What are some mod combinations that makes your life easier?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Certain mods just work amazingly well together, even if they weren't directly made for it, making that normally tedious task, or difficult problem just that much easier. What are some of your favorite mods that blend well?

I just want to say how EASY making a logistics pipes system with chassis and modules is when you have Botania also in a pack. Since Botania flowers grow EVERYWHERE you always have every dye you will ever need for module cards in most places, just mortar and pestle them into dye powders!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Eio travelers wand and open block glider makes travel a bit too trivial. Back in the day they where dungeon loot that is. But getting one early mid game isn't too hard.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just found this one out: Immersive Engineering plates can be used as substitutes for Electrical Age plates at 1/4 of the cost to make them.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ExtraUtils Cursed Earth+MFR mob spawner=synthesise almost any non-boss mob drop virtually for free
Above setup+EnderIO=completely nullify ender pearls as a balancing mechanic, no dragon kill needed.
Botania+any treefarm=easy free mana that never decays
Pam's Harvestcraft+Agricraft+MFR=free food and power from biofuel, plus anything else you might use the crops for. Also good for Botania mana.
BigReactors+anything that uses RF, yeah we all know this one
TiCon+TE materials...
TiCon+any means of flight for emptying the nether of Cobalt, Ardite and quartz
Last Stand enchantment+xp farm=cheese pretty much any boss (Gaia2.0 comes to mind)
EnderIO+Thaumcraft=wisp spawner
Cross-compatibility of the EnderIO alloy smelter, TE induction smelter and TiCon smeltery can make your life a lot easier
EnderIO/Bibliocraft non-RNG enchanted books+Botania's mana enchanter(+MFR disenchanter)
Thaumic Restorer + TiCon smeltery to process mob drops (and duplicate rare enchantments via disenchanter); you can get free essentia from MFR rubber
Shock focus vs. anything that messes with projectiles (Gaia Guardian again...)
Chisel has great compatibility with microblock/cover/facade systems, including the EnderIO painting machine and Carpenter's Blocks (avoid multiblock textures though)
Most plant growth boosters stack, so more mods=more power.

I guess quite a few of these could be called exploits, but to each their own :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe it is thaumic tinkerer that has the aer infused fire. That with water makes cake. Put enough Kek's from botania nearby any you have a "cake reactor" that produces tons of mana at minimal start up cost and no running cost.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh yeah, one extremely convenient one I forgot is being able to teleport Aura Nodes via Blood Magic Teleposers. Costs virtually nothing, moves obsidian boxes along with the hungry node itself and doesn't damage the node in any way (obelisks explode if you port out their node though). Add a Portal Gun or similar device to travel back and forth yourself.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You also have to build the containment out of sandstone or mod blocks and have to ensure the thing keeps running or the fire will go out. See this post for an example setup (not mine).
Someone also claimed the fire had infinite spread range through air, so build an outer shell before you light anything and have a few bottles of the perditio version at hand, just in case.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
I dunno about making life easier, but the combination of Agricraft, Pam's Harvestcraft, and Hunger Overhaul completely changes the way food is managed, and I consider it to be a superior method. Add in Cooking For Blockheads for even more amusement with cooking in a non-automatible manner.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ChromatiCraft and AE: Put interface on the bottom of your casting table and all your output goes to your system, great for making mass amounts of crystalline stone or runes.

RotaryCraft, ChromatiCraft, and Mekanism: This involves the interaction between multiple operation-per-tick machines (running at said speeds), tile accelerators, and Mekanism pipes. Ya see, Mek pipes are accelerated by ChC accelerators. This means you can kick the ass out of lubricant production with a single, overpowered grinder. Place accelerators (the faster, the better) against any Mek pipes set to extract, and you'll be able to keep up with all but the most insane demands.

RotaryCraft and Pressure Pipes: For those times when even bedrock pipes can't keep up with the amount of fluid you're producing.

ChromatiCraft and any auto-farming mod: The fertility blooms are like hyped-up fertility lillies from Xeno's Reliquary, and kijani lasers are overpowered as hell. Use them with an Agricraft canola farm and you'll need a nuclear reactor to even hope to keep up with production. Even then, you'll want a DSU for seeds and husks. You'll have a lot of them.