers in the Nether, with a legitamately-enchanted wand, a trusted weapon could spell one's own doom.
A bit off-topic (as this was in Unhinged), but Dimensional Doors dungeons can be creepy. The black apparent nothingness (What is that stuff, anyway?) surrounding the narrow walkway, the TNT on either side of my head right next to the door I'd just stepped through, and the (needless to say, creepy) music all combined made me linkbook my way out of there, and then destroy the rift that initially led me in.