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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello everyone,
I'm having a problem with my DeathAdder 3.5g and ModularPowersuits.
On some computers I've played on, Mouse Button 4 works perfectly. On others, it acts as the "escape" button, and pauses the game. I've now solved that problem, by updating the LWJGL libraries.

However, now that I can use that button I've come to realize that ModularPowersuits doesn't seem to support it. I open up the game, log in to my server, hit "k", hit "new" and press Mouse Button 4. Crash.

Every time I try to bind Mouse Button 4 with ModularPowersuits, the game crashes. Now, I know there is a keybind file for ModularPowersuits, but it uses a system I don't know, and to be honest, it's kind of scary... I would like to avoid binding my Mouse Button 4 to another key (ex. "j") and binding "j" to the jetpack.

I appreciate any help!

P.S. Already tried force updating. Am using Unleashed v 1.1.3. ModularPowersuits 0.7.0-537.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That might actually be a driver issue with your mouse. I have bound mouse 4 and 5 to things before without crashing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As a temporary solution I would just make a new profile for FTB and have a different mouse4 option there, then make like your web browser change the profile to default.

For a more permanent solution, I don't quite know, my deathadder 2013 shows none of these issues..