Day 3 Votes:
Sleepyscumbag - - (YX33A locked)
YX33A - - (Sleepyscumbag, Vikestep locked, goreae locked, Jus2beast locked, dgdas9 locked, Strikingwolf, Qazplm601)
Did not vote [and hence is now dead]: the_j475 (votes after nightfall do not count...)
It was a hard decision today for the villagers. They had killed one of their own the day before without much thought. Today one person started screaming a name and the rest of the villagers seemingly followed. The overwhelming vote and pointing of fingers landed directly on YX33A and he was strung up on the same hastily built gallows that ended the life of SoraZodia the day before.
Suddenly and without warning, a bolt of lighting came from no where and smote down the_j485 who had been hiding in the back of the crowd, trying to stay neutral without fear of being blamed for the killing of an innocent.
As everyone looked into the sky to see where the sudden strike of lighting had come from, they see dark clouds begin to role in as the sun slowly sinks over the horizon...and yet again the full moon begins to rise. Many of them catch a faint glimpse of redness on the once white moon.
That night is a long night for them. No one can sleep as they all wait for the sounds that are surely to come. Afraid to leave their rooms for fear of being eaten alive on the streets. It takes longer than the nights before it seems, but around 3am the howling begins and the villagers can hear the creature...or is it creatures?, it's hard to tell...prowling the streets of the town.
Then from the residental street, where everyone is currently hiding in their door-barred homes comes a loud shattering noise followed shortly by a sound of struggle. Vikestep had made sure that his door was so well locked down that he had forgotten to block off the large window near his dining room. It sounded to the other villagers as if he put up quite a fight for a few minutes before a grim quiet settled over the village once more...and the sun began again to rise into the sky.
After the villagers felt it was safe to come out of their homes, they all had an overwhelming feeling that some special presence had left them. They searched the homes of the dead as they had done on the previous days, but try as they might...they could not find a single piece of evidence linking any of the 3 dead people to who, or what, they could have been.