Mr. Clean, right behind you.._. Umm... I... Changed my mind about Gideon... But god damn he's clean! :|
DO YOU KISS YOUR MOTHER WITH THAT MOUTH?!?!Dank dankey dank dank!!!
Dank!! (What could this mean?)
You didn't read any of the links we gave you did youNoob question: Are votes bad?
Duly Pyure
I'm not corruptPS: you're welcome for answering your question I guess
Likewise, that's three strikes for you.Vote pyrue, your being a little harsh m8...
Folks I think we have our first glimmer of the Wolf.20. SkeletonPunk (8/10) (Nobody, Vikestep -> Pyure, )
- Jumped on opportunity to say Sora’s murder was random and Pyure acts randomly: +1 suspicion
- Jumped on anti-vike vote for no reason (no possibility of AS): +1 suspicion
- Jumped on Pyure for "being harsh": +1 suspicion
9. Eruantien (4/10) (nobody, xtordx) (recognized Vike as a threat but didn’t murder him: -1)
I'm sorry I don't enjoy people blatantly insulting others? Also can you give a reason for Sora's death? If so enlighten me. And I was anti vike voting because I was pretty sure I didn't vote and wanted to make sure I did, vike is always my default since a few games ago and you know that. Please pick another person to push suspicous on. Also I wasn't even trying to push suspicion on you, if I did I would have voted for you, like you are doing right now.Likewise, that's three strikes for you.
Folks I think we have our first glimmer of the Wolf.
Vote SkeletonPunk, lock.
Apologies xTordX, you were used as a bit of bait there. I had concerns about Skel after the Vike vote.
an example of a blatant insultOk but its annoying to every person over the age of twelve.
But don't stress it: everyone, you can easily block xtordx's pics via adblock or similar extensions on other browsers.