That hobby is now someone's else job, @
AlCapella has a very helpful signature stating the "Solve" thing in.
I'm now devoted to conversation; that's why I created this thread.
Known for being the wise wanderer.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I got tagged!
Okay, as my father is fond of saying, being popularly notorious is all right, but being notoriously popular? hmmm!

Nein! Nein! Nein! I would rather not like to be known "notoriously" in the first place at all
I would like to be known for saying "BLAAARGWAARGGFFLL"

I would most like to be known for giving out helpful replies at all times.
But really, I am replying just to leave that "notorious" signature here
Also, want to clarify to all and sundry, I have absolutely
Zero (with a capital Zed) interest in moderation or policing these forums. Adding a [SOLVED] to finished threads is something I picked up from helping out on a few other forums.

I've seen that it really goes a long way in newbies searching for answers and prevents duplication. It also improves the confidence score of a forums' help quotient. If my signature starts getting any more attention, then it is DEFINITELY going to be replaced with a blaargwaargfl and a Yoda quote "Into exile, I must go. *
Failed*, I have." Be warned, all ye