What am I doing wrong?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A rather simple (or so it seems) setup turns out to be a puzzle for me. I have several magmatic engines connected to energy tesseract via redstone energy conduit, powering a remote quarry. No matter what I do (and the only thing I can think of that I can do is change engine connection points from blue to yellow), they refuse to run at full speed, producing only 0.4 MJ, making my quarry run slow and making me partly sad and partly hulk smash! Is it a bug or is it me not understating something vital about engines, tesseracts or conduits and doing something wrong?

[edit] Forgot to mention, that I'm using FTB Unleashed pack. But I had the same problem at Ultimate so I doubt it matters.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Screenshots incoming. Conduit connection change does nothing as I mentioned in my original post.

[edit] Nevermind. I forgot that tesseracts can only handle 100 MJ. Adding more, solved the problem.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One tesseract should make the quarry run at basically full speed. The quarry will run a tiny bit faster at 100 mj but it's a waste of energy to create another tesseract to get that last 25 mj. I assume you had more than 25 magmatics set up on the one tesseract? IMO the 75mj that would get to the quarry from one tesseract is more than enough. But, to each his own...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One tesseract should make the quarry run at basically full speed. The quarry will run a tiny bit faster at 100 mj but it's a waste of energy to create another tesseract to get that last 25 mj. I assume you had more than 25 magmatics set up on the one tesseract? IMO the 75mj that would get to the quarry from one tesseract is more than enough. But, to each his own...

I ended up with 40 magmatic engines. Had 15 at first. Then I started adding second and third quarry, and noticed that they began to slow down, so I added more magmatics and totaly forgot about tesseract MJ limits.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I personally use 1 tesseract per quarry, and set the output at 60MJ. Somewhere I read that 48 MJ at the quarry is about the most efficient power level to run it at. More than that and you get less bang for your buck. Anyway, 60MJ minus 20% loss puts you at about 48 MJ at the quarry.

Edit: I left out the part where I use an Energy Cell set to 60 MJ output in front of each Tesseract to throttle the output.