I'll bring the bread and jam and saltAs much as I hate to agree with Wonderbread, guy's got a point. Nothing short of a conversion ability would let the wolf win. Commence celebrations.
Voke Dankwolf (Skeletonpunk). The dank is already getting on my nerves.
Salt? With bread and jam? I'm sorry, sir, but you seem to have misunderstood my invitation.I'll bring the bread and jam and salt
Salted bread with jam tastes really good and has special anti-wolf propertiesSalt? With bread and jam? I'm sorry, sir, but you seem to have misunderstood my invitation.
The enemies: there are a pair of these, and their win conditions are, kill the other enemy, and win with the village. They will know who their enemy is, but they have no special killing power. "
There can always be two O_OWoah woah woah Sora. This is my avatar. I had it first. Get a new one.![]()
We can reach an compromise maybeNope. There can be only one.
OK. Here are my terms. Change your avatar, and i will not do horrible things.We can reach an compromise maybe
http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/77651-hot-water-modQuestion: Since when is sora a mod developer, and what mod does he develop?
There is probably a reason you don't knowI is confused. At first I was like "what?" and then I was like "oh", but then I was like "eh, wha-at?"
So um. How many wolves are there? Is there just one, the FinalWolf, or are there more that we, and the rules, don't know about?