The previous werewolf game that just completed was a little shorter than I had hoped...but oh well, that just means it's time for another one! This one is still going to have just a basic werewolfesque theme to it...though the next one might have a more "unique" theme to it
For those who have never played can find the rules fir this game in the spoiler below.
For those who have played, read it anyway as the roles are included
We will need a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 25 players. Game starts 2 days after we get 10 signups or when 25 people have signed up...whichever happens first. A new thread will be started for the actual game once it starts.

For those who have never played can find the rules fir this game in the spoiler below.
For those who have played, read it anyway as the roles are included
Werewolf takes place in a series of turns, in repeating order of 1 night turn followed by 1 day turn...until we have a winner (or winners). For this instance of werewolf, nightfall is at midnight EST...if you have a power to use because of your MUST have it to me by midnight EST.
During the day, all members of the game will discuss amongs themselves in the thread trying to figure out who the werewolves are (and other roles that are useful to the villagers survival). This is done in the thread and can be in private convos as well with people you "trust"...good luck with that.
Before nightfall, each person must vote to lynch someone. This vote must be in bold and can be changed, the most recent bolded vote always takes precedence. Those who do not vote before nightfall will be smited.
During the night, players in roles that have useable powers must send a list of 3 people they want to use them on (in case the 1st/2nd one in the list dies in the night, the 2nd/3rd will be used). These lists must be sent before nightfall. Daytime will begin again as soon as I (the GameMaster) posts the results from the nights turn.
The abilities are decided at the start of the game based on random chance. There is no guarantee that all (or any) will be in play, or who has them if they are...until they are used.
Please note: Not all roles/abilities will be used in each game...these are just the possible roles that could be in use.
During the day, all members of the game will discuss amongs themselves in the thread trying to figure out who the werewolves are (and other roles that are useful to the villagers survival). This is done in the thread and can be in private convos as well with people you "trust"...good luck with that.
Before nightfall, each person must vote to lynch someone. This vote must be in bold and can be changed, the most recent bolded vote always takes precedence. Those who do not vote before nightfall will be smited.
During the night, players in roles that have useable powers must send a list of 3 people they want to use them on (in case the 1st/2nd one in the list dies in the night, the 2nd/3rd will be used). These lists must be sent before nightfall. Daytime will begin again as soon as I (the GameMaster) posts the results from the nights turn.
- The GameMaster is ALWAYS right. Arguing with the GameMaster in public means instant death. The GameMaster is in charge of the flow of the game, if you think they should handle something differently, do it via PM.
- You may talk to each other in separate convos if you wish, but you may not use screenshots of conversations from anyone else in order to try to "prove" who you are. You must do that through your cunning use of vocabulary. I cannot enforce this is the honor system...and meant to increase the fun of the game.
- You may also not post screenshots of conversations into the thread. If you would like to "quote" all means do's not like we'll believe you anyway.
- Roles will be revealed on death only if the Priest is alive.
- Villager - you are just a boring villager, you have no special powers...your only job is to vote during the day and survive the night. You win if all werewolves are killed.
- Werewolf - you are a beastly creature. Deceptive by day, cold blooded killer by night. You know who the other werewolves are and will choose one villager to kill during the night. You win as soon as your number is equal to (or you outnumber) the villagers.
- Rabid Wolf - You are a werewolf, but may choose to infect another rather than kill. Beware, this ability only works on villagers with no other role...and can end badly should you choose the wrong person.
- Lone Wolf - Normal werewolf with one twist...only wins if they are the only surviving werewolf.
- Alpha Wolf - Confuses Seer's and reverses their reading.
- Priest - As long as the priest is alive, roles will be revealed on death. This role WILL be in the game.
- Hunter - Is one of the villagers, but with a special power. When the Hunter dies they must choose one other person to fire their last arrow at...taking them out along with them selves. Also, if they are the last surviving villager vs one werewolf, they overcome the werewolf and win the game.
- Bodyguard - A member of the villagers, they may choose to protect one person during the night. They may not protect themselves, and they may not protect the same person twice in a row. Should the person they choose to protect get attacked, they will die in their place.
- Seer - A member of the villagers. The Seer can look at one person each night and see what their allegiance is.
- Drunken Seer - exactly the same as the Seer, except only has a 60% chance to get the correct reading. The drunken seer is adamant that they are not a drinker however...and so they believe they are in fact just a normal sober seer.
- Mayor - The leader of the village, in the case of a tie the mayor's vote becomes a swing vote. Beware...this is an extra role and can also be any other role.
- Apothecariast - A villager that carries two secret potions. One can kill anyone during the night and one can resurrect anyone during the night, only one can be used per night. Each potion may only be used once.
- Healer - A villager that can raise a dead player back to life during the night, once per game.
- Sorcerer - Member of the evil team, can view a person each night to determine if they are a seer.
- Witch - Member of the evil team, can choose one person each night and block their special power from being used if they have one.
The abilities are decided at the start of the game based on random chance. There is no guarantee that all (or any) will be in play, or who has them if they are...until they are used.
- Governance: The Mayor may overide all votes and choose who to lynch during the day. One use only, and only applicable to the Mayor.
- Ghost: If this player dies, they may choose 3 words to post into the thread at any time. Names are not allowed. One use only.
- Truth Serum: Ask the Game Master [in private] if something someone has said is a lie or not. One use only.
- Toughness: Can survive a lynching or a night time kill attempt. One use only.
- Resurrection Stone: Can bring one player back to life during the night. One use only. If player holding the stone dies without having used it, they will be resurrected the next night.
- Thief: Can steal someone elses Special Ability. Choose wisely, as this ability is wasted if you choose someone without an ability. A second try is allowed if the first try fails.
- Unstable: Kills one of their own every 3rd night. Can not kill or vote for self.
- Copycat: Vote must match the person that voted immediately before them. But can be changed to the vote immediately after them. Cannot be the first to vote, or first to lock a vote. Must lock vote as soon as any other vote is locked.
Please note: Not all roles/abilities will be used in each game...these are just the possible roles that could be in use.
We will need a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 25 players. Game starts 2 days after we get 10 signups or when 25 people have signed up...whichever happens first. A new thread will be started for the actual game once it starts.
- goreae
- the_j485
- Strikingwolf
- Not_Steve
- Shazam08
- Jus2beast
- Qazplm601
- YX33A
- SoraZodia
- dgdas9
- Sleepyscumbag
- Vikestep
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