End of Day 2
- The villagers, getting restless, called for another lynching simply because noodles. As a result, RJS was hoisted high over their heads in a hydrogen blimp. However, the flaming arrow that was supposed to have been sent into the blimp's combustible interior through the exhaust aperture was instead misfired, directly into xTordX's chimichanga truck. One can only imagine the hysteria this produced.
- But this, if you will, interesting day was not yet over, as the primordial bacteria being fermented for scientific analyses by the doctor, Spwnx, erupted prematurely and boiled their way across his lawn and down the multiple manholes to reside in the sewers. The villagers are now cowering in fear and trembling before the wrath of their mayor, RNG, and hoping against hope that whoever was responsible for this mess (read: the archer, who conveniently disapparated on the spot) is swiftly caught.
- As the local statistician and records master, Pyure took it upon himself to turn things around by grilling those involved in the aforementioned incidents, and also by using a complicated algorithm involving 3 donkeys, 12 pounds of beezlenut oil, and 52 weeks of years, along with a dragon heartstring and a transvector graph.
- Completely unsuspecting that the bacteria underground were now proliferating at alarming speed, LivingAngryCheese was having a good, long catnap in his front garden.
- Oh, and Eruantien? Well, he sat down and wrote a novel.
- RJS was subjected to a riot, but was saved by RNG.
- SpwnX's experimentation backfired, but was saved by RNG.
- Pyure's Statistician ability revealed the identity of Nobody, but RNG prevented him from seeing Nobody's role, ability(s), or previous actions.
- Eruantien was bored and wrote this to amuse himself (and hopefully others).
- cbachman, as RNG's incarnation, was the archer. He was, unfortunately, unrecognized and managed to get away before anybody realized what had happened.